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Book 9 Chapter 7

Savings Calculator: Secrets of 1 and 4 Servings

- Ooh, woman!

"This time, our Aesop's Society will be discussing the

Set the unused search scope to

Not only to the Tianmu Hall, but to the whole of Nanchang.

We agreed to expand the scope.

However, there are a number of problems with the current information we have on the NANCHANG community. There is no doubt that filling this gap as soon as possible is the direction we need to take in the second half of this year, so we are asking for your active cooperation. At the very least, please strive for a quota of at least 5 per person. Best of luck in your endeavors."

This was the keynote speech by Bi-yeon-tae, the director of the Association, at the regular Association convention held at the threshold of the season from the end of the scorching summer to the beginning of the fall. It seemed to say that the organization's management policy would change in the future.

"Good luck with that."

With a hand the size of a pot lid, Bi Yantai tapped Bi Ryuyeon on the shoulder.

"Why would I do that?

As usual, the meeting was filled with a strange kind of heat and enthusiasm, but her reaction paled in comparison to the black passion of the other men. By nature, she was extremely reluctant to actively participate in such unproductive activities. This time, she was going to sit on her hands.

In essence, the Society has never forced its members to participate in activities. The organization has always been run by the voluntary and active participation of its members. There has never been any coercion involved.

Autonomous! Sovereignty (自主)! Love (自愛)!

That was the only thing the Society could boast of. With such a good encyclical in hand, Bi Ryuyeon had been playing around, but there was an event that changed his carefree life. It was Bi Yantai's words that followed.



Shouts came from all directions, tickling his ears.

Of course, it's always noisy in the infield. I don't want to theorize about that. But if there's only one theme to all that hooting and hollering, it's that it's rare and unusual, and that's why it caught Bi Ryuyeon's attention.

The initial concern of these patrons was about a woman. The patrons were still largely made up of those who still firmly believed that beauty and alcohol were inseparable.

Their tone had become very enthusiastic, aided by the alcohol.

"Hey, did you see that? Did you see that?"

"Of course I saw it, how could I not see such a precious thing, ooooooooo!"

One of the patrons, a burly man with a long beard, was ranting and raving. He was probably trying to act out his emotions.

"She was really, really good looking!"

The goateed man nodded in agreement.

"I was almost blinded. You were so fast!"

As he reminisced, Zhang Han's voice was filled with excitement, and he seemed to think it would be a crime not to share that excitement with someone.

"Alas… if only I could date such a beauty……."

The Goatbeard's eyes glazed over with delusion.

"Hey, hey, hey, get some cold water and chill. There's a difference between the possible and the impossible in this world. Don't you know the saying about not looking at a tree you can't climb?"

"Don't you have any idea, don't you know that illusion and delusion are free?"

"There are degrees of delusion, if you ask me! Hahahahaha!"

The burly man spoke up. His face was flushed red from a bottle or two of alcohol.

The man snorted at his words. It was the same man who had been swimming in delusion just moments ago.

"You're the one who needs to get a grip on the subject, quit being a dick and get a drink!"

"Great! Great! Why is the world so unfair? Ei Tsububu… hey, how about tonight?"

'I'm not sure,' said Duckbill, one eye narrowed in an impatient scowl. The meaning of his lascivious and devious eyes was clear. He was suggesting a more economical solution to this insatiable desire. It's a good thing they don't have forms, or that they've gotten the message.

"Great! Let's go! Wait! Wait! I'm coming!"

They were a perfect match. It turns out that the old saying about people coming together is true.

He spoke so loudly that everyone in the dugout could hear him, even if they didn't want to. There was only one thing that caught Bi Ryuyeon's attention: the two words "beauty." He wasn't a windy boy, so he wasn't thinking of flirting.

He was interested because he smelled money there.

'So Seng Nang was right when he said that information is money, right?

It's not the way of the macho warlord to turn down money when it's beckoning in front of him.

"There will be a special prize of 1,000,000 silver coins for those who bring back the information of the Express Missing. I hope you all will do it for the money, not for conviction(?)."

Biyeon-tae said with a smirk.

"Tax saving beauty? Silver dot nang?"

Her ears perked up at the mention of money. Her eyes, which had been closed throughout the meeting, opened as if for the first time.

"Well, that's a different story!

Unproductive work became productive work. It was in line with the story of the turn of the world.

This story was buried in the back of his mind and kept quiet until the information was pulled out and converted into money. He didn't know if now was the right time, which is why the story had been dredged up from the depths of his memory banks. His instincts were not to let a profitable opportunity pass him by.

Because of that, Bi Ryuyeon was unable to overhear Zhu Lu's exclamations about the arrival of a dazzling beauty. Never before had something lucrative escaped his ears. Normally, he would have ignored it and concentrated on eating, but he couldn't do that now.

"Hmmm… she's a beauty to behold."

If a rumor was good enough to stir up the entire infield, it was credible. Besides, it took a lot more than good looks to stir people up to this extent.

"If you do well, you might be able to win some extra cash……."

That would have been the icing on the cake.

It wasn't hard to see where the rumors were coming from.

As I followed the trail of rumors and commotion with my tail between my legs, it was easy to see the source of the commotion. Judging by the colorful sash around her waist, the rumored exquisite beauty was a Muriman.

"Is that Sojae?"

She was certainly an eye-popping beauty. It didn't seem unreasonable that the majority of the patrons in the restaurant were drooling and distracted. However, despite her beauty, Bi Ryuyeon was not impressed.

Right now, he cared more about the silver jade than the beauty of the seven-colored orb. He was a nonentity in an age of lost romance. At the very least, it was a matter of great pride for a beauty who could bring down a city, or more generously, a country.

First of all, to win the prize, I needed to see the beauty, which is not possible with a degree. I needed more detailed and precise information, but the vibe I got from that whole face was clear.

"Touch me, you shivers, and you'll die!

She was a woman who oozed dominance and pride, and if that was the case, staying under the radar was a top priority.

Information is always money and power, but sometimes the price of top secrets is a person's life.

- Sunpung Sanbui Nadaei

A pure white mist erupted from her pores and enveloped her entire body. The woman was currently sitting on her heirloom chair, eating a flying breakfast. She was probably trying to recover from her long journey, but it was careless of her not to check her surroundings before doing so. What would you do if someone was peeping at you like she was? Bi Ryuyeon rebuked the woman's carelessness. His own heart was as fine as silk, and if he made a mistake, it could be devastating. Most martial artists would be completely defenseless during the ceremony.

Ryu-yeon Bi decided to stay put and watch.

The whiteness spewing from her pores began to grow thicker and thicker, but it was not yet time to be alarmed. The real surprise was yet to come.

"Huh? What's that?

Bi Ryuyeon had to strain his eyes to the limit for a moment; an unbelievable scene was unfolding before his eyes.

Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof!

The sound of bones moving harshly and forcibly, the sound of flesh moving regularly in a certain direction, a clear indication that the flesh, muscles, and skin of the human body were being moved by a person's will.

A battle of flesh, flesh dancing in the moonlight. The woman's body, slender as a silverfish, suddenly emitted a white mist-like aura, growing larger and larger. It was like seeing a giant mountain appear in front of you.

"Is it a demon?"

It wasn't unreasonable to think so. It was a sight that could have easily been described as the appearance of a beauty-eating demon. Bi Ryuyeon had to use his own eyes to determine if it was the same slender beauty he had seen earlier.

It was a strange and mysterious sight that she had never seen before in her life. The woman was now in a trance, the highest state of the Yun Qi Formation.

This turns a single serving into four servings.


The fleshy transformation of the svelte beauty was remarkable enough, but it wasn't the end of the story: as the woman's ritual breakfast continued, the stretched flesh changed again. The flesh that had been stretched out and looked so heavy and hot began to dance in the moonlight once more.


The flesh that had once been so plentiful began to shrink, as if being sucked into her body, and with it, the snow-white flesh that had once surrounded her body was absorbed back into her body, along with the flesh.

The woman's body deflated like a deflated balloon as the fat flesh began to fold back into itself, and in its place was a stunningly beautiful woman who was nowhere to be seen, slender and slippery, with the fat, full, plump, heavy, six-foot-tall golden statue of the Buddha nowhere to be found. Obviously, the beauty hadn't eaten the fat man; it was a mysterious sight.

Even Bi Ryuyeon's jaw dropped at this turn of events.


He had to hold back the unique exclamation that threatened to escape his gaping mouth.

The transformation of a beautiful woman into a fat woman is amazing, but the transformation of a fat woman into a beautiful woman is even more amazing. What a surprise to see four people become one person again!

'Changing the flesh, bones, and muscle tissue of your entire body by moving it at will? What kind of martial art was that? It certainly wasn't witchcraft…….'

She definitely remembered listening to it in "Martial Arts," a notoriously boring basic course. She listened half-asleep, but she didn't miss anything, because she had a history of never opening her books when studying for exams. She couldn't be bothered to open the book again to study for the exam, so she just remembered everything she heard in class. She had the brainpower to do the basics, even if they were lightly taught.

'So… that… must be…….'

There are times when you suddenly want to recall something and your mind gets stuck, like a blockage in the flow of memory. There are few things more frustrating than when you can't remember what you need. The strange thing about this was that the harder he tried to remember, the harder he couldn't. His body tilted slightly to the side in thought.


The sound of a crack in the wood supporting the ceiling! I was so focused on recalling the memory that I momentarily forgot the most important concealment.


It was a case of letting my guard down.

"Who is it!"

Her closed eyes fluttered open. The woman, who had just returned to her original body (though it was questionable which one), blurted out.

"Ike, did you get caught?!

If they didn't hear it, they would be out of business that day. There was no hiding anymore.

That was the first time they met.

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discord ko-fi