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Book 9 Chapter 4

Common sense criteria

"By the way……."

Eunseolan, who had been watching the friendly (?) bickering between the two, spoke up.


"Who's fat?"

Puzzled, Eunsulan asked Na Yerin. She was under the impression that Na Yerin had known Mach for a long time.

"I don't know, maybe he's referring to the Mach number over there?"

In fact, she knew him as Na Yerin. In fact, it's probably even stranger that there is no relationship between the daughter of a Heavenly Martialist and the daughter of a Martial Blind.

Although they didn't get along growing up, they were sister and brother when they were younger, but it wasn't a close relationship. For some reason, she always felt bad about herself. She felt a kind of inferiority complex. She was chubby at the time, and being compared to herself was very painful.

'You always looked at me with a strange mixture of discontent, longing, and hatred!'

But he hadn't seen her since he entered the academy to train in full-time martial arts.

"When I was younger… I was definitely a lot chubbier than I am now.

But that was more than a decade ago. There was no rule in the world that said if you were fat as a child, you had to be fat as an adult.

"What? Something must be wrong with my eyes!"

Suddenly, Eunsulan shook her mending in a frenzy.

"Can I help you?"

"That Sojae doesn't look fat to me at all, so I guess I'm fat, now what am I going to do, black black black!"

Eunseulan sobbed and wailed on purpose.


Na Yerin said nothing and remained silent. It was ridiculous, she felt tricked again, and the last thing on her mind right now was the false crying of Eunseulan.

"Are you saying that in the past… more than a decade ago, Confucius and Ms. Ha Ling met, otherwise how could you call her fat now?

No matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't come up with an answer. Of course, Bi Ryuyeon had never met the Maha Spirit until just three days ago.

The situation was still in a stalemate, with no progress being made. Eunseulan found the situation fascinating, to say the least.

"That person is a very stupid person."

"Yeah, I'm so stupid it's almost uncontrollable."

Na Yerin enthusiastically agreed. Mo Yonghui didn't seem to disagree. For a brief moment, everyone's opinions were unified.

They were right, she was a fool.

Normally, when you're dealing with someone from a good family, a good background, a good position, a good education, you're supposed to bend over backwards to make sure your spine doesn't buckle. It's natural, isn't it, because everyone does it, like it's a given. It's easy to understand because you can see it all around you.

There are many such people. There are many organ donors who are willing to give their liver and gallbladder to someone with more status, money, power, and honor than them. Their self-sacrifice is truly eye-opening, tear-jerking, and inspiring.

It's a conditioned reflex that people do when they meet someone of high status. They clasp their hands together, bow at the waist, and smile wholeheartedly. Of course, you can also rub your palms together so hard that your fingerprints come off.

That's just the way the damn world is set up. Most people play by the rules, too. But Bi Ryuyeon, the rare rebel and troublemaker, seemed to hate it.

So she never bowed down in front of someone with more status and power than her. In fact, he completely ignored them. He had no desire to bend his beliefs because of the person's background.

That's why he was able to slap the Maharishi's cheeks without any hesitation. He had no inclination to move his body in a direction that his mind didn't want him to, so he could be considered the greatest fool of all time.

Standing up for what you believe in comes at a cost. It's never a smooth road, no matter the time of day. Nonetheless, that's the path she was about to take.

The reason why people were shocked was the same. They were astonished and angry because Bi Ryuyeon was willing to break the fixed conventions of the world and do as she pleased. How angry they must have been that she was doing something they were not allowed to do!

In the future, they will not be able to understand it. Of course, they don't want to. It's a completely different way of thinking.

This is why people have never been able to properly evaluate Bi Ryuyeonn. When they try to measure a Bi Ryuyeon by the standards of common sense, they fail. To measure his bowl, he needs a very special ruler, not an ordinary one. He needs a personalized ruler for himself, or he'll never get the same answer over and over again.

Someone who doesn't have the same standards you do!

So they could never, ever acknowledge the existence of Bi Ryuyeon, even if there were two heavens and one earth.

What a foolish and unscrupulous thing to do, to disregard the authority and power that comes with it, regardless of education, age, blood, or background. It was the kind of behavior that only a biryu who has no shame in being called the greatest fool of all time would do.

Ryuyeon had no regrets about his actions; he had always been the type to take responsibility for his actions and safety. He was fully prepared to counter any violent counterattack, not because he had been taught to do so, but because that was how he had lived his entire life.

Can we just get this over with? The confrontation had gone on too long. It was the honest desire of those around me to see it come to an end. How much longer are you going to keep this stubbornness going?

"Is this ever going to end?

So far, neither side has shown any signs of relenting. They were already in a tiger's stance. It was too late to jump off the tiger's back.

The tension between the two was still high, and there was no end in sight. At this point, it was time for the audience to get bored, but it was the strange tension between the two that made it impossible to feel bored.

Bi Ryuyeon still had a smile on her face. But there was a tension in the air around her, even more so than when she was wearing her dirty face.

The smile hadn't faded, but Bi Ryuyeon's hand was still gripping Maharishi's wrist like a hawk's talon, with no intention of letting go. As she had forewarned, she would never let go before saying, 'Please. Please let go', she was adamant that she would never let go until he said it.

"Why don't you stop being so stubborn? Stubborn little girl?"

She asked him what he wanted, but he wasn't the type to respond to such questions.


"Why aren't you talking, since you can't move your body, but you have no trouble moving your mouth?"

"Who wants a castle to bow down to you?"


Her teeth grinded with a harsh friction sound.

"Who said I had to give in? I just wanted a simple apology, it's what humans do, especially those who are wronged first."

"It means the same thing to me."

How can this not make sense!

Once again, negotiations broke down. As with any negotiation, the more it falls apart, the deeper the emotional rift.

"Look who's saying that!

A flame of determination glowed intensely in her eyes.

His pride was too high and his position too secure for him to say such a thing.

Under normal circumstances, he would have been able to slip out of his opponent's grip with ease. But this time, it was impossible. It was as if her whole body was tied together by an invisible thread, and she couldn't believe that she had been caught off guard by an unheard-of, unrecognized youth. The blow this series of facts dealt to her pride was almost fatal.

This is what it's like to feel like Doro Amitabha Buddha after ten years of studying, to have entered a state of mind after ten years of single-minded dedication to martial arts, to have been so proud of yourself, to have thought you could tear down mountains and divide the earth, only to find that you couldn't kill the first ant you encountered when you came down the mountain, is the best example of her current state.

'What was the point of spending the last five hundred days of my life cultivating and building walls against the world? Did I buy all of that just to be humiliated so horribly by a brat like this? Or am I dreaming?

But the tingling in her cheeks, a blow more devastating to her mind than to her still-sore body, was a sharp reminder of reality.

She felt as if all her common means were blocked. She felt like a drifting princess tossed into a doomed ocean. She had never imagined that being helpless to do anything could make her feel so helpless.

'I never thought I'd feel this helpless…….'

Any further confrontation would only be a blow to his face.

"Does this mean I have no choice but to apologize… and if not… break the taboo?

She bites down hard on her lower lip. Whether he stays or apologizes and lets go of her hand, either way, her pride takes a serious hit.

Either way, it's a choice that requires some sacrifice on your part, and it's a choice based on the least amount of sacrifice. Of course, neither decision was easy.

'If I hadn't had to work that day…….'

'If only that secret hadn't been discovered…….'

If there is such a thing as a bad blood, this was the worst kind.

Three nights ago, when they first met!

That night, Bi Ryuyeon gave her a terrible night that she never wanted to think about again.

In hindsight, that base hit was the one that started it all.

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discord ko-fi