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Book 7 Chapter 26

The Rise of the Grand Duke

- Giants are also angry

"What did I just say?"

"Zeeeeeee! Woof, woof, woof!"

The terrifying aura emanating from the entire body of the Black Heavenly Alliance Lord Gal Zhonghao made everything around him scream.

"It is with great sadness that I inform you that the First Master has passed away under the blades of the white knights."

The voice of the gray-haired, gray-eyed old man who delivered the news was filled with bitterness, and the voice of the man who was called the True Elder by Gal Zhonghyo was filled with sorrow. He was like a child to him, and how he rejoiced in its uniqueness! But the sudden report that came to him from the secret chamber was an unearthly force.

"The child who was trapped in a thousand thunderbolts?"

His eyes blazed like a fiery furnace.

"They say he prayed to escape."

"That's just once or twice!"

Skepticism! Distrust!

Seven more times he tried to escape, but never successfully.

"This… they say it worked this time."

Anger and suspicion!

"Gal! Nonsense!"

A guttural saber-rattling erupted from his mouth.

He was an old man who had been by her side all her life, from childhood to now, and there was no way that path would lie to her. Especially not with his son's life and death. But no amount of reason could control his emotions, and his anger erupted like an active volcano.

"Crisp! Crisp! Crisp! Crisp! Crisp!"

One by one, the finest porcelain of the era, which decorated every inch of the room, was cracking. To resist this irresistible pressure, Qin Lie had to raise his qi to full strength. The giant's anger was just as great.

"And your father?"

Galjoonghyo, barely able to calm down, asked Ji-won.

"You don't know that yet."

"Don't tell them for a while, I'll take care of this one!"

"What would you like to do?"

Pathway asked cautiously.

"Let us follow the law of blood."

Gal Zhonghyo's eyes burned like fire.

"Send in the Iron Horsemen! Demand that all those directly involved in Feng Yi's death be brought before the White City."

Jinro's eyes lit up at the mention of the iron scaffold.

"What would you do if they said no?"

"Then we will use force. I don't reject armed conflict. We will do whatever it takes until the truth is known."


Immediately that day, the once-silent cavalcade galloped through the gates of the Black Heavenly League. The gatekeepers greeted them with fear and awe. They were one of the symbols of the power of the Black Heavenly League.

"That's a failure!"

The man said in a quiet voice.

The rapporteur's body trembled like a man with epilepsy when he heard the voice.

"Sin, I'm sorry, that's unbecoming."

A cold sweat dampened his spine. Even though he had known the Grand Duke more than a hundred times, he still couldn't hide the feeling of trepidation he felt every time he saw him. Whether this fear was due to the Grand Duke or the shadows that shadowed him, Qi Shihan, the military mastermind of the Heavenly Palace, was unsure.

"Didn't you say you were going to make it work?"

The voice of the man holding the teacup hasn't changed, so it's hard to guess what he's thinking.

"I hate people who can't keep their word."

"Sin, I'm sorry. Please kill me."

The four-eyed Qi Sahan's expression immediately turned sour.

"Do you think so?"

The man turned his head to look at Qi Sahan and smiled wryly. It was the smile of a man who could play with the lives of thousands and dispose of them with a snap of his fingers. He was a man at the pinnacle of his power, able to take their lives whenever he wished.


A gust of wind rushed into Qi Sahan's stomach. He decided to change his course for now. Even if it meant looking a little cowardly. Qi Sahan decided to take the risk.

"Help me, Archduke!"

To be honest, I didn't want to die yet.

"He was a loser (覇者) from birth.

Qi Sahan could not help but admire, and inwardly fear. The majesty of subduing a worn and tattered man like him with a single word! Even with his hair spinning like lightning, he dared not be distracted by the presence of the Grand Duke. Despite his young age, his whole body exuded a majesty and aura that overwhelmed everyone.

He was born to rule. That's what Qi Sahan believed, and he couldn't help but feel this way when he stood before him. Anyone who stood in front of the Grand Duke would feel the same way.

His eyes see a thousand miles, and his hands control the lives of all. The Grand Duke's secret power was so great that even he was unaware of its full extent. He didn't even bother to find out if life was worth living.

Because of his unknown majesty and fear, anyone who encountered the Grand Duke had no choice but to either serve him or become his enemy and make every effort to eliminate him, for otherwise his position would be jeopardized.

The Grand Duke was such a man. No blood, no killing, no fear, and he had the background and power to make it happen.


The Grand Duke asked. The teacup was still in his hand.


"And his brother?"

"Ah… I'm still alive!"

The face of the young man called the Grand Duke froze in place.

"So you're saying there's still anger, and that's a shame! I'm sure he'd be very sad if you gave him the power to do that and he failed."

Qi Sahan's face became my immediate contemplation. I don't know about anyone else, but I didn't want to see his grief.

"I'll be sure to get rid of it, second chance!"

Qi Sahan bowed his head as low as he could. The Grand Duke took another sip of tea.

"It would weaken my heart to see her face again. When will she return?"

Chisahan bowed deeply and said.

"I will never appear before the Grand Duke."

"Can I trust you?"


"And if it fails, this is what happens!"

There was a brief flash in his hand.

The bronze lion statue beside Qi Sahan shattered into a million pieces. Qi Sahan's face was bleached white and bloodless. An emotion called fear was creeping up from his heart.

The Grand Duke gestured for them to leave.

"In His name, by all means!"

Qi Sahan, who seemed to have taken the example of supreme politeness, backed away. His movements were swift, as if he wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

The man who was called the Grand Duke looked up at the sky. The sky was high, blue, and cloudless.

"Dragon, do not come! If you do… you will die by my hand."

He lifted his teacup again and swallowed the last of the tea.

"The tea is cold!"

A bitter aftertaste lingered on the tip of my tongue.

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discord ko-fi