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Book 8 Chapter 13

A roundtable discussion with Ryu-yeon Bi and her crew

Ryu-yeon Bi : Hello, dear readers! It's really, really amazing that we were able to meet and greet everyone safely in this 8th volume. This time, we were unanimously thinking that the writer would never meet the deadline, but to our horror, the writer narrowly met the deadline. Now, the 8th volume, which is part 2 of Bireudo, has begun.

Hyo Rong : When you see something like this… don't you think it's a miracle?

Who would have dared to think that the writer would be able to meet the deadline this time? You?

Hsiao-long: Hahaha! Of course not. I have a head, and I have a brain in it, and I can think, so why would I take such a stupid gamble? It's absurd.

Ryu-yeon Bi: It's a good thing I didn't win the bet this time because I felt uneasy about it. I could have lost a lot of money! This is why the world is scary and the sky is fickle.

Jang Hong: That's the beauty of the world, isn't it? It's unpredictable, and that's what makes life so interesting.

Ryuyeon Bi : It's a better daydream than a dream. People sometimes write better daydreams than dreams like that and try to ignore the reality that has arrived in front of them… It's a bitter reality.

Jang Hong: By the way, Ryuyeon, I heard that you have some new news about the skyscraper this time?

Why are you asking me about that? Ask the master of stalking, Mr. Xinxin Zhang, and it's a human rights violation for me to talk about it!

Jang Hong: Isn't this territorial? Anyway, there's new news! According to the secret information received by the spies, the Wind and Thunder Sword by the great master of skyscrapers, Choi Huaxiang, has been published and has struck a chord. The Wind and Thunder Sword was written by an unknown author from beginning to end. Just the title!

Ryuyeon Bi : Just the title? You're a writer with nothing to do. Isn't it your duty as a writer to give us a little more attention if you have the time?

Jang Hong: And then there's Hong Hong, who dreams of creating a "Fallen High School" that will take over the nation's high schools! Does he want to publish "Fallen High School" and lead high school students across the country down a path of depravity? The more I think about it, the scarier it is. By the way, Hong Hong has an XY chromosome, which is why some people sometimes mistake it for XX.

Hyo Ryong : Wow, they're even doing genetic research there nowadays, right?

Jang Hong: Oh, genetic engineering is all the rage these days. Gone are the days of fingerprints, dentition, and blood type. It's the Internet age.

Hyo Ryong : That's a lot of work! You said that the picture of Dang Moon-hye here and the picture of Bi Liu were drawn and sent to you by Doo Moon Bul-chul from the next cafe, cafe.daum.net\/TGSNOSF?

Jang Hong: Still, it's very interesting to learn about your readers' images of the characters!

Bi Ryuyeon : Well… There were several pictures posted… Why, there's no picture of me among them. There's a picture of Lee Jin-sul, Dokgo Sojae, and Hyo-ryong, and there's a supporting actor who looks like the Grand Duke…….

Jang Hong: It's a shame we can't include all of them, because there are so many buried masterpieces.

Hyo Ryong : That's a shame, because I've heard that writers nowadays go to cafes to look at pictures posted by readers.

Jang Hong: Also, for the 8-volume anniversary of the second installment, we're holding a story digest contest. The winner of the first prize is ^.^, and if he's reading this book, he knows he won! (As promised, we'll send him a cultural gift certificate worth 200,000 won!)

Hyo Ryong : No, ^.^, aren't you trying to be sneaky?

Ryu-yeon Bi: Chet, no matter how much I love money, I would never do such a thing! A writer would never do such a thing. Speaking of which, it's already time to finish up. (She quickly interrupts the conversation to gossip about herself… What a pity in Korea, where freedom of speech, assembly, and expression is guaranteed!)

Jang Hong: Where there is a meeting, there is a parting, and where there is a beginning, there is an end!

Bi Ryuyeon & Jang Hong & Hyo-ryong : So, to all of you who have supported, loved, read, and enjoyed Bi Ryu-do, we bid you farewell and will see you in the next nine volumes. We pray to the heavens and the gods that we will be able to reunite with you safely. If the heavens and the writer have their way, we'll see you all next time. Until then, goodbye!

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discord ko-fi