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Book 9 Chapter 8

Thousand Buddhas for Weight Loss

"Look… did you see that?"

Maharishi's body was trembling violently in his contemplation.

"Oh, this, this was unintentional!"

But to her ears, those words now sounded like the

There was no room for it.

Her mind was now racing with about a hundred and thirty different methods of secrecy, and the best of them all was the refreshing sensation of a murderous death. Everyone's favorite and always effective method, the killing blow!

There was no hesitation in her choice.

"Die, and atone for your sins with your lowly life!"

Needle-like flesh erupted from her entire body.

"Now, was that bad enough to kill you?"

"You're bad for sneaking up on me without a sound bite! That's what you get for seeing other people's secrets!"

Her reason had long since flown away. Her nerves were not numb enough to allow her to present this humiliation to a man and maintain a normal, peaceful daily routine. Her lofty pride would not allow it. No notions of humanity, morality, or law entered her head now. She was deliberately ignoring them.

"Oh my, oh my, what a ferocious fat lady."

"What… what! Yes… how dare you……."

It was Bi Ryuyeon who spoke words that cut her heart out. He had no hesitation in stabbing her in the heart with his verbal arsenal.

"Yeah… who are you?"

The Maharajah asked with a venomous look on his face.

"He's just a passerby. Don't bother."

Bi Ryuyeon smirked, an answer that didn't quite fit in the spider-webbed room of dark flesh.

"Shut up, what kind of passerby appears out of nowhere from the ceiling of someone else's quarters!"

It wasn't worth a damn. Mach felt like he was being taunted.

Of course, for Bi Ryuyeon, if he had good intentions of trying to lighten the mood, his intentions were exactly right. For her, this little joke was completely lost on her.

"Yeah… where have you been snooping?"

With a stern face, the Maharishi asked. The Heavenly Maharishi was now trembling with anxiety.

"Nothing much, just the jagged part where one person becomes four people and then one person again?"


Maharishi's heart sank at her answer.

"You… you can't tell me you've been caught, that… that ugliness has been seen by others?"

Her voice trembled violently. The Maharishi's face burned with shame.

"Wow, that's redder than a pomegranate! It's as bad as a ripe red sour face."

Just kidding, it was a good move in this situation.

"Top secret among top secrets, top secret among top secrets, top secret among top secrets, the Heavenly Axis Great Vehicle Yugasin Gong……."

It was a terrible feeling. The words were spoken in a low voice, but they were clearly audible to Bi Ryuyeon's ears.

"Ah! That's right! The Heavenly Axis Venerable, that was it!"

Finally, the memory barrier has been lifted.

The Heavenly Axis Yugajutsu is a special divine art that can freely stretch, shrink, and change the shape of the human body's muscles, flesh, and bones, and it is a secret art that is not allowed to be passed on to outsiders, and it has been passed down through the generations.

Her problem was that her body would return to its original state when she was in the minor heavens, but not when she was in the major heavens. So she had always practiced qigong in secret, but in the excitement of her recent return, she let her guard down and was caught red-handed.

"I will never let him live.

It was an absolute secret that no one should ever see, a secret that could never be passed on, and yet, regardless of her burgeoning life, Bi Ryuyeon remained frail.

"That's a handy martial art. If I can master it, I'll never have to be fat again, and I'll be able to turn into an oval at will. How convenient is that, don't you think?"

Her face was too demonic to ask for consent.

However, Bi Ryuyeon still didn't seem to get the memo.

"Why! So? Does something not feel right? You seem restless?"

He would rather be concerned for the other's well-being, but now was not the time for such indulgences. The hatred of Han and the evil woman was about to surge through his entire body.


"Hey, I didn't mean to, are you listening?"

A leisurely word from Bi Ryuyeon, but she had no time for such words right now.

"Die! Only death can atone for your sins!"

It was a voice that exuded a grim fleshiness, a voice unbecoming of a beauty.

"Now, was that bad enough to get you killed? I mean, I haven't done anything worthy of death, as an honest upstanding upstanding person, have I?"

Do we really think so? We don't know when uprightness became synonymous with debauchery and depravity, but when it did, it was a horrifying thing.

"You're bad for sneaking up on me without a sound bite! That's what you get for seeing other people's secrets!"

"That's a weird fat Sojae!"

An insensitive comment thrown offhandedly.


Is there a thorn in my neck? The Maharishi made another strange noise.

"You… you… how dare you……."

So angry, frustrated, and disbelieving, she began to stutter.

"Why, yes, fatSojae?"

With her eyes wide open, Bi Ryuyeon asked innocently.

"Off, off, off, won't you… shut up, you lowly snout!"

Her anger erupted like an active volcano. If she didn't turn the enemy in front of her into a meat mountain today, she would go to the castle. Bi Ryuyeon's words were like a series of daggers to her heart. Being called a lowlife made her slightly angry.

"That's pretty loud, fat-bang-ee!"

"But I'm not sure if you!!!!"

My outfit was flipping and my tantrum was about to explode. I was lucky I didn't end up with a vase.


It wasn't words anymore, her anger was so overwhelming that her body stopped listening. With an explosion of rage, her sword qi shot out from her dao.

This sudden attack caught him off guard.

"Uh-huh, talk to me, fat Sojae!"


Her reason had long since flown out the window. She could not blunt her nerves enough to show this humiliation to a man and maintain a normal, peaceful routine. Her lofty pride would not allow it. There was no such thing as humanity or morality in her head right now.

She was deliberately ignoring them.

"Oh no! Oh no! What a ferocious fatty."

Bi Ryuyeon shook her head.

"What! Yes… you……."

He didn't hesitate to utter words that would cut her heart out. He had no hesitation in digging into her heart with his verbal arsenal. Conversation was a compromise long gone. Now it was a matter of death or life.

At the dumbfounded Bi Ryuyeon, the Maha Ling swung her sword in a frenzy. Even Bi Ryuyeon hadn't expected such an aggressive attack.

"I will pluck out your eyes and cut out your tongue."

There was an eerie venom in his eyes. Apparently, the bonds of reason had been severed long ago.

"Did I do something wrong?"

She muttered to herself as she dodged the blade, which was still very much alive. She was still in a state of excitement, and her true skills were not yet coming through. The conflict in her mind, fueled by simmering anger, was dulling the tip of her blade.

The opportunity was here.

"See you later, Fat Sojae, and thanks for showing me something fun today."

Non-Lightning Sword: Poisoned Moon Divination Formula

Secret Technique Phoenix Dance

Windstorm (疾風影)


A gust of wind came out of nowhere, and he couldn't see clearly. The sudden gust of wind sent the objects in the room flying into the air. She barely had time to strike at Bi Ryuyeon's throat before she was swatting them away as they circled around her.


When the gust of wind had passed and the surroundings quieted, a screaming woman's luminescence erupted from the Sunfeng Lu's private room.

By the time I woke up, she was gone from the room. She had disappeared so quickly that I couldn't find her trace. After Bi Ryuyeon's disappearance, there was nothing but a mess of rubble and debris in the ruins of Shunfeng Lu's express plum blossom room.

That repair bill would bring tears to the eyes of a man who makes his living from information tomorrow morning, but it was just another day on the schedule.

By the time the hateful screams erupted from Shun Feng Lu's upper room, Bi Ryuyeon had already gotten far enough away that she didn't dare to chase after him.

Right now, she was struggling with one big problem.

'She's half a beauty……. Can it really be money? What if they don't give her the prize because she's half a girl?'

Some might say that there's no point in worrying about it, but for her, it was a very serious problem. Compared to this problem, the threat to her life caused by the friction between them was nothing compared to the sting of a dog's claw.

"Maybe we should hide the fact that he's fat for now."

Finally, she made a decision. Her intentions were clear.

'A half-breed won't pay the bills. Danger! Danger!'

At this point, she had no idea that the Maharishi was a very famous figure among the students of the Heavenly Martial Academy. She didn't realize that Maha Ling was not a member of the Celestial Academy.

For it was impossible that a woman of such beauty could not have been rumored in the first place through the mouths of the youth.

'That was a pretty nasty looking thing…….'

She seemed to have an above-average temper. She was not the type of person I would want to interact with, no matter how pretty and round her face was. She had an air of reticence about her.

The moon was still hanging in the night sky, casting a faint veil of light. The night was sometimes a grumpy torturer, revealing things that even the blindingly bright sun could not, and a bewitching courtesan, seducing men's hearts.

That night, the grumpy old man let another secret slip.

"It was a rowdy night……."

Looking back, it was quite a commotion.


The woman from that night was now holding his wrist and glaring at him with a venomous gaze.

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discord ko-fi