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Book 9 Chapter 1

Ongojip vs. Wangojip

"Boo-tak-hap-nee-dah! Put-ah-joo-seh!"

"What is he talking about?

The man in front of you is a smartass.

The request was very clear.

This man is now forcibly demanding a voluntary apology from himself, who has been raised to the heavens and made a fortune.

What is an apology?

The dictionary meaning of an apology is to tell someone you're sorry for something you've done, or that you're sorry for something you've done, or that you're remorseful, but the function of an apology is not so small that it can be expressed in a few short lines of text.

An apology is a form of communication. It has a very special and varied function, because it has the ability to connect a broken conversation and restore a broken relationship. However, sometimes pride can get in the way of this useful and convenient communication tool altogether.

If you look around you, you'll see that there are a surprising number of people who take their false beliefs as absolutes and run like blind men without looking around. Such people usually make these mistakes frequently. Of course, it's very annoying for others. A common characteristic of such people is that they have lost their judgment and cannot distinguish between cutting and shoveling. They have no idea that they are digging their own grave. Even in this moment.

In this case, ten is ten, a hundred is a hundred, and things will only escalate in a bad way, and nothing good will ever come of it. Except for the whims of the heavens.

But don't blame the apples for that. Because if someone's misguided beliefs and stubbornness lead them down the wrong path, it's their fault, not the apple's, because they're an idiot who doubles as an idiot with the wrong tool.

This doesn't change the fact that apples are one of the most useful tools to make society smoother and gentler, and they are indispensable for creating a harmonious society.

Without apologies, the world would be a perpetual cycle of confrontations, fights, and arguments. It would be a vicious cycle of confrontation breeding confrontation, fighting breeding fighting, and on and on and on. It would be an even duller and more unpleasant world than it already is.

Nevertheless, even with all of this rambling (a wonderful and useful aspect of apologizing), apologizing was out of the question for her. This was already not a matter of right or wrong for her; the simple, straightforward definition of "you made a mistake and you should apologize" didn't work for her.


That was all the response she could give.

'As the head of an organization, how could I possibly apologize for something so insignificant? I can't! Besides, what did I do wrong to deserve an apology? He's the one who should be apologizing, not me! How dare a lowly lowlife dare to speak to me, the president of the Warriors' Association!!!

She would not have apologized if she had been wronged by a mistake. That was her way of life. It was a mindset that was sure to annoy those around her, and her stubbornness showed no signs of abating.

In her current state of mind, an apology was not possible. Rather, her animosity was alive and well and rising to a fever pitch, and she was maximizing the useful self-justification of being the head of an organization.

Her unbridled pride, vanity, and overwhelming self-consciousness seemed to favor a world of hurt over an apology.

"You think I'm going to bow down to this lowly wretch!

With her true intentions, there would be no peaceful atmosphere. As their hands and wrists were linked, the atmosphere between them grew increasingly bleak and grim. The onlookers around them could hardly breathe from the tension, frustration, and pressure that radiated from the two of them and filled the air around them.

'I'm… scared…….'

This was a common sentiment among the members of the KJC, who were following the situation closely behind a human barrier. I'm already starting to fear where this is going to go. The last thing they wanted was to be caught in the crossfire just because they happened to be nearby.

"What the hell does that guy look like anyway?

Their questioning gazes were directed at Bi Ryuyeon, who maintained that the Maharajah's personal preferences were as irrelevant to me as Turuck's.


Bi Ryuyeon was now returning Maha Ling's venomous gaze with a breezy smile.

"This… this……."

Maharishi was puzzled as his formless qi flowed like a river into the sea.

The intangible power that only the pinnacle masters can exude is an invisible force that emanates not from the physical body, but from the cultivated mind and accumulated inner space. It is a kind of maximized living.

The intangible energy unleashed by a master of her caliber can shock an opponent's mind with almost the same power as a real martial art. Ordinary martial artists would be expected to "croak" like a frog that has already encountered a snake. However, the unlucky man in front of him is standing there helplessly, with all of his intangible energy shed without a trace. For a Mach man, it was a bit of a dress reversal.

'I'm not a simple slug after all, but… but… but… but… never… apologize!

Her mind was clear, unwavering, resolute. Dead is dead, and there would be no apology. I wondered if apologizing was such a hard thing to do.

But Ongojip was no slouch. Moreover, he was not afraid to consider even the most bizarre and violent methods to achieve the desired result. He was inherently more flexible than others in terms of means and methods.

Even by actively demonstrating a wide range of flexibility, Bi Ryuyeon seemed to be able to extract an apology from this stubborn and arrogant young lady.

With such extreme differences of opinion, friction was inevitable, and confrontations were bound to be protracted.



Their gazes met and sparked a brilliant flame.

Bi Ryuyeon and Maha Ling were both tight-lipped, but that didn't mean they weren't talking. An unspoken conversation, fiercer than any debate or argument, was burning between them. It was not a fire that would be easily extinguished (hence the headache for everyone).

The frosty gaze of the Maharishi was doing everything in its power to penetrate the barrier of hair in front of Bi Ryuyeon's eyes. Currently in a defensive position, Bi Ryuyeon didn't budge, maintaining a dog-barking attitude.

Swept up in their aura, the tension around them began to rise. No, it was already so tense that it felt like a chokehold was about to happen.

It was a battle between a high ranking member of the Kung Fu Academy, who controlled half of the Kendo forces in the country, and a lone Kendoist who was said to have won the Samurai Games by sheer luck and coincidence (in fact, just winning the Samurai Games was a feat in itself).

It's a fight that shouldn't have been a fight in the first place, whether it's based on status or skill, but the fight that was thought to be impossible has now been realized, and it's causing a stunned silence. Everyone is stunned by the unexpected fact that this fight is not one-sided.


Swallowing hard, their hearts were burning like dried up rice paddies as they watched the confrontation between the two - one stubborn man and one unbending woman.

"This is crazy!

Baek's mind was a tangle of threads, as he was one of the passengers and actively involved in the debacle.

"Common sense says, 'How could this happen? This doesn't usually happen in the wild.'

What had just happened was beyond the comprehension of his mind and the knowledge and common sense inherent in it.

But he had to come up with a conclusion, a conclusion that would convince himself and those around him. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't come up with one. He began to doubt his own brain.

His gaze fell on a man.

"Why is it him again? Why? Why?

Into his bleak vision, he could clearly see Bi Ryuyeon's figure.

'What on earth could convince anyone of anything other than the conclusion that the man was a lunatic, even I, who saw it that day, still can't tell if it was a dream or a mass hallucination…….'

Bai Muyoung still couldn't believe that he was standing in front of the iron scaffold with his eyes wide open, watching that ridiculous Xin Yu, who was standing in front of the iron scaffold as a blood-blooded god. He had always thought of himself as a very common sense person, and had been overconfident.

"If I do this wrong, I'm going to look like a crazy person.

Baek Moo-young barely resisted the urge to tear out all of his hair, because that wouldn't create another spiky number.

'I promised myself that I would never be surprised by anything he did after that day…….'

It was an empty resolution that was shattered in less than three months.

"Is it just a wait and see?

Even Baek Moo-young, who was known for his ability to fly off the handle in the face of unexpected events dozens of times larger than he had anticipated, was helpless. To stop it, he would have had to use his hands before Bi Ryuyeon's hands traveled unceremoniously back and forth across both cheeks of the precious celestial gold. But by the time he rushed over, it had already happened. It was too late now.

This was a major event that could have turned into a clash between the two factions of the Heavenly Martial Academy if the wrong person intervened.


All he could do now was to let go and let the flow of the world decide his fate. What Baek Muyoung was feeling in his heart right now was a strange feeling that he couldn't describe.

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discord ko-fi