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Book 9 Chapter 11

The Hundred Dao Divine Sword and the Nephrite Goddess Sword

"Do you mind if I ask, what's your name?"

Yong Tianming asked, "Is this fierce mare a

The name of the guy who got us into this mess is

Because I wanted to know.

"Of course! It's called a Bi Ryuyeon."

Since she didn't remember doing anything bad enough to hide her name, she didn't hesitate to answer.

"Ho-ho, you must be Bi Ryuyeon, the person who is said to be secretly causing a stir in the academy these days!"

Bi Ryuyeon's name was one of the first things he heard when he came out of the closet and returned to Guzheng, so it was a big deal.

The one who even the Nine Kingdoms Council withheld judgment from! The one who blunted the snow sword of the Earth Dragon Bai Muyoung, and silenced the silence of the Earth Dragon Qingxin!

From the reports I'd heard, I knew he was an eccentric and unpredictable character, but I never thought he'd get away with something this outrageous.

"Didn't you say you won the Samsung Muze?"

There was a tone of disbelief in his voice, or he wouldn't have asked me this question.

"I'm sure there's been times when that's happened."

It's not a big deal," she said. It was like, "What would you do with a job that anyone could do and be honored as a gongchisa?

Yong Tianming laughed heartily at Bi Ryuyeon's sarcastic reply.

"Hahaha! Of course, it's not honorable if you've earned it by being lucky enough to have your own star sign! Thank goodness! I've been wondering if you're the kind of person who doesn't know his own fractions, and I'm very glad to see that you're a person with a normal way of thinking!"

His tone was almost mocking.

The gazes of Na Yerin, Mo Yonghui, Hyorong, Jang Hong, and others who had some connection to Bi Ryuyeon all turned toward her at once. There was only one question in their minds.

"Normal thinking?

Their answer was that the world had been predetermined from the time when yin and yang were separated in the primordial mix and the two poles were formed.

"There's no such thing!

Everyone could only agree on this fact as one human being, regardless of their ideas, affiliations, and origins. If Bi Ryuyeon had a normal mindset in the first place, the events that are happening now wouldn't have happened in the first place.

Apparently, Yong Tianming was confident enough to subdue Bi Ryuyeon even with the medicine on him. He didn't know if that thought was a miscalculation or not…….

We're going to need to do some math.

The appearance of Long Tianming had brought about a new turning point in the situation, but Bi Ryuyeon still hadn't let go of Maha Ling's hand. At this point, she should have let go out of boredom, but she couldn't figure out where she'd learned this trick.

Outwardly, she's smiling and pretending to be Tae-yeon, but Yong-chun is also quite puzzled by this unexpected turn of events.

"You mean to tell me that I'm not the only one in the academy who has the supernatural ability to handle that fierce mare, and that it's only through sheer luck?

At the time he left the academy for his half-a-thousand-day closure training, such an entity clearly didn't exist.

However, when he came out of the gate, the world around him seemed to have changed a bit. It was natural for him to be curious about the true identity of the person who was baffling him. He also realized that he was in a position where he had to make a decision about what to do.

Twin Dragon Bo!

It was one of the few martial factions whose power rivaled that of the Eight Great Families, and the home of the Lunar New Year's Day lord, the Chang Tian Dragon.

The original Shuanglongbo was a place that looked like an ordinary family on the surface, but was really a Shaolin family, and that's because all the people in key positions in the Shuanglongbo were all connected to Shaolin in one way or another.

Starting with the current owner, Yong Tianqi, and his father's father's generation, the masters of the Twin Dragon Sword have been from the Shaolin family for generations, and unusually for a family of disciples, they were all trained in the same way as the Shaolin Temple's disciples.

As such, it was favored by the Shaolin Temple and had a strong presence in the area. Its location in Henan province, close to Shaolin, was such that one could walk out of the main gate and walk straight to the Shaolin Temple gates.

So it's no wonder that it's called the backbone of the Shaolin family, and no one would argue with that. Some say that it is the sword of Shaolin. Instead of Shaolin pretending to be very well cared for and unconcerned with the secular world, the Twin Swords were serving as a bridgehead to the secular world.

Of course, they were definitely supporting Shaolin financially. With the enormous profits they made from taxation under Shaolin's aegis, it was only natural that Shaolin should get a piece of the action. Generation after generation, the direct descendants of Shuanglongbo were admitted to Shaolin from an early age, receiving the same classes as the previous students, freeing them from the restrictions of the family and allowing them to be taught according to their talents. Thus, Shuanglongbo's power grew with each passing year.

Among them, Yong Tianming was even more special.

Speardragon Dragoncry!

He had always lived in the pursuit of perfection, and he wanted to be perfect. Of course, he wasn't the kind of fool who thought he could become perfect by just sitting still. He was prepared to pay for it, so he worked hard to make himself perfect, and he prided himself on being a worthy vessel.

Certainly, he had qualities, natural qualities that would not be defeated by anyone! Certainly, this world needs innate qualities. The barriers are too high to be overcome by effort alone.

Everyone's talents are different. It would be unreasonable to expect their talents to be centered on a single martial art. In that sense, Long Tianming was a lucky man, for he was born with heavenly qualities against the odds.

His mind and body were ready, and he had the perfect teacher, a necessary and sufficient condition for becoming strong in martial arts.

He wanted to be perfect, and Shaolin gave him the power. Shaolin was Shaolin, and so he could become perfect, a near-perfect powerhouse in his age group. He was strong enough that he could take pride and honor in it. One day, he looked around and could count on less than five fingers the number of people who were equal to him, and no one disputed that fact.

Even after entering the Heavenly Martial Academy, the Hall of Martial Arts, there were very few people who could match him. When it came to martial arts, even Bai Xiaochun was no match for him. There was only one person who could match him, the Three-Sectioned Sword Qinghe. No one of his age had ever given him such a hard time. Indeed, the sword of the shaman called Xin Zhu Zeidao was terrifying. There were many times when he almost fell to his death beneath it. Against him, there was no room for laxity or slackness. Fortunately, with all his might, Long Tianming was able to defeat Qing Shui by less than half a second.

Luckily for him, one of his parents (on his mother's side, naturally) was from a shamanic family, which gave him the edge in avoiding fatal injuries.

He became the president of the Guzheng Council. No one had ever risen to the head of the Guzheng Council in as short a time as Yong Tianming.

But now there's a human being who completely ignores them.

What to do with this unexpected human?

Moreover, he was pushing that fierce, demanding Mach number, and that somehow bothered him. It was playing a crucial role in generating an unexplained feeling of nervousness and anxiety in his chest.

It was an unfamiliar problem he had never faced before. Today he was not his usual self at all.

"Amitabha Buddha, there are seventy-two divine arts in the Great Shaolin Forest, the foundation of which was laid by the Dharma Master in the ninth year of his cultivation, and refined and organized by the sixth great master, Hye-hyun. Each of these disciplines is so profound and subtle that it is impossible to master them all in one lifetime, even if one were to cultivate them for a lifetime. However, as the old saying goes, "It is better to dig a single well than to dig many wells." Mastering many different things is of no use in practice. Especially in the presence of the greatest masters, a martial art that has not been accomplished is nothing more than a useless exercise. You do not need to master all 72 Shaolin arts!"

Ambassador Hui Zheng, Master of the Dragon Heaven, said, rolling a prayer bead made of iron in one hand.

"What then is a disciple to do?"

Racking his brain, Long Tianming asked. He was asking for instruction. Right now, he was just getting his feet wet in Shaolin's non-divine art, Banya Divine Art, and had only mastered a few basic techniques. He was about to enter into a full-fledged class.


"Amitabha, take this!"

The teacher offered him an object out of the blue. Ambassador Hui Zheng asked for an example of the object. If he, a Shaolin master, was willing to give an example, any fool would be able to guess the value of the object.

Young Long Tianming's eyes widened: this was an object that could never be associated with Shaolin.

"This… is……."

Long Tianming was stunned and stammered.

It was an object that never belonged in Shaolin. Shaolin temples had saribis for the sosami to sweep the yard, captains for the monks to carry on their journeys, and Shaolin martial artists to cultivate, but you never heard of a sword anywhere in Shaolin. It was unheard of for a monk to wear a sword.

But what his master held out to him was a sword, whose antiquated shape, faint rust color, and the energy that emanated from it made it clear that it was no ordinary sword. It was a divine sword, unmistakable from side to side and top to bottom.

The auspicious sword emitted a green light as beautiful as a green forest, and Long Tianming was instantly mesmerized.


Master Hui Zheng reverently chanted the Najik Buddhist chant. He was now performing a great ritual. It was natural to feel reverent.

Long Tianming felt his mind being washed away by his master's powerful Buddha power. He tightened his grip and waited for his master to speak.

"The Nephrite Nirvana Divine Sword, a Shaolin Supreme Treasure. It is the sword of the highest good, used to subdue demons and evil, and to protect the good. There is only one authority in this world that can determine the whereabouts of this sword: the Nephrite Buddhist Temple, the headquarters of the Great Shaolin Forest."

That is, it could override all other authority.

"Nok… Nok Jade Buddha!"

Long Tianming's mouth dropped open in astonishment. Master Huizheng's words were a series of astonishing statements that were enough to set his young mind racing.

Green Jade Buddha!

It shines with a jade-green glow, symbolizing the unquestioned authority of the great Shaolin master, who presides over the entire Shaolin Temple. No one who joins Shaolin can escape its authority.

He is the supreme authority over the four great rivers, the eighteen great men, and the one hundred and eighty invincible kings. However, there is only one authority that yields to this one authority.

A tremor still ran through the boy's body. In a majestic voice, the Master said.

"As said, this sword is absolutely subservient only to the authority of the Nephrite Buddha, and will not compromise with any demon or evil, which is why some call it the honor of Shaolin."

It felt like the sword scribe was sucking him in. Long Tianming stared at the sword in a dazed stupor.

After a moment's pause, the Master's compassionate and majestic gaze turned back to Long Tianming. His eyes seemed to hold the very essence of Mother Nature, and it was enough to make one bow in reverence.


The master called his disciple. His voice was full of compassion.

"Yes, Master!"

Although he was young, Long Tianming answered loudly from the bottom of his heart. Right now, the glowing jade green sword in front of him was overwhelming his mind and his entire body. The air in the room felt extremely heavy. There was no doubt in his mind that this was no mere sword competition today. No matter how young he was, he was certain of that.

"Amitabha Buddha… this sword is yours from now on."

The green jade sword on the white silk floated up and was placed in front of Long Tianming. Long Tianming didn't dare to speak. He didn't have the heart to do so at all.

"How dare the disciple……."

At first, Long Tianming couldn't bear to accept it. At this point, he hadn't matured enough to carry the authority of an invisible person on his shoulders.

"Amitabha, take it! You have earned it. If you doubt your worthiness, then train yourself to be worthy of this sword! The wielder of this sword becomes the de facto head of the Shaolin clan. Be one who is not ashamed of their honor!"

It was a heavy burden for a boy not yet fifteen.

"Take it!"


Long Tianming did not dare to protest.

"To be a representative of the Jade Goddess Sword is to be the face and honor of Shaolin! You must strive to be a person who is not ashamed of the sword from now on."

"I would give my life to make sure……."

By now, Long Tianming's eyes were burning with conviction and determination. He was now the deputy of the Nephrite Goddess Sword. Of course, the sword will remain in the custody of Ambassador Huizheng for the time being until he becomes a worthy practitioner.

"As you know, we, the Old School, were unable to produce a single Heavenly Martial Saint during the last Heavenly Blood Tax, the first-ever Martial War. After all the Heavenly Martial Saints were produced by people outside of the Old School, they became known as the Three Heavenly Martial Saints and were revered as the foundation of the Martial Realm. It was a great pity for our school that the Sword King was not among them, for he was of a high caliber and deserved to be there, but he was not fortunate enough to be there. Although we did not shy away from what happened, it was a great disgrace to our school, and we have not forgotten it and have been humiliated by it ever since. In order to bring forth the most outstanding martial artist in the Bai family, and to bring forth all of the next generation of martial artists from the Old Daemons Sect, I say to you, Tianming!"

"Yes, Master!"

"You are the culmination of our efforts. Your talents will never fail to fulfill our expectations. Become an invincible god of the heavens and earth, and honor the name of the ancient schools and the Great Shaolin."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Long Tianming bowed deeply and replied.

Master believes in you. Shaolin believes in him. Excitement swirled in his heart now.

"This Jade Goddess Sword will show you the way. You shall become the Taishan Beidou of the Martial Forest!"

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