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Book 8 Chapter 14

A digest of unrelated stories!

-Written by: Great! 天上天下!

Bi Ryuyeon : Hello! I'm Bi Ryuyeon, the supremely handsome and ultra-savory extreme beauty of the Eighteen Thousand Heavenly Worlds Samra Man Sang Universe, and my eighth book has now been published. Hehehe… I'm finally starting my activities in earnest. Thank you for your patience, and now I'll tell you about my activities in earnest… By the way, have any of you forgotten my life story so far? Ah… There's no way there's such a person……?

Hyo Long: Here you are. I only got to know you when you entered the Heavenly Martial Arts Academy, so it's natural that I don't know about your childhood. Oh, I'm late in saying hello. Hello. I'm Hyo Long.

Jang Hong: Mm… That's right. Come to think of it, you've never told us about your past before. I'd like to hear it this time… Hello. Jang Hong.

'Ryuyeon Bi : Ehhhh… well, that's… not really my thing…….'

Na Yerin : I'm intrigued, too, can you talk about that?

Bi Ryuyeon : Eh, even I, I, Sojae… Well, if you want to…….

I remember my mother passing away when I was very young, and then my father before I was 10 years old, because there was an epidemic of bubonic plague in the village where I lived at the time.

I buried my father next to my mother's grave, and then I sculpted him and my mother and put them next to each other.

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong: No… I didn't realize you had such a painful past.

Na Yerin: …….

No, I was so young that I don't remember much, so I'm not that sad about it. What I do remember is that my father was a sculptor, and I was pretty good at sculpting, and I think my mother was a very beautiful woman, but that's when the real misery started.

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong : Eh? A greater misfortune than losing your parents?

Na Yerin: You mean when you met him?

Bi Ryuyeon: Yes. That's when I met Sensei, and that's when the darkest period of my life began. Ugh… I get goosebumps just thinking about it.

Hyo Long : I don't understand. What the hell are you talking about?

Jang Hong: I don't understand what you're talking about either.

Bi Ryuyeon : Now, listen carefully. I met my master at my parents' graveside. I had nowhere else to turn, so I followed him. The first thing he taught me was how to cook rice. He made me chop firewood with a 100-millimeter axe to build my strength, wash clothes with a 50-millimeter clothespin, and later sold me to a blacksmith shop, where he kept me from sleeping and gave me a second job. He used the money from my exploitation to buy alcohol. Black, black, black… Just thinking about it now…….

Hyo Long: I didn't realize you had such a disadvantaged childhood.

Jang Hong: That's right.

Nayarin: You've been a great teacher.

Bi Ryuyeon: One day, I was out in the mountains gathering herbs, and I happened to see a doll's tongue ginseng. If it wasn't for that, I might not have been able to escape my master's spell.

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong : You mean you took it?

Na Yerin: That's a surprise.

Bi Ryuyeon: Hmmm… Anyway, thanks to that puppet, I was able to learn martial arts at a rapid pace and finally escape from my master's spell. One day, I was practicing in the water, and when I went outside to take a break, I saw an old man lying on the ground, dying. So, following our master's teachings, I bathed the body and collected his belongings. I found a bast cotton ball and a letter. The letter said that I would be entrusted with the training of the master.

Hyo Long: Zhu Jiaodan? You mean your priests?

Bi Ryuyeon: That's right. No, technically, they're not priests, they're my students.

Jang Hong: What do you mean, you've been teaching Zhu Jiajiajie?

Bi Ryuyeon: Yes. I used the bast face masks I got back then and trained them a bit. In retrospect, I may have come to the Heavenly Martial Arts Academy because I missed them.

Na Yerin: So, you're saying that when you entered the Heavenly Martial Academy, you pretended to be an ambassador of the Zhu Jia Clan?

Ryuyeon Bi : Yes, me, Sojae. Hehe… Please don't tell the guys at Jujakdan about this.

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong: That's right… barely…….

Na Yerin: I don't think I'm under any obligation to keep secrets.

Bi Ryuyeon : Hmph… I can't… Then I'll teach you one of the secrets of the salt maker, so can you keep them both a secret?

Na Yerin: Well, I'll have to listen and think about it.

Hyo Long: Okay, tell me about it.

Jang Hong: Let's take a listen.

Bi Ryuyeon: I met Master Yin when I ran away with a mukgong without my master's knowledge and came to Namchang, where the Heavenly Martial Academy is located. I was in need of a disciple to take care of various chores for me.

Jang Hong: (to Hsiao-Long in full voice) Isn't a disciple a person who handles chores?

Hyo Ryong: (also in full voice) Maybe it's because you were taught that way by your teacher when you were younger.

Bi Ryuyeon : So you intentionally excite Yeomdo Nosa and then,

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong: Next?

Ryuyeon Bi : I gave him a little push with a palm flip.

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong: So?

Ryuyeon Bi : So, what do you mean, it just stretched out.

Hyorong & Jang Hong: What? You mean, you defeated Elder Yin and made him your disciple?

Ryuyeon Bi : That's right.

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong: Spare us the nonsense.

Nayarin: That's a little bit of a stretch to believe.

Bi Ryuyeon : Well, if you don't believe it, you can't help it… If you don't believe it, you can refer to the second volume of Bi Ryuyeon. It's available in bookstores nationwide.

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong: Sure.

Anyway, I came to the Tianmu Academy with Master Yidao, but by the time I got there, the general application was already closed, so I was looking for a way to get in, and I found out that there was a special test. To take the special test, you need an item called a nirvana plaque, so I looked for the nearest nirvana plaque, and it was in a place called Hoa Zhang.

Hyo-ryong: So, you're telling me that you've taken the Seungryong from Hoa-jang?

I'm not sure why you're asking, but it took a lot of hard work on the part of Mr. Yin. That's how I got the Seungryong Plaque, and then entered the Heavenly Martial Arts Academy as the top candidate in a special examination. I met you on the roof on the day of the entrance ceremony.

Hyo Long: Yes, that's when I met you, and I met Jang Hong on the way to the dorm.

Jang Hong: Yes, that was the first time I met you guys.

Ryuyeon Bi : So, since then, I've been living in Chuuk Tianmu Hakkaikan…… !!!

Hyo-Ryong: No, you don't, but why?

Jang Hong: Did he smell money or something?

Na Yerin: What's going on?

Bi Ryuyeon : This, this feeling is… Seo, no way…….

? ? ? : Gel gel gel!!! How are you, Ryu Yeon-ah!

Bi Ryuyeon : Huh!!! Master?

Master: Yes, it's me, Master. How long has it been since you ran away without telling me?

Bi Ryuyeon : No, what happened to my old-age pension? And how did you know I was in the Tianmu Hall?

Master: Hehehe… What can't this heavenly master, a master of great power and great fortune, do? When he entered the open gate and stood on the open ark, he told me that one of his students, a man named Luo Hak, was in the Heavenly Martial Academy and that he had heard the story of a child named Bi Ryuyeon from him.

Ryuyeon Bi : It seems like the story was rushed.

Master: That's right, the author's inarticulateness and ignorance are evident.

Hyo Long: I guess so.

Jang Hong: That's right, this author seems to be much more lush than Sword Liuhon. Yeah.

Na Yerin: That's so true.

Master: But… why are you wearing a shit-chewed face, disciple? Don't you like it when I show up?

Bi Ryuyeon : Oh, no, I'm not, I'm like… (inwardly) I'm like a damn old man.

Master: But… who are these guys and the little Sojae?

Bi Ryuyeon: Ahaha… This is Hyo-ryong, and this is Uncle Jang Hong. What are you doing, not saying hello, he's my master.

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong: Hello. We are Ryuyeon's motivation for joining Tianmu Academy.

Master: Okay, nice to meet you.

Ryuyeon Bi: Hehe… This is me, Yerin Sojae.

Na Yerin: Nice to meet you, I'm Na Yerin.

Master: Ho-ho, I didn't expect Ryuyeon to know such a cute little Sojae… but it's nice to see you anyway. Ryuyeon!

Ryuyeon Bi : What?

Master: Is this scalpel… is this yours? (Holds out little finger)

Bi Ryuyeon : What? Ahaha… It's only a couple of kisses…….

Hyorong & Jang Hong : !!!

Na Yerin: …next time, you're not going to be favored, and you'd better be ready for it.

Master: Hmm… She's pretty, but I'm guessing she's got a bit of a temper. I'm sure you've been keeping a close eye on your pocketbook. I'll ask you about running away and cheating on me later. For now, tell me about your time at the Heavenly Martial Academy. I'm sure Master is dying to know.

Bi Ryuyeon: Ai… indeed… Master… you can just go to a bookstore and buy a book with a rating of 1 to 7…….

Master: So, are you saying you can't talk, or are you pouting because I haven't stroked you in a while, my dear student? (Oof, lightly loosening the knuckles of his fist)

Bi Ryuyeon : No, don't say that, Master. You have to listen to what people say.

Master: Okay, then let's talk about it.

Bi Ryuyeon: The first people I met at the Tianmu Academy were Hyo-ryong and Jang Hong, who are still my best friends. And there is a guy named Mo Yong-hui who shares a dormitory room with me, who is called a cleaning maniac. His specialty is organizing things by making angles, cleaning until there is no dust, etc…….. It's something like that. And I also got to know a guy named Yoon Jun-ho, who is said to be a disciple of the Hwasan School, but a younger guy is said to have entered Gumhyangjikyung… You know Gumhyangjikyung, right?

Master: Exactly! What does she see in you, Master?

Ryu-yeon Bi : Well, it's not like I'm going to beat him up. Anyway, he had an unusual medical condition called plum blossom hypersensitivity.

Master: Plum Hypersensitivity?

Hyo Ryong: The bottle is a peculiar one: when you smell the scent of plum blossoms, you break out in hives all over your body and itch unbearably.

Jang Hong: He's really outrageous. In recent years, there are only two or three people in the Huashan Sect who have reached the level of sword incense… and he can't even use a sword because he's hypersensitive to plum blossoms.

Na Yerin : That's so true, a plum sensitivity…….

Bi Ryuyeon: Anyway, that's how I got to know a few people, and in class, I decided to learn yin gong in addition to the compulsory subjects. Among the yin gongs, it was yin gong using gold. I came out with silk gold, but I had no place to use it. So while taking the class, I learned about the history of the martial arts. What is it called? …….

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong: Don't say that awful word!

Nayarin: That's… I don't really want to hear that.

Master: (muttering) The Heavenly Spirit… I haven't heard that name in a long time.

Ryuyeon Bi : Eh? What?

Master: Huh? Oh, no. Go on with your story.

Ryu-yeon Bi: Well, yeah, there's not much else, except for falling asleep in class and almost getting hit by a memorization, and Nosa recommending that I cut my bangs, which, as you know, Master told me to grow.

Master: Hmm… That's right, but it's not exactly because I want it to be, but it seems like it's also a setting where I can secretly feel the commercial strategy of the author of Sword Ryu Hon?

Hyo-Ryong & Hong : Come to think of it, that's true.

Ryuyeon Bi : Hmm… I see, so it's not like there's going to be an ugly face later or something?

Jang Hong: You never know.

Master: If you keep giving the writer trouble, maybe… Hmph.

Na Yerin: You're a strong writer.

Hyo Long : Yeah, maybe even that 'Heavenly Blood God' would be hard to defeat.

Ryuyeon Bi : Perhaps the only thing that can keep a writer down is money. Money is the best, especially for a writer who has to starve in a viper's den to get a deadline.

Master: That's right, that's the answer. You are indeed a loving disciple of this great master, hehehe.

Hyo-Ryong & Jang-Hong: (Into) Uwek.

Na Yerin: You guys… you look a lot alike.

Hyo Long : That's right, we're very similar, from our nerdy personalities to our love of 'money'.

Bi Ryuyeon : (into) Hyo… Hyo-ryong that guy is…….

Master: Hehehe… You still have eyes to see. After all, we are the best priests in the world. Isn't that right, disciple?

Bi Ryuyeon : Ehehe… Let's just say that. By the way, it was around that time that I met NaSojae for the first time. I was looking around after class, and I stumbled upon a place… where…….

Nayarin: Unhyangjeong.

Bi Ryuyeon : Oh, yeah, that's right. I arrived at a place called Unhyangjeong, and that's where I saw me, Sojae, for the first time, and it was like being hit in the head with a hammer, and it was a really fresh shock, so I acted on instinct…….

Hsiao-Long & Jang Hong & Master: (eyes glowing) You moved?

Ryuyeon Bi : I kissed him.

Na Yerin: At the time… it was so unexpected that I was panicking. Honestly, I was sitting in the gazebo, playing gold, and I didn't think I'd suddenly get hit like that…….

Bi Ryuyeon : Ah… But you threw away a pair of mu bok that I also saved.

Hyorong & Jang Hong & Sabu: What are you talking about?

Bi Ryuyeon : Alas… At the same time as the kiss ended, NaSojae swung his sword at me. It was so sweet that I was dazed and almost cut myself.

Na Yerin: I wish it had been… I wish it had been a little deeper.

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong : I didn't think it would be that fast.

Bi Ryuyeon: But that wasn't the end of it. I had just finished kissing him when a guy suddenly jumped on me. His name was… His name was…….

Nayarin: This is Wei Jichen.

Bi Ryuyeon: Ah, yes. That's Yu Zichen. He's the master of the Bingfeng Movie Guardians, so it's no wonder he came after me.

Hyo Ryong: If you're talking about Wei Zichen, is that the Sun Feng Sword Dragon who fought against you in the final of the Samsung Mujie… the one who is also a member of the Heavenly Sword Dragon and is known as the Three Strong, along with Qinghe and Baek Muyoung?

Ryuyeon Bi : Yeah, he's probably right.

Master: So, you didn't get killed by him, did you, disciple?

Ryuyeon Bi : Chet, what do you see me as?

Master: Of course I'm looking at you as an adorable, unapologetic disciple. But what is the Bingfeng Movie Guard, and what is the Chinese New Year?

Bi Ryuyeon: Because I'm so beautiful, I'm a group of people who adore me, and my star sign is Bingbaekbong. For reference, the 16 most outstanding men and women in the Tianmu Academy are called the Gulong Seven Peaks, and I'm one of the seven peaks. Wei Jichen, the senior I mentioned earlier, Cheung Hsin-bae, and Baek Mu-young are all members of the Guryong. The Guryeong Society is a social organization created by the disciples of the Old Daemun School. There is also a place called the Gunwoong Falga Society, where the disciples and children of the Eight Great Families gather.

Master: Eh… It's a place with a lot of separation. But what about that Wei Zichen guy?

Ryu-yeon Bi : Of course, I sent him away in one hit. He was just shooting sword energy at me, so I was just dodging with my phoenix radish and playing around with it, and then he sent out one lightning bolt, which only scratched my right arm.

Hyo Ryong : Irresistibility? What is that?

Bi Ryuyeon: Ah, yes. You still don't know my true martial art. It's my true martial art, and it was passed down to me by my master. It's a martial art that can be said to be the culmination of both the martial arts and the sword.

Master: Hmph… And the first martial art of the heavens and the earth. You know the saying, "The Hundred Days Spear, the Thousand Days Sword"?

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong & Na Yerin: Yeah.

Master: I'm telling you, if it's a sword, it's 100 million times more reliable.

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong : What? Does it take that long?

Nayarin: You're very proud of yourself.

Master: Gah, gah, gah, gah, gah… That's the kind of martial arts that you're talking about.

Anyway, that's how I met Naga Sojae, and then I heard about a club, which is like a social club within the Tianmu Academy for people with similar hobbies, and the club I joined was… guess what?

Master: Isn't your personality…a money-making business…or a girl's club?

Hyo Ryong: Hahaha… You're right, the name of the club he's in is 'Ae Sojae'. It's a group that loves Sojae, using the "ae" character for love. The main thing they do is… Hmmmm… That's a little embarrassing, I'm not going to tell you because I also have a Sojae.

Master: (in full voice) Hmph… Ryuyeon, what are you doing? Tell me!!!

Ryuyeon Bi: (in full voice) So… it's about collecting the personal information of beautiful sowers, collecting their underwear, and handing it over to someone who wants to collect it for a small fee…….

Master: (in full voice) That's right. Then do you happen to have the underwear of this girl named Na Yerin?

Ryu-yeon Bi: (in full voice) Of course, I suffered a little bit because of that, but it felt so good. But don't tell NaSojae. He doesn't know I did that.

Master: (in full voice) Hmph… Do you think that will work with a bare mouth? Humph… I think a bottle of 20 year old jade wine would do the trick…….

Na Yerin: What are you guys talking about for so long?

Byulyeon : !!! Ahaha… It's nothing, but one of the events held at the Cheonmu Academy is called Samsung Muje, which is just a martial arts competition in the academy, and I participated in it and won.

Na Yerin: It's also because of a promise that he made to me.

Master: What do you mean?

Hyo Ryong: I'll tell you about that. I mentioned earlier that the club that Ryu-yeon joined was called Aesogae, but at that time, there was an incident where there was an intruder in Baekhyangwan. Baekhyangwan is a dormitory for female cadets, so it's natural that there was a lot of panic when a guy broke into that place. Luckily, nothing bad happened, but strangely enough, Na Sojae named Ryu-yeon as the culprit, so Ryu-yeon denied it, and Na Sojae said that he would believe her if she won the Samsung MUJE, so that's why she joined the Samsung MUJE.

Master: Hmm… That's true, but why did you name Ryuyeon as the culprit?

Na Yerin: I have an ability called long-eye reading. I can read the psychology of the other person and deal with them more efficiently, so I often use it. But there was one person for whom it didn't work, and that person was Confucius. The person who broke into the White House that day was also someone who couldn't be read by Longan. That's why he was the culprit.

Master: (in full voice) Hmph… Ryuyeon… You've achieved a great deal in your cultivation. You can already use the Emptiness Sword?

Ryuyeon Bi: (in full voice) Ehehe… Of course.

Ryuyeon Bi : Ehehe… That's why I participated in Samsung Musume to clear up the misunderstanding, and I ended up winning.

Jang Hong: At that time, I didn't think you would actually win. What's more, what you did then was beyond our imagination, wasn't it?

Hyo Rong: Ahaha, yes, you're right, it was crazy when you were wielding the mukgeum. But when you beat the crap out of that guy, Jeon Ok-ki, I felt like I hadn't had a shit in a month!

Master: Jeon Ok-ki? Who is that?

Jang Hong: Let me tell you, he's a disciple of Zhu Changfa, and he's quite impure and unruly. We're eating at a restaurant the day before a competition, and he's openly gossiping about us even though we're there.

Bi Ryuyeon : So when I was competing, I stabbed him in the face with my mukgum, slapped him on both cheeks, kicked his legs into the air, and with the final blow, I sent him flying offstage.

Master: Puh-ha-ha!!! You're just like my dear disciple! I have the best fists for such a person, am I right…….

Na Yerin : (inaudible) It's like that too.

Master: Okay… Aside from that guy, Jeon Ok-ki, who did you dance with in the final?

Bi Ryuyeon : This is Wei Jichen, the senior I mentioned earlier, and he said that he was so unfairly beaten by me that day that he came to Samsung Moojae to practice until he closed down. Hehehe… Well, he ended up losing to me again.

Master: Okay, did you hit it?

Bi Ryuyeon : I played Brain Light Flow for her after a long time.

Master: Hmph… Heh, heh… That Wei Zichen guy, I can see him in your eyes, so what else happened?

Ryuyeon Bi: After that, I just… I just kept going, and then I became a sophomore. At first, when I said I became a sophomore, no one believed me.

Jang Hong: Everyone who knows your classroom demeanor would say that.

Hyo-ryong: Yes, Jang Hong is right, your classroom behavior is notoriously bad even within the Heavenly Martial Arts Academy.

So after my sophomore year, I went to Mudang Mountain for special reinforcement training. There were a few minor things that happened on the way, and a few things that happened when I arrived…….

Hyo-ryong: What a trivial matter! Let's say it's not so much trivial as bizarre.

Na Yerin: That's true, I think bizarre is a better word.

Jang Hong: The image of holding the ark of Red Woongbang, one of the 72 houses in the Green Forest, hostage and demanding money is…….

Master: Yes! You mean this guy did it? Hehehe… Ryuyeon, you've grown so resourceful, haven't you?

Bi Ryuyeon : Hahaha, that's normal. I'm still a long way off from you.

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong: (Hmmm!) !!!

Na Yerin: Foot… It looks like it too.

By the way, when I was training at Mudang Mountain, I was suddenly attacked by strange people.

Master: Sneak attack? You're a bunch of idiots. You didn't get caught, did you? Disciple.

Bi Ryuyeon: It's a no-brainer, right? But they were bullying my lovely students, so I gave them one big blow and wiped them out.

Master: Disciples? Ah, you mean those kids who told you they wanted to be strong?

They're called Jujakdan at the Heavenly Martial Arts Academy, and they're pretending to be a master. They were wearing bast masks then, so it's hard for them to pretend to be a master now. If you meet them, feel free to pamper them. Please think of them as the simple sincerity of a disciple. …….

Master: Gulp, gulp, gulp… You're my student after all. I appreciate your sincerity. But what else happened?

Ryuyeon Bi: But when I looked around, I didn't see NaSojae, so I found out that he went for a walk in the mountains, so I was worried about NaSojae and went to look for him.

Na Yerin: I was… I was grateful, but I don't know why I don't feel grateful for anything you've done for me. It's really weird.

Ryu-yeon Bi: After we wiped out the group that was attacking NaSojae, it was raining pretty hard when we got back, so we looked around and found a cave and spent the night in it with NaSojae.

Hyo-ryong & Jang Hong & Master: (with a twinkle in their eyes) One night!!!

Na Yerin: We did spend the night together, but there was no physical contact of any kind.

Ryuyeon Bi : Ahaha… I was so happy at the time… but nothing really happened.

Master: Ugh. That's a shame, isn't it?

Bi Ryuyeon: Anyway, the next day I went back to the training camp, and after a few days… By the way, is it okay to talk about it, Hyo Ryong?

Hyo Ryong : Well, if that's what the readers want, I don't blame them, but I do blame the writer who made this setting.

That's right, that writer is going to get seriously injured at some point. Anyway, a few days later, a monster suddenly attacked. No, not a monster, but a group of monsters, including two strange old men. The strange old men are named… The name is…….

Jang Hong: Heavens and Earth. That's the name given to the supernatural sword, the Heaven and Earth Sword, and the Ming King.

Master: So?

So I took the advice of some old failed bachelor (who?) who said that women will like you if you show weakness, and I made fun of the thousand-year-old man and ran away to NaSojae, but NaSojae didn't seem to like that, he seemed to despise it.

Nayarin: At the time, I really thought you were intimidated by a thousand kills, but what you did afterward was incredible. I never thought you could have already mastered the Heart Sword Map.

Bi Ryuyeon : Ahaha… What are you admiring with something like that? It's just that the old man was weak…….

Jang Hong: The Thousand-Spirit Sword is weak? Don't you know the evil that old man has been doing for the past few decades? Well… I suppose you wouldn't know that, but it's not strange. I was honestly impressed the moment you blew away the Thousand-Spirit's arm. Who knew you had such skill?

Master: Whose disciple is this? If it is my disciple, who is the best in the world and is invincible, it is natural; but who is the other, the freak?

Bi Ryuyeon : The monster is…….

Hyo Rong: My name is Hyo Feng, my older brother. My brother was under a thousand-year-old spirit possession at the time, so he couldn't distinguish between anything and only wanted to kill. Ryuyeon broke the spirit possession and saved my brother, for which I'm always grateful, but… he was in a bad shape and the spirit possession was too much for him, so he ended up… dying. To ease his suffering, I cut him with my own hands.

Master: Tsk, tsk, that's what happened, did I ask for nothing?

Hyo Long: No, you can't stay heartbroken forever, and I don't think you want that.

Bi Ryuyeon: After that, we went back to the Heavenly Martial Arts Academy, and the Black Islanders wanted to take us under the Blood Law, using Hyo-Ryong's brother's death as an issue. Naturally, we refused, and then they sent a group of mounted soldiers, called the Iron Kickers, who said they were going to use their skills by force, so we decided to go and stop them, but they were just arguing back and forth, so I stopped them to just wipe them out. Here's the story…….

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong & Master: What's Next?

Na Yerin: What happened?

Bi Ryuyeon : I know if you look at volume 8. Ehehe… It's a finish that shows off the author's commercialism, right?

Hyo Ryong : It's obvious that the writer is very open about his money.

Master: Hmm… I'm off to the bookstore to buy eight copies. See you later, disciple! (Ping!!!)

Ryu-yeon Bi : I'm such a disgustingly fast old man. Ehhh… Everyone! See you in volume 8! Please continue to love me a lot!!! Until then, bye!!!

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong: Hi!!!

Na Yerin: Good morning.

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