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Book 9 Chapter 2

We're on the case!

They say a horse without feet travels a thousand miles.

All that fuss is bound to attract attention from the natural surroundings,

It didn't take long for the crowd to gather.

Countless other curious people began to converge on the center of the commotion, hoping to discover the cause. It was inevitable that such an event would attract attention.

The crowd had grown so large that it was now out of control. The human dike was about to collapse under the flood of people. The bigger the event, the bigger the impact. Among those people were Eunseulan and her escorts, Mo Yonghui and Na Yerin.

"Come on, you can't go any further. Please go back!"

A Chinese New Year warrior shouted as he used his body as a barrier against the gathering crowd.

"Give us a break, we know what we're doing."

The crowd was unruly, and it's human nature to want to do more if you're not supposed to. But that didn't mean we had to let them in.

"It's no big deal, please disperse, it's really no big deal."

"Don't be ridiculous, there's no need to make such a fuss over nothing, and if you're going to lie, do it more neatly and perfectly!"

"Right, right, right!"

It was a push and shove affair.

But even in the midst of all this commotion, the Guzheng martial artists were braving the flood of people. A push-and-pull battle ensued between the surging crowds and the warriors trying to hold them back. This was supposed to be their job. Nature was bound to complain.

"Damn, why do we have to do all the hard work for them?"

Resentment was unnecessarily directed at the warriors of the Warring States. It was only a matter of time before the wall collapsed. Everyone was thinking, "Why don't we just let them go?

"Build the wall!"

With a shouted command, a group of warriors charged in unison toward the center of the chaos.

"It's the Shinrikyo!"

One of the swarming heroes shouted.

"The direct henchmen of militarism!!!"

There was a murmur in the crowd.

The Shinheungdae were a group of military officers who rarely appeared in public. They were rarely seen in public, but now they have stepped forward.

The commotion was getting louder and louder. The fact that even Shin Eung-Dae had been called in convinced him that this must be something out of the ordinary. However, he did not feel confident enough to break through Shin Eung-dae's double-walled perimeter to the scene of the crime.

Soon, the defenders and the assailants were slowly separated, and with an attitude of not being afraid to use rougher means, the newcomers swung their hands and feet. There were no direct hits, of course, but they were effective in keeping people apart.

"Oooooh! That's too much! No violence!"

"That's right, we have a right to know!"

"Both chambers should reveal what the hell happened!"

People's complaints were coming from all over the place, but Shin Eung-dae just kept doing their job.

However, there were some people who were not so lucky.

She was the one who could pass through the double curtain of phosphorus of the Nine Feasts and the Gungwong Assembly without any inhibitions.

Since Eunsulan had the status of an investigator, she could not be restrained by them. By convention, she should not be subject to any sanctions or restrictions. Even here at the Heavenly Martial Academy, she was an extralegal, an alien entity that was not subject to any authority.

She was obligated to see and judge everything with those eyes, and therefore had rights that came with it.

"May I come in?"

Eunsulan asked with a smile.

"De… get in!"

Despite his distorted expression, the Storm Sword Master, Ha Yunming, had no choice but to allow Eunseulan and her two escorts to pass through. A slight gap appeared in the iron barrier for a moment, allowing the three of them to pass through, and then it closed in an instant.

He stood facing the front of the gathering crowd.

"Anyone else want to go in?"

Ha Yunming's voice was cold as he glanced around with a sharp gaze.

"If anyone else wishes to enter, this Dao of Hamo will be happy to deal with them."

He meant that if you wanted in, you had to fight your way in.

As he finished, the room fell silent. The boisterousness quickly subsided.

Thankfully, there were no one here with a perverted palate who wanted to taste the Drifting Sword Method of storm trooper Ha Yun Myung, the co-winner of the Samsung Muje City Castle Competition.

"You guys are in such a good mood!"

Such were the feelings of Silver Snow as she broke through the two layers of human barriers. She hadn't felt a single drop of favor from her surroundings as she passed through the barrier of phosphorus.

"After what happened, the mood can't be good."

Na Yerin said, and soon the center of the case came into her eyes, her pupils wavering slightly for a moment.

'Mach number…….'

'…my sister…….'


"Bi Ryuyeon!

Why are Bi Ryuyeon and Machi-ryung in the middle of all this commotion? I didn't understand.

'I don't think they had any connection until now…….'

They were not meant to be together. Naturally, they hadn't seen each other in years. It had been years since he had last seen her.

"But why?

Na Yerin's suspicions only deepened.

"What's going on here? What kind of woman is she, and why is everyone around her so agitated?"

Eunsulan was very curious about the situation. It seemed that she needed an explanation to know the whole story.

"Yes, and who is that woman, and do you, Mr. Sojae, happen to know?"

I politely asked Na Yerin if she wanted to know the vocabulary.

"There's something completely absurd going on here, and it doesn't even make sense to me."

Na Yerin's words were true.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"First of all, common sense says it can't happen."


Eunseulan asked, putting on an innocent face.

"It's hard to see how it's normal behavior to turn half, or even nearly all, of the Tianmu Academy's guidons against the enemy."

"Is her position really that great?"

Eunsulan looked at the Maharishi again with new eyes. Of course he was the owner of an unusual prayer. The only problem was that the owner of the unusual prayer was wearing an expression on his face that made Bi Ryuyeon's heart skip a beat.

"That's right, she's the forbidden jade leaf of the Iron Fist Majin Family of the Heavenly Martial Arts Pavilion, which is an organization of guilds from the Eight Great Sects and the Military Fire Sect."

Na Yerin's eyes widened at her explanation. It turned out to be a very big man.

"Ohhhh, so that's where that came from."

If that's the case, I can understand the harsh reactions from those around me.

"By the way, you're the one who's confronting such a high and mighty person, and I've seen you around a lot, haven't I?"


Both Na Yerin and Mo Yonghui fell silent at Eunseulan's innocent question. It wasn't that they didn't recognize him. They just didn't want to answer.

"By the way, is that guy over there with the gruff face……?"

Silver Snowflake pointed to a spot, where a thief, his face contorted like a ghost, was pacing, furiously exuding life and speculation, and a group of men assisting him. Na Yerin recognized the face.

"You must be Hebei Fang Family's master Crazy Wind Blind Sword, and as I understand it, you're in charge of the company's escort."

Na Yerin's explanation was simple.

"Oh, well, then, today I can finally sample the famous Hebei Penga Household Sword, the Five Tiger Danmundo!"

Eunseulan clapped her hands and rejoiced with a pure heart.

"What? What are you saying……?"

Na Yerin, surprised by Eunseulan's unexpected reaction, asked cautiously.

"What, did I do something wrong?"

The innocent, inquisitive tone, so carefree and out of character for the situation, left Na Yerin momentarily bewildered. Apparently, she didn't have any concerns about Bi Ryuyeon, one of her escorts.

'Sure, they have different affiliations and fly different flags, but do they have any interest in life at all? If not, then…….'

Na Yerin's sharp gaze fell on the still-smiling Silver Snow Lan, her dragon eye beginning to glow with an exquisite light.

"I suppose Mr. Silver Sojae isn't worried about that non-cooperation at all?"

"Oh, I see, I, Sojae, am very concerned about the safety of that non-Confucius over there!"

"I… when did I say that… I didn't mean that at all, please don't take it the wrong way."

Eunseulan's counter-question honestly sent Na Yerin into a whirlwind of embarrassment. For one thing, Na Yerin couldn't have asked for a stronger denial.

"Gee, there's a saying that the strongest negative is the strongest and clearest affirmation, do you know that?"

Na Yerin had already come to her own conclusions. Though Na Yerin didn't quite like the conclusion.

"I'm never going to worry about a lightweight like that, because it's a losing proposition to worry about a guy like that."

Na Yerin said, sounding slightly exasperated.

"Why am I so agitated, my mind should already be frozen?

Lately, her ice-cold mind had been frequently disturbed, and it always involved a man named Bi Ryuyeon, much to Na Yerin's displeasure.


Eunseulan smiled slightly as she watched Na Yerin's reaction.


Why is she laughing so hard, so joyfully, so much fun? Na Yerin didn't understand Eunseulan's reaction.

"You really do know a lot of things, don't you, B. Confucius, to be able to get the attention of such a heavenly beauty who seems to have gathered moonlight and starlight!"

Eunseulan smiled broadly and nodded repeatedly. It was the kind of look that said, "I know, I don't need to tell you. Na Yerin felt increasingly embarrassed.

"I care about that guy?

Na Yerin immediately shook her head vigorously.

"That can't happen, not ever!

She shouted firmly in her mind, but her gaze was now fixed on Bi Ryuyeon.

No matter how much she denied it, his presence was growing inside her, a fact that defied all excuses.

Enjoying the luxury of receiving the attention of two supreme beauties, the envy of most men, Bi Ryuyeon was still playing a wordless tug-of-war with her precious body, making everyone around her nervous.

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discord ko-fi