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Book 9 Chapter 6

You're new, right?

Most of the lights in the Martial Arts Hall are out.

The bustling street in the center of Nanchang is still glowing brightly, and the

It was a firestorm.

The idea of turning off the lights in the colorful liquor districts at night was the equivalent of wearing a fur coat in the summer.

His first stop was Shunfeng Lu, one of the largest lodges in Nanchang. It was open twelve months a year, always open all day, every day of the twelve days of the year, and the best hospitality in town.

It was characterized by the fact that it got progressively more luxurious as you went up, meaning that the top floor was where you'd get the best treatment.

"Hey, stop!"

Just as she was about to go up to the third floor, where she was about to change from lower to intermediate level, a harsh, shrill voice stopped her in her tracks.

There were six floors in total, with two floors each categorized as upper, middle, and lower class.


Bi Ryuyeon pointed a finger at herself.

"Yeah you!"

Geohan nodded, his voice still stern. It was an arrogant attitude.

Bi Ryuyeon's eyebrows rose slightly. The person who had dared to interrupt her progress was an imposing-looking bodyguard. Of course, his bulging muscles might look intimidating to normal people, but to a martial artist, they were merely an ornament, heavy and useless.

The big man said in a haughty voice.

"Kid, this is no place for a kid like you. This is Sunfeng Lu, a man-child with a history, tradition, and dignity far beyond that of any other cheap juru. Go away before you get in trouble!"

"Namchang Zilu? He's clearly claimed to be Namchang Zilu elsewhere?

Apparently, Nanchang Zilu wasn't singular, but that wasn't the problem right now; it was the way he was clearly disrespecting her. Of course, she wasn't about to back down just because she heard that. Today, Ge Han had picked the wrong opponent.

Bi Ryuyeon replied, looking slightly offended.

"Why not?"

The corners of his mouth curl up slightly, and those who know him normally instinctively duck and go into a state of intense alertness at this point.

"Awww, look at your own ass before you say that!"

He wore a tattered black robe with shaggy bangs and the most plain and cheap smell, and there was no sign of an armorer anywhere on his body. He didn't even look like a beggar, let alone a martial artist.

"Why? It looks great, what's wrong with it?"

Apparently, the way she sees things is much different than the way most people see things.

"The kid is earning a hawk today."

The party was enthusiastically invoking death. He had no idea that the king was out on a private inspection.

It wasn't unreasonable to think that Wang Zheng, the handsome escort, would play with his own life without knowing the subject matter. No matter where he looked, he couldn't see a single person from the Heavenly Martial Academy. This was especially true for those who, like Wang Zheng, harbored subtle illusions about the people of the Heavenly Martial Academy; their illusions glorified and embellished the real people of the Heavenly Martial Academy.

"You're a rookie, right, so you're not running errands and you're just hanging out here killing it?"

"Hmph… uh… how……."

Wang Zheng's eyes widened. For a moment, his heart fluttered. He was actually the youngest of Shun Feng Lu's escorts.

"That's just common sense."

He sounded like it was no big deal.

He's probably more like a bodyguard or an errand boy. He's in a hurry right now, so he's borrowed a cat's hand.

"The little guy is short-tempered."

His hand, the size of a pot lid, was raised to the sky. Now all that remained was to strike.

However, the king's life was spared by a split second. Just as he was about to strike his hand down, the governor of Shunfeng Lu, Liu Zhengbal, rushed to his defense. His throat was torn out and he let out a scream…….

"Wait, wait, wait!"

This plaintive, desperate voice was aimed squarely at the monarchy, which had placed its head on the grim reaper's crown.


Suddenly, the hand that was about to slap his employer's jersey stopped in midair, and with it, the Reaper's blade stopped moving. The Grim Reaper's death knell had come to rest just above the nape of his neck.

"Cho… Chancellor, who the hell is this guy?"

Wang Zheng unconsciously pointed his finger at Bi Ryuyeon and asked Minister Zhao. Immediately, Minister Zhao's face turned white and he became thoughtful. "What is it said that the three tongues are the source of all evil?

"What… what are you doing! This… this person is……."

The lights of the gunpipe flared to life, trying to warn him off, but it was too late. Bi Ryuyeon's gaze was fixed on the tip of his finger.

"What a spoiled finger."

Bi Ryuyeon grabbed his bald index finger.


Wang Zheng's eyes widened. He almost wondered if he was dreaming, because his feet were no longer touching the ground. He was floating an inch or so in the air, and there was only one thing that could make that possible at the moment: Bi Ryuyeon's hand on the tip of his index finger, for he had never learned the art of levitation.



For a moment, Wang Zheng had to wonder why the heavens and earth had turned upside down without warning. As it turns out, it wasn't the heavens and the earth that were turned upside down, but himself. It happened as soon as Bi Ryuyeon's thumb and index finger twisted slightly. His head was now about chest-high off the ground. Strangely, he felt no pain in his index finger, which was supposed to support his entire body. But that was only the beginning.


"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh……."

With a smile and a slight movement of Bi Ryuyeon's fingertips, the heavens and earth of the Royal City were restored to their original state. But that was only for a moment…….


His body instantly began to spin like a windmill. His eyes swirled. Up and down and left and right blurred together, his eyeballs spinning and his ears buzzing.

My stomach began to churn violently.

"Go… Confucius, you have a lot of eyes, stop it now, I'll give you a stinging scolding, please bear with me, non-Confucius……."

After being stunned and speechless for a while by this extraordinary scene, Minister Zhao, who was at a loss for words, hurriedly stepped in to save the day. He felt that if he made a mistake, he would have to pay an invoice tomorrow.

"Do you think so?"

Bam bam bam!

It still doesn't stop the human windmills from turning, said Bi Ryuyeon.

"Yes, please do! Hahaha, you'd better get upstairs and eat, I'll have a big meal for you soon, so this will have to do for today!"

Secretary Zhao's stern tone struck a chord with Bi Ryuyeon.


At the mention of cooking, Bi Ryuyeon stopped spinning her human windmill.

"Blah, blah, blah, blah."

By the time Wang Zheng landed on the ground again, his legs were already floppy like an octopus. Wang Zheng staggered around, banging his head on things dozens of times! It was more than a day later when he finally recovered enough to talk. By then, Bi Ryuyeon hadn't left his seat and was still watching.

"See, I told you, you're a rookie, right?"

Bi Ryuyeon stared at Wang Zheng's face and asked a question. A cold sweat trickled down Wang Zheng's spine under the piercing gaze of the invisible Bi Ryuyeon. Wang Zheng was still so dizzy that he couldn't tell the difference between heaven and earth, and his legs were shaking with numbness.

"Yes, four!"

Wang Zheng replied, pausing.

"Oh, yeah? Then you might not know, don't worry. Your mistake will be taken care of by Chancellor Zhao here!"

"Ah… no Confucius, why would I……."

Secretary Zhao's words immediately made Bileu Yan cry.

"Since time immemorial, the mistakes of those at the bottom have always been the responsibility of those at the top. Isn't that the duty of those who sit at the top? So let's make sure that Secretary Zhao and the true owner of this baseball field above him, Sun Feng……."

"Go… Confucius, that's all!"

At that moment, Premier Zhao hurriedly threw up his hands, desperately trying to stop Bi Ryuyeon's words. It was a secret that must never be revealed.

"Oh, that was a secret, but I'm sure he'll take care of it anyway."

"Oh my God!

Chancellor Zhao screamed inwardly.

It was Bi Ryuyeon, who came by when he was in the mood. Whenever he came, Minister Zhao felt like dying, but he couldn't refuse. It was all Nu Zhu's fault. If the top made a mistake, the door to the bottom's hardships was wide open.

There was a risk that if I talked to her anymore, I wouldn't know where the story would go, and I had to stop it.

"Bei Confucius, please take your seat! Some good liquor just arrived from Sichuan today. I'll raise a glass to you as an apology."

In this case, a drink means a free bottle.

"With alcohol comes appetizers, right?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked nervously.

"Sure, sure. Come on, come on, come on, what are you doing without your guests?"

At Premier Zhao's urging, one of the jiaxoi rushed over like lightning and escorted Bi Ryuyeon to the top floor.

"I'll catch up with you as soon as I'm done."

Secretary Zhao smiled coyly and bowed to Bi Ryuyeon. She waved in return and went upstairs.

And after a while!

"Uhhhhhhh! Uhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

A grotesque roar that could drive the wind out of your sails!

"Yes, I am……."

As Bi Ryuyeon disappeared from view and turned to face the royal court, Zhao's eyes were so young that even a ghost would flee in fear.

The dynasty's watered-down muscle mass was no match for the needle-sharp flesh of the cloaked but unofficially sworn General Zhao.


At one point, Wang Zheng was so scared he almost peed himself.

"Huh? What does that mean?"

Bi Ryuyeon's ears perked up.

As he walked away, politely escorted by Jumsoi, there was a horrific scream behind him.


Plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop!


"Die! Die, you bastard! Die, you bastard! You dare to conspire to ruin our Gagel? You bastard! Where did you send your spies? Don't you speak correctly? You try to shake the roots of someone else's shop?" ……. Oooooooh!"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

"No you're not, you're a mole sent by our competitor, you can't do this, huh?"

Pfft! Billion! Pfft! Pfft! Pfft! Pfft! Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!


The screams that vibrated the night sky were long and lingering.

"This, this, this is too much fuss!"

Shaking her head from side to side, she sat back in her seat.


Like a comet, a clerk rushed over. She felt like the world was finally back to normal.

"Sunpung Sanbui Nadai said it's a secret shop……."

It was always a colorful place.

No one could easily imagine that the dwarf, whose ears were the only thing larger than the rest of him, could be the owner of such an opulent place. The consciousness connection is hindered by his ungainly appearance. Moreover, his place of business was not as fancy as one might expect. It's a wonder where he's able to amass such wealth.

But if you think about it, there's nothing directly related to his job. The bustling stadiums throughout Gogeum always gathered information. Moreover, it was clearly graded from top to bottom, so it was organized in a way that allowed for multiple layers of information to be accessed in one place. It was an advantageous place to gather information in many ways.

'Well… this must be some kind of human victory…….'

This was not the only position that Shunfeng Sanbui Nadai had earned by selling information in Nanchang. As an information merchant, he had many faces that he never showed to others. This batting cage was one of those faces. Only a few of the natives knew that the true owner of this place was Sengnang Nadai, a testament to his self-control and ability to keep secrets.

However, there were a few non-natives who knew about it, and one of them was Yeomdo. It was thanks to him, who had learned about it through a chance encounter in the past, that she had come to know this place. And she was now a regular at the restaurant.

"Well, it's very convenient anyway!

The best part is that money rarely works. In good conscience (though I doubt he has a conscience when it comes to money), he didn't always take things for free. Surprisingly, he was the one who was stubborn about paying for things. It was because she had always been indoctrinated in that way since she was a child. Perhaps the brainwashing was part of her master's plot to make sure she got what she deserved for raising her, but there was no way to tell now. Even taking all of this into account, the cost of this place was almost nothing compared to what she would have paid elsewhere.

"You pretended to have no money, but you must have scraped by with your backside. You must've had a lot of money invested to be able to get such a slimy base………."

It took more than a life-or-death trade or two to get a base of this magnitude.

"Apparently information is money……."

The promise of a lucrative income from selling data collection piqued her interest. However, he didn't plan to take the plunge right away. He still liked his life at the Tianmu Academy.

"Then what do you eat……?

Bi Ryuyeon unfolded a luxurious spellbook wrapped in red silk.


Suddenly, a whole world of glorious, profound, philosophical cuisine opened up before his eyes.

"What, he's back again?"

With a shit-chewed face, Nadai shouted, revealing his feelings. This was the top floor of Shunfeng Lu, and there was only one person who was allowed to do business here, Shunfeng Lu's own Nuju, who was shrouded in secrecy. Surprisingly, his ears were much larger than the others, and he was none other than Shunfeng Sanbui Nadai, a native of Nanchang, an information trader nicknamed Shunfeng Sanbui for his two pocket ears.

"Now if you'd just stop coming… is free really that good?"

It was as if he had become a stick. I felt like a snake that had been eaten by a frog because the merchant couldn't turn the customer into a stick and he became the stick.

"Do you want to get rid of it?"

Premier Zhao cautiously asked. It was a reflection of his chimney-like mind.

"Is there a pointy way to do it?"

I'm willing to do it, but I don't have a pointed way to do it, so I'm sitting on my hands. Resignation was the right word.

"I heard he showed up in the neighborhood."

"Do you?"

"This is Blood Incense, said to be the best assassin in Jianghu."

"Oh, you mean the man who has the reputation of having accomplished a thousand murders? Isn't he famous because he doesn't kill the weak, but only takes the life of the strong, whether good or evil?"

He was well aware that he was getting a lot of requests for information about blood ties, both positive and negative. What he didn't know was that it had just been flown in from the other side of the world.

"That's why it's so popular in some circles. I think I'm in your neighborhood on business, what can I do?"

"Hmph! I'm a bloodhound……."

It was certainly tempting.

"Do you want to push it?"

Tomorrow, if Nadai's permission is granted, he will be able to pick up a copy of the contract. With half the payment, as is customary!




As he waited for an answer to Nadai's murderous stare, Minister Zhao was naturally intimidated.

"Are you crazy?"


"Don't even think about it unless it's going to destroy the store! Do you think I'm doing this because I don't know how to use force?"

When Nadai, who seemed to be in agreement with him, became furious, Zhao could not help but grumble inwardly. It was not unreasonable to feel that he was taking it out on him for nothing. Nadai soon shook his head from side to side.

"Arthur! Arthur, blood ties are no match for him and the Yeomdo behind him! You still don't seem to realize just how great a man Yeomdo is! If you're going to hire someone so expensive and so likely to fail, I'll just throw the money away on a bar. You don't drink yourself to death anyway, do you?"

It's not ruined! That was the only thing Nadai could say to comfort himself. Certainly, Bi Ryuyeon didn't overdo it with the saltiness.

"Do you still want to give it a try?

After scolding Minister Cho for a while, Nadai finds himself fighting a strong temptation, and he struggles to resist it.

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