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Book 9 Chapter 3

Mach, shielded!

- The Passion

A man whose patience is already at its limit.

Frenzied Blade of the Berserkers!

His gut was boiling with life now.

It's been said that three strikes and you get away with murder, a proverb that expresses the virtues of patience, but right now he was in a rage, a rage that he didn't want to get away with.

"Yes, you wretch, you wretch, will you let go of my hand at once, unless you want to be torn to pieces?"

"Who are you?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked politely.

"Oh, you're the guy who was ignorantly knifing his dog earlier."

It was the kind of thing that says, "I just now realized you were there.

"You… you!"

Pang Hyuk-sung's face went through a series of shades of red and blue. He had never been so ignored in his life.

"Would you mind not interrupting me?"

In a quiet voice, Bi Ryuyeon warned. If you can't read the aura behind his words, Fang Hyuksung, you'll probably lose today.

"You… you! Shut up! You talk a good game with your torn mouth. I warn you again, and I warn you no more. Release your unholy hands at once!!!"

Pang Hyuk-sung's face was flushed red, and his hands were trembling like an aspen tree, pointing up, down, left and right. He wanted to quit his job in one breath, but he didn't dare to be flippant because his employer was holding him hostage (which was unfortunate for Bi Ryuyeon, who had been turned into a hostage-taker in an instant).

"What do you mean, 'unholy hand', whose hand is that, the one that was just about to slap the other guy?"

Bi Ryuyeon gently shook the Maharishi's island corn in her hand, which looked like a fierce wild cat. Her struggles were futile.


By this time, Pang Hyuk-sung's patience had dried up like a well in a drought. He was not a physical fighter or a cerebral fighter, and his rational judgment was often thrown to the dogs on a whim.

I deserve a reward for my patience today for gritting my teeth and not pulling the knife out yet.


The voice came to Fang's ears as a telegram. It was Jegal Yu of the Jegal Sega, who was known in the military circles as having the second-best haircut in the world after the Heavenly Dragon Danmoki. He also held the title of vice-captain of the Xinhendai.

[Are you sure about this?]

I was worried about the safety of Hoeju, who couldn't move because she was under some kind of spell.

[Don't worry. I don't think there's anyone out there with a liver small enough to do harm to Gungwoong Huizhou. Aim for his arm, and you won't learn without letting go of the huizhou].

[I see! I see!]

Fang Hyuksung's beady eyes began to glow with a beneficent light. As long as he was safe, there was nothing rough about it.



Like a ferocious tiger running through a forest, Pangasinan's Oho Danmundo came out with explosive momentum.

However, I soon realized that neither Jegal Yu nor Pang Hyuk Sung, nor Baek Moo Young, had been judging Bi Ryu Yeon by the same general standards.

There was no hesitation in her actions.





People's eyes bulged like pigeons after a slingshot.

The reason for the panic in the air was simple. The reason for the panic in the neighborhood was simple: Bi Ryuyeon had just thrown his Mach in the face of a ferociously storming Oho Dan Mundo, the "Meng Ho Chulim.

Fang Hyuksung's sword was aimed precisely at Bi Ryuyeon's arm, thinking that she would be surprised and pull it out. But his thinking was too dismissive of her. His simple hope that she would let go of his hand was too complacent.

Bi Ryuyeon pulled his hand back. However, his withdrawing hand still grasped the hand of the Maharishi. Naturally, her body would be exposed in front of Fang Hyuksung's dao.




Pang Hyuk-sung immediately vomited up his meal. The sound of a pig being slaughtered was a grotesque cry to go away.

He was stunned, and had to throw his whole body into the sudden change of direction of his greatsword.


Pang Hyuk-sung did everything in his power to divert the road. If he was dead, he was dead, and he didn't want to be labeled a sake killer, which would make the rest of his life too miserable.


The tip of his sword swerved sharply in front of her nose, a feat for which Pang Hyuk-sung had thrown himself with all his might. If he had been any later, her nose would have been half a degree lower tomorrow. It would have been a very successful plastic surgery.


Pang Hyuk-sung's dao cut roughly through the tender earth. He hadn't been able to control his remaining dao. His blade was probably tattered.

The energy from the road to nowhere returned to his body, shaking him to the core.


He had apparently suffered some minor internal injuries from his overzealous herbivory. It was still a challenge for him to adjust his spacing, course, and power in the face of a sudden suddenness.

Thanks to Panga's efforts, however, Maha Ling was unharmed, but her face was as pale as a corpse.


Her blue lips were opening and closing like a crucian carp's, but no words were escaping.

Suddenly being used as a shield and thrown like this into the midst of murderous flying blades……. She had never been treated this miserably before in her life, and now she was in a state of extreme mental panic.

"Hmmm… hmmm… hmmm… hmmm……."

Pang Hyuk-sung was breathing hard. His chest was still heaving, heaving.

'Y-You liar! That's not what you said!'

All the arrows of resentment were pointed at the swallowtail who had so confidently advised him.

Dozens of eyes widened in horror as they turned to Bi Ryuyeon, who stood there as if nothing had happened.

"Non-Confucius is a terrible person!"


Na Yerin tilted her head at Eunseulan's words. She hesitated before answering, "Is that really a simple way to describe it?" Na Yerin hesitated before answering.

The aftermath of Bi Ryuyeon's sudden action was astonishing. Everyone's eyes widened and their mouths dropped open. Those mouths didn't seem to want to close for a while.

"Heh heh heh heh, yeah… you mean you were a real nutcase?"

Panting heavily, Fang managed to get the words out. His blood still seemed unable to stabilize. A trickle of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, a bitter price for forcing the trajectory of the Dao to change.

"Whatever bullshit personal freedom is, I'm a lot more sane than you are."

"Bullshit! This… this… this… this rip-off……."

No one would have believed it unless they saw it for themselves, but he actually used the Mach force as a shield.

Pang Hyuk-sung almost got himself killed in one of his tantrums. Even when he stood still, his teeth would grind rapidly. It was such a powerful force that it wore out all his teeth. Evil took over.

"What kind of a bastard is this, using a woman as a shield? You don't even know Kang Ho's moral code, do you?"

Fang Hyuksung shouted, his anger rising to a fever pitch. Just now, his sword had almost left an indelible scar on Maharishi's body. His face was now so blue that it was hard to tell if he was even still alive. His hands were still trembling.

"You weren't going to hit him anyway. It's a lesson in trusting your men, trusting your gender, and not getting carried away. Aren't men and women equal? And……."

But he wasn't done yet; he still had more to say.

"The boss is supposed to be responsible for the mistakes of his subordinates!"

So much so that it's almost unbearable!

All Pang Hyuk-sung could do was stand there with a blank expression on his face.

'To use the Maha spirit of the Chinese New Year, who acted as if he had nothing to fear, as a shield, this man, is he insane?'

Baek Moo-young was curious about that first. With that, Gunwung Ho and Bi Ryuyeon were now three Buddhas. No, they had been since Maha Ling's cheeks had turned red, and from now on, it would be more accurate to say that they were enemies of the Immortal Goddess. Neither side was one to go down quietly.

'That prideful Sojae won't stand still! So what will we, the Guzheng Society, do in the future? Will we turn against Bi Ryuyeon, or will we embrace her?

The enemy of my enemy is my ally, but her behavior right now was too much.

'It's a problem when you make a big deal out of something like that…….'

It would be good to bruise their egos by getting involved with the Gunwung Hoe, but if he went too far against the current organization, even Gu Zhenghui wouldn't be able to help him. Besides, Bi Ryuyeon was not without her own problems with Gu Zhenghui; she had already caused quite a bit of trouble.

"Now what?

Baek Moo-young, who had caught a glimpse of Bi Ryuyeon's true nature, could not help but be troubled. If what he had seen was neither an illusion nor a lie, he would need to think about it more carefully. All he could do now was watch the situation unfold.

"Damn it, ten thousand books are powerless against that guy!

He explains how he ended up in this position, as the first member of Hyungsan, who is said to control the course of the Hyungsan family…….

A heavy sigh escaped me.

"Do you… do you really know who she is, and do you really think you can get away with this?"

The voice of the Maharishi, who had briefly served as Bi Ryuyeon's shield, was now filled with deep anger. The color had not yet returned to her face. Apparently, the psychological damage was considerable.

"I don't know."

Bi Ryuyeon hesitantly replied. She knew, but pretended not to.

"And I don't really want to know!"


Even as a Mach number, I wasn't expecting such a ridiculous answer.

'If I could only move my body… I'd cut him down with a single blade…….'

Maharishi's body still hadn't been freed from Bi Ryuyeon's bonds, and that made her angry and resentful.

"Well, if you want me to recognize you that badly, I can go out of my way to remember you from now on. How about it, do you want me to remember you?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked with a wry smile.

"Well, it's never too late to take it slow."

Bi Ryuyeon's reaction was like Tae-yeon herself.

"Who… who said I want to be remembered by you!"

The Maharajah shouted, her face wide with rage. It was beyond her comprehension. No one had ever dared to speak to her like this before. It would have been a waste of their lives……..

'I wonder if it's already too late…….'

This was the common opinion of those around them who watched the subtle confrontation between the two, but because it was an inside joke, it didn't reach Bi Ryuyeon's ears.

"Do you mean to tell me that you trusted your ignorance to commit such an outrageous act? It is said that ignorance makes one brave, and this is true of a man like you."

Every word she spoke was pierced with steel thorns. He wanted to take a look at her tongue in its entirety and see where the thorns had sprouted.

"So you're a foul-mouthed Sojae, and what difference does it make if we know who you are?"

"Much will change. First of all, you will kneel before me, bow your forehead to the ground, and apologize a hundredfold."

Maharishi said in a confident voice. To her, it was a routine, but to Bi Ryuyeon, it was nothing more than a laughing matter.

"Ha! You're dreaming. No matter what the facts are, and no matter what your status is, nothing changes: even if you were the Emperor's daughter, it doesn't change the fact that you owe me an apology and a favor, do you understand?"

Bi Ryuyeon's words were resolute, and there was no wavering in his resolve.

"This guy is serious now!

Maha Ling, who had heard Bi Ryuyeon's words again and again in the immediate vicinity, could feel it keenly, but the source of his fierceness, arrogance, and confidence was still unknown to her.

"Huh? You don't attack anymore?"

Bi Ryuyeon's sudden question was directed at Pang Hyuksung. For a moment, Pang Hyuk-sung could do nothing but stare blankly.

"Oh… that's boring, I was hoping to test the effectiveness of the shield a bit more."

The shield, of course, refers to Mach himself.

"Shut up, you bastard!"

Pang Hyuk-sung roared. But he couldn't bring himself to swing the sword a second time. He didn't want to have the same horrible nightmare again.

"I swear on my name. You! What is your name?"

Her eyes burned with anger. She was being used as a shield, not once, but twice, and there was no way she was going to like it.

"It's called a Bi Ryuyeon."

He was not weak enough to hide his name, and he was always ready to take responsibility for his actions.

"I will remember, Bi Ryuyeon, and I will… I will definitely… make you experience the most terrible hell in this world."

Her tongue burned with hatred, and her words sent shivers down the spines of her listeners.

"If you can……."

Her words were full of confidence. It was the kind of casual confidence that tells you that even if the world were to fall apart, you'd still be okay. Then she added one more thing.

"Go for it, fatSojae!"

Her body shuddered. Blood was oozing from her tightly pressed lower lip.

"This… this… this……."

She was too excited to finish her sentence. Her outfit had already been turned inside out dozens of times. Fire was rising inside her.

"Yes you bastard, I'm going to make sure you never sleep with your legs crossed again!"

Mach Force!

However, Bi Ryuyeon's reaction was muted.


Bi Ryuyeon shook her head from side to side.

"Do you want to be my wife or something?"

"What… what, what bullshit?"

The Maharishi shouted, his face reddening.

"If you don't want to do that, you shouldn't be sticking your nose into someone else's bed, whether they sleep with their legs stretched out or tucked in! And you still think blackmail is a useful tool, I see, because I'm not sure how or by what route you thought I'd fall for something as trivial as blackmail and intimidation, but you were wrong, and you were wrong hard!"

She might threaten to blackmail others, but she would never be blackmailed or blackmailed herself. She could guarantee her honor.

"What a fierce, nervous, vicious, vocalized female cat!"

And it was spoiled!

It's a poignant assessment of the military sake Maha Ling.

His illicit and unauthorized kissing of Na Yerin had become a man's accomplishment. To him, a grudge against one or two people, or even ten or twenty, was something to be laughed off.

So even if the resentment and hatred of one woman was added to that, it didn't seem to matter to him, even if it was a creature that could carry the resentment and hatred of a dozen women in its own body.

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discord ko-fi