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Book 9 Chapter 10

The Past Hidden in Scaffolding

-love (愛憎)

"I understand the temptation to overestimate your power,

Why don't we stop now?"

Long Tianming said in a soft voice.

But listening to her, Bi Ryuyeon's mood was quite unpleasant.

"Overconfidence? Why would I need to be overconfident?"

Biryuyen said, "I don't understand.

"Does that mean no?"

"Overconfidence is the meaningless struggle of the haves and have-nots to look like they have something. It's reserved for idiots who can't even look at themselves properly. What do you think I'm doing? I'm perfect at everything, so what's overconfidence for?"

Long Tianming was stunned as he listened.

"I must be mistaken, you are not overconfident, you are fanatical! I have yet to see a cosmic maniac like you before me. Should I thank you profusely for introducing me to an unfamiliar experience?"

"If you want to thank me, I won't say no."

Yong Tianming thought he was a very stiff-headed man. He had never seen a junior hold his head so stiffly in front of him before.

"You're a man who can't help it, do you realize that you're defying me?"

"Of course I know, but as much as it pains me to say it again, I have absolutely no desire to let this Sojae go until I get an apology."

Long Tianming's dainty sword twitched in displeasure for a moment. It seemed that it would be impossible to subdue it with words. His left hand naturally went to the sheath and touched it. He was ready to strike at any moment.

"I'll make you let go soon."

His gentle words and smile were directed at the Maharajah, but her reaction was unexpected.

"I don't need it!"

A voice as cold as frost!

Maha Ling rejected Yong Tianming's offer of help with a voice so cold and fierce that it frightened the people around him.

"Is that… is that allowed?"

"Is it too much? The color is the sake of the Chinese New Year……."

'Yuck! I got mad and went to…….'

It's not unreasonable to be cautious, which is why her reaction was so strong.

"He says no, what do I do with this?"

Bi Ryuyeon mocked, the corners of her mouth curling upward. Apparently, he found it rewarding to salt others.


In a cautious tone, Long Tianming called out to her.

"Don't call me a friend, I don't need your help."

The icy spikes emitted a bitter cold. Even as a dragonborn, I was perplexed by this turn of events.

"What the hell is wrong?"

Long Tianming was at a loss for words. Even though the two companies were in competition, he couldn't recall doing anything bad enough to deserve such a stiff rejection.

"I'll never accept your help, I'd rather die as I am, I don't care what happens to me, and I hope you don't mind if I do."

Her voice was a combination of coldness and poison, flowing in unison. Her pride was truly unrivaled.

"Who's going to take help from you!

The wound in the young girl's heart hadn't healed yet, so she never wanted to accept his help. It was a disgrace to the War Council.

"Look… I'm sorry, I'm in the middle of a tantrum, but can you please not make me look like a murder plotter?"

"Who's going to die, I'm just asking you to apologize."

For a moment, Bi Ryuyeon interrupted and cautioned the Maharishi. She didn't want to incriminate herself.

"There's something there!

What had happened in the past between Maha Ling and Yong Tian Ming? What had happened to cause her to react so neurotic to Yong Tian Ming? It was impossible for such a deep-seated emotional gap to appear without any background.

There was still a chill in Mach's eyes.

Maha Ling was about ten years old when the martial artist Nabaxian brought his daughter to visit her at her residence, the Guanzhou Pavilion of the Heavenly Martial Academy. By this time, Maha Ling had already begun to gain weight and was much plumper than other children her age.

"Hello. I'm Na Yerin."

It's almost too cute!

I couldn't help but be envious of Na Yerin's young eyes as she greeted me in a hushed voice, with eyes that didn't seem to belong to someone her age.

Although she was quite a young girl, even then, Na Yerin's beauty was hard to believe was not of this world. Her skin was as clear and blemish-free as a vision, her eyes blacker than obsidian and deeper than the night sky, and her eyes were like crystals of pure, unblemished purity.

Na Yerin was cute and cuddly enough to make Maharishi himself want to give her a kiss and nuzzle her cheek. Only she didn't talk as much as she does now.

Maharajah had no idea how envious she was of Na Yerin, who was always praised for being as cute as a celestial fairy. No one had ever said that to her. Everyone seemed to think you had to be pretty to be accepted, and that hurt her young heart.

The adults always paid attention to Na Yerin, but not so much to her, which may be why she was always grumpy with them. I was angry and resentful and treated her badly. But Na Yerin didn't show any reaction.

Na Yerin's gaze didn't seem to be on her. She had no idea what the child was thinking. There were times when she felt like she was even younger.

When she snapped the neck of the doll she was holding, when she smashed the wreath she was wearing, when she looked at her with a blank stare, she didn't cry or accuse her. But this inaction didn't stop her from tormenting her. No, I couldn't. Na Yerin, who has no discernible reaction to praise or grumpiness…….

To bother with a subject who had everything she wanted… The Maharishi could never forgive Nayarin for that. Perhaps that's why he tried to torment her every time he saw her. She wanted to make her life miserable.

But every time she looked into Na Yerin's uncharacteristically deep-set eyes, she was too embarrassed to follow through, as if she'd been caught red-handed. A little grumpiness was her limit.

Then another child held his father's hand and visited the Tianmu Museum.

"Spirit, let me introduce you. I'm Long Tianming, the heir to the Twin Dragon Beasts. We're the same age, so let's get along."

The boy was handsome as if he had been chiseled from jade. It was love at first sight for the boy. And she breathed an inward sigh of relief that Na Yerin had gone home yesterday. She didn't want to be compared to him.

"Hi! Call me Long Tianming!"



When they first met, Maha Ling was too shy to say a word. Up until this point, Yong Tianming had been a very polite boy, but the moment the girl's father, Mazinga, disappeared, his demeanor changed drastically. It was hard to tell if he was the same boy who had been smiling so brightly just moments before.

"Over there……."

He was about to say something when the boy turned and looked at him. The boy turned his head and stared at the sobbing Maharishi. The girl's cheeks flushed at the boy's penetrating gaze.

That's when the boy blurted out the vile words without any hesitation.


Those words sent an unimaginable shock through the mind of a young girl whose sensitivity was still in its infancy.

The word you didn't want to hear!

The implications of the word "fat" were enormous, and the weight of it was too much for the young girl to bear. The implications of the word were enormous; it was too much weight for the young girl to bear. The boy pounded those words into her delicate heart and walked away without another word. Tears welled up in her eyes as she stood alone in a field of fragrant flowers.

"I'm sure I'll look like a slim beauty! And… and……."

The girl swore.

However, no matter how much she focused on her martial arts training and adjusted her diet, her weight seemed to have no intention of coming off. In fact, it was growing exponentially. It was only when she was weighing at least twice as much as she normally did that she realized the gravity of the situation and felt threatened. As her weight grew by multiples, she became invisible and refused to see anyone.

She was worried that she would never get married at this rate. She was lucky if she didn't develop autism before then. Her daughter was locked in her room, refusing to see the light of day. Something had to be done.

It was then that Mazinger realized the severity of the problem and began to seek a solution. There was little that was impossible in this world when the Iron Fist of the Martial Arts Pavilion was determined.

What he finally found was the illusory qigong of the "Heavenly Axis Grandmaster Yugasin Gong," which states that every part of the human body can be controlled by consciousness.

It was a ray of light for the Maharishi, who was trapped in a deep, dark abyss of self.

From then on, she gritted her teeth and practiced fiercely, ready to die. Her father, Majinga, did everything he could to help her achieve greatness as quickly as possible. He fed her all kinds of elixirs and even gave her some of his own inner gong to help her achieve.

After six years of bone-and-flesh asceticism, she was finally able to master the Tibetan Lotus Sutra. She was able to control the flesh on her body at will.

Zhang Zheng A waist that could not be circumscribed by two men holding hands became as thin as an ant's waist. A face as big as a watermelon became as thin as an egg. His legs, which were like centuries-old logs that had just been felled, were as thin as wire. It was a miracle.

And when she emerged from the long, dark, painful closure, she had been transformed into a woman whose figure and beauty were to be admired by all. It was a metamorphosis.

The sun could not have shone so brilliantly in six years; no one who met her could fail to marvel at her beauty; and she could hear the praise of beauty that she had so longed to hear.

"What a bright, warm, glorious, beautiful place the world is!

The world looked different. The world she had seen before was a dull gray monochrome, but the world she saw now glowed with a full range of natural iridescence. The woman who used to be called Fatty had died and been reborn.

'But… but…….'

But now, the man who is about to unleash that nightmare from her past has appeared out of nowhere.

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discord ko-fi