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Book 9 Chapter 9

Rathalos Rathalos

"What are these stupid underlings doing!

Mach was on the verge of a tantrum.

The idiot minions, as she now calls them, stood by with their hands outstretched.

All I could do was watch anxiously.

In other words, it was useless at this point.

"Do we really need to break the taboo?

There seemed to be only one way to break free of this bondage, and that was to raise the Heavenly Axis Master Yuga Divine Gong to its polarity, which had the power to blow away any kind of bloodletting or subjugation once and for all.

But there was a significant risk of destabilizing her control over her body if she did, and she was hesitating now.

"Why don't you stop being so stubborn and just apologize?"

It wasn't until Bi Ryuyeon challenged her again that something happened that put an end to her hesitation.



Bi Ryuyeon turned her head at the sudden interruption.

"Why don't we stop doing that?"

The voice was weak but powerful, resonating in people's ears and hearts, and everyone's eyes were drawn to the voice's whereabouts.


A man of unusual dignity stood in the middle as the barrier between the finalized members of the Old Order split in two, like an ocean splitting. He was quiet, yet dignified, and possessed an overwhelming air of prayer that left those around him gasping for air.


Bi Ryuyeon paused for a moment. She could definitely feel the difference from a moment ago.

It was only then that I realized that the surrounding area, which had been noisy with people shouting at each other, was silent as a mouse. It was so silent you could hear a hair fall.


She looked at him with new eyes, and it was easy for her to see that the reason for this was the man who had suddenly appeared in front of her.

Even the uninitiated members of the Nine Kingdoms Council who surrounded them were now paying the utmost respect to the man who resembled a single jade dragon. It was Bai Muyoung, the Jade Dragon, who had led them to do so.

The entire Guzheng Society around him surrounded him and bowed.

"Members meet the president!"

With such a raucous entrance, it was inevitable that the eyes and attention of the natural biyou would be drawn to the man.

His hair was neatly coiffed, and his whole body exuded an aura of valor and foresight. His simple silk robes were a pale turquoise color, further complementing his quiet demeanor. On a jade jade belt around his waist hung two swords, an ancient longsword of greenish jade that seemed to have aged with him, and a white sword that seemed to have been carved out of white jade.

The elegance that flowed naturally from his whole body was like that of an exalted sailing crane, and his excellent prayer was like that of a dragon ruling over the Chang'e Sea and roaming the heavens. He was a man of astonishing appearance and extraordinary foresight. It was as if he had existed from birth to adulthood to stand above others.

"Who's that nice guy?"

Unable to contain her curiosity, she turned to Na Yerin. There were very few people with such an unusual prayer, even in the Heavenly Palace.

"Do I need to be as good as him to be able to compete with him?

He could hardly count on three fingers the number of people who had done so, and all but him had fallen short. It was indeed an extraordinary prayer of the Gungye Ilhak. A peculiar momentum that could only be felt from a supreme master flowed naturally from his body, unintentionally overwhelming his surroundings.

"Who are you?"

I'm curious about the year of birth.

"I am Yong Tianming of Shaolin, the current chairman of the Guzheng Council!"

The man who introduced himself as Yong Tianming said with a big smile on his face.


In an instant, the silence turned into an uproar; his presence had stirred the pot.

"Chang Tian Dragon!"

Mo Yonghui gasped. He was a martial artist whose focus was on martial arts, but it was also a name that had haunted him since childhood, causing an earache that had not been cured until recently.

"Never lose to Yong Chen."

"So this is the same child who is said to be able to tap into the Shaolin Dragon Heavenly Name!"

"You know what, I'm not even close to you!"

"For the honor of the Eight Great Families, you must never be second to Yong Tian."

"You shouldn't lose to others, of course, but especially not to Long Chen! Remember that!"

It was a phrase he'd heard over and over again, to the point of deafening, brainwashing, from his family and other Segas who occasionally visited. He had been compared to Long Tianming many times in his life since he was a child. It was as if the rivalry of the Nine Great Sects had been projected onto him, so even though he had never met him, he was no stranger to him.

The Dragon Heavenly Command!

As the current president of the Guzheng Council, the de facto supreme power of the Heavenly Martial Academy, he is the highly anticipated leader of the entire martial realm! It is said that all-weather geniuses exist for him, and he is an outstanding figure in both the literary and martial arts.

He was the product of a thousand years of history: a disciple of the Great Shaolin Temple. Shaolin's first sage in a hundred years! That was one of the dozens of epithets that clung to him. He was the first sage to have every good word prefixed to his name.

If you're going to fight a dragon, you've got to be a dragon yourself, and the people of the Heavenly Hall can only think of one or two people other than him, but if it's anyone else, they're right in front of me now, so I can pick them out in no time!

There stood the pride of the Eight Great Families, Mo Yonghui, who bore the nickname of the Seven Feast Divine Sword. Mo Yonghui may have been born a few years too late, but his potential was unrivaled.

"Whoa, what's going on?

Eunseulan's eyes turned toward Mo Yonghui.

"What's going on with this guy who's always been so quiet?

Right now, Mo Yonghui's gaze was filled with seriousness and determination.

"That's the one who pressed the trident mark by half a second!

Mo Yonghui, who had always been quiet, now exuded a fighting spirit from his entire body. It was a manifestation of instinct.

"When you meet a strong man, you want to gauge his martial prowess.

It's one of those things that martial artists always say. Even if he always pretended to be a quiet, calm, and collected student, he was a martial artist at heart.

"There are so many talented people born in this generation. Perhaps this is the best time for revitalization since the nightmare of the Heavenly Blood Tax a hundred years ago, when the spirit of the Martial Kingdom suffered a major blow. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many outstanding figures from both the righteous and the evil sides, would there? Do you see what I mean, Chong Nao?"

With a kindly smile on his face, Mazin Ga looked at Guan Qianxu of the Chongnuo Ice Sword. The document in his hand was an analysis of the skills of the current members of the Heavenly Palace. However, his expression was not very cheerful.

"I'm sorry, I'm not quite there yet, and I'm not sure I understand it easily."

Binggum replied in a quiet voice. It was a voice that showed little emotion.

"Heh, heh, heh! I'm telling you that this year's Volcano Convention is going to be the most difficult and the most epic yet. Let us not forget for a moment that this is the first convention in a hundred years."

"Sure, sure. I'll do my best."

Satisfied, Mazinga nodded slowly.

"I will authorize any means of coercion to do so."

His voice was firm. Clearly, Bok'an was right. At times like this, a majinga will not budge, no matter how hard you try to talk him out of it.

"Did you say by any means…"

"That's right. If the reports are to be believed, we'll never beat them with our current sloppy operations and execution."

His complexion had hardened a bit, apparently because of the problem.

"That doesn't mean……."

For the first time, something that could be called emotion appeared on Bing's face.

"That's right. I will open the sealed Phantom Demon Cave!"

"Seo…sulma hwa…hwanmadong?"

At the mention of Fang Ma Dong, the ice-cold face of Bing'er changed in an instant.

"Wasn't Hwanma-dong so dangerous that it was sealed off for 18 years?"

Originally, it was a gateway built to strengthen Kuan Daoists, but its difficulty and danger were too high, resulting in many injuries and eventual casualties. It was a demonic place, sometimes called the gateway to death, the gate of the dead. It was also a place that had been sealed off after a mass casualty incident 18 years earlier.

"The children of today don't seem to realize the weight of the wounds, the pain, and the blood that we were forced to bear in the past. Kang Ho has been too peaceful on the outside lately. Peace has the power to soften a man's will, but not this time. This time, we must win, no matter what."

"But I wonder if the opening of Hwanmadong will be too harsh on the children……."

It was a dangerous place, to say the least, much to the chagrin of Bing'er, who suspected him of being emotionless. To borrow a phrase from the people, it was more dangerous than it needed to be.

"We've made up our minds, and this time we must win on party lines. It's time to renew our resolve. I believe in the kids, even if it's a bit of a stretch."

A strong will flashed in Majinga's eyes. His body seemed as large as a mountain. As soon as a firm will was formed in his heart, a mountainous and majestic aura began to rise from his body.

"I will do your bidding!"

Bing Sword bowed his head in resignation. He didn't dare to defy Guan Zhu, who exuded the majesty of a mountain and the determination of a thousand-year megalith.


Maharaj was in a terrible mood.

'I can't believe I'm showing him this ugly…….'

She was so angry she wanted to bite her tongue. The thought of showing weakness or ugliness to this man was unthinkable to her.


She felt as if she could give up all of her position and status just to show this damned man the error of his ways and get back at him. It was an unfamiliar feeling that he had never felt before in his life.

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