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Book 7 Chapter 25

Sibling reunion

- One Last Favor


Hyo-Ryong is sitting on his lap with his brother's

I called out in a shaky voice with a flushed face.

His mind was now as turbulent as a stormy sea.

My vision was blurry and I couldn't make out my brother's face.

"Brother! Brother!"

After a dozen times, Hyo-bong finally opened his eyes. His eyelids looked like they were struggling to stay open.

"Are you a dragon?"

"Yes, brother, I'm here. Do you recognize me?"

Hyo-Ryong replied loudly, his face brightening with a pale expression. When Hyo Feng opened his eyes, he had been stunned by Bi Ryuyeon's words, but he had actually come to his senses. He couldn't believe his eyes.

Just when I thought it would be impossible to fully reverse her mind, she turns it on its head.

"You owe me.

It was a heavy debt to pay.

"Oh, dragon!"


Seeing Hyo-ryong's excited response, Hyo-bong spoke up.

"Shut up, kid!"

If I had a bigger body, I would have fed him honey chestnuts right away, but in my current state, I could only think about it and not execute.


Hyo-Ryong's eyes widened at his brother's sudden outburst.

"I'm not deaf. Speak quietly. Don't bother anyone!"

Not the words of someone who had just barely survived a life-or-death situation.

"For example, ……."

Hyo-ryong's voice crawled in at once. After all, even after all these years, he couldn't be punished. To Hyo Feng, the innocent younger brother who hadn't changed over the years only seemed cute.

Galhoubong cocked his head to the side and looked at everyone.

"My little brother has caused you a lot of trouble, and for that I owe you my deepest apologies."

With his head in Hyo-Ryong's lap, Hyo-Fong could barely nod.

"Brother, I'm a grown man now, I'm twenty years old."

At Galhyo Feng's teasing words, Hyorong shouted out, now that he was a grown man, he was still treating his brother like a child.


The boisterous laughter quickly died down, and his eyes sunk deeply. So many thoughts had taken over his mind at once.

"I was just a thirteen-year-old kid when we parted ways… and I've lost seven years to delusion and delirium……. Kulkulkulk!"


Hyo Long's complexion turned pale from the sudden rush of blood.

Black blood was spewing from his mouth as he coughed. His hands and clothes were quickly stained red with blood.

"Am I going to die now?

She knew her body better than anyone else. It was unreasonable to ask him to live with a severed vein in his body. It was ridiculous and selfish.

The so-called hua tai and hua zi were summoned from the roster, and the wounds were so severe that even emergency surgery could not save them.


Huo Feng's fingers trembled slightly. He had tried to move his arm to stroke his younger brother's cheek, hoping to show him some tears for his own sake, but now not even his arm would move of its own volition. His body was already a mess from the excessive superimposition of martial arts, the surge of his Innate Qi, and the runaway surge of Qi.

"What are you?"

Qing Shui, whose body was covered in scars from the battle he had fought earlier, approached and asked. He felt it was imperative that this matter be addressed. He had never heard of anyone of his age possessing such a high level of martial prowess on the Black Sea side. Besides, it was necessary to find out who was behind this sudden attack.

"What good is a name for a body that will be gone when you die?"

Don't tell him, she said. Qing Shui's complexion hardened even more. Hyo Feng smiled bitterly and said, "I'm sorry.

"I don't want to bring the family name into disrepute; it's already been forgotten by the family, what's left for the world to know!"

It was difficult for him to see someone who was about to die like this. Although he was an enemy, he also had respect for him because he had been subdued in spirit, and his martial arts were superior to anyone he had ever faced. No matter what anyone said, he was the first person of his age to be able to handle both Mo Yonghui and Qing Shui himself at once. He deserved to be recognized.


His heart was troubled with worry and anguish.

"But do you really need to know?"

Cheong Hyeon looked a little troubled, but eventually nodded.

Huo Feng smiled gently. He couldn't believe that this was the same person who had just rampaged through the streets, burning his body with murderous intent to spill blood.

"Well, we'll find out soon enough, and I think I'll take a break now."

Qingfeng's polite request was too much for Qinghun to refuse.

"Do it!"

"Thank you."

This was the last conversation they ever had. Qingfeng would have to live with Galhyo Feng's shadow in his heart for the rest of his life. As the first person to neutralize his sword!

Hyo-fong could not rest as he wished. A tremendous pain overwhelmed his body.

"Ha ha ha! Yuck!"

The condition of the fermenter was rapidly deteriorating.

Panting and struggling to breathe, Hyo Feng's body was no longer normal. A trickle of blood ran down the corner of his mouth. His five organs had already been torn to shreds.

His body had already been irreparably damaged by the use of so much potential energy. Recovery was impossible.

He had used every ounce of latent power he had left in his body, and it was only a matter of time before his muscles would tear apart and he would die a horrible death.


Someone must ease his pain. As it is, he will be writhing in agony that will only get worse.

If so, who will it be?

All eyes turned to the young man with the twin swords, and their gazes said one thing.

Hyorong shook his head vigorously, his complexion deadpan.

"No! I can't do it! Uh… how can I… with my own hands……."

His empty hands, held out in front of him, trembled like those of an aspen tree.

"So who's doing it?"

This is not a job for someone else to do, but Hyo-Ryong's heart was too full to take on the task.


Suddenly, Hyo Feng summoned all the energy in his body and began to pull himself up. Just a moment ago, he hadn't been able to move his arms. Moreover, his entire body was feeling a thousand and one pains, and it was reckless to try to stand up by himself in such a state.


Hyo-ryong tried to support Hyo-bong at once.

"Don't… touch that!"

Hyo-feng's thunderous words caused Hyo-ryong to withdraw his hand. The elder brother's face was contorted in misery. He could feel the last of his energy being squeezed out of him.


Little by little, his body was slowly rising to its feet. It was an incredible feat of mental strength. A normal unmanned person would have fainted already, but he would have done it a hundred times over.


Huo Feng's body was shaking violently. He was forcing his already dead muscles to move. There was no way the pain was small. The pain was excruciating, like thousands of needles piercing his body. His torn intestines screamed in agony. But he refused to give in to the pain. His eyes filled with determination.

"Hmph! Thump!"

After wrestling with the pain for nearly an hour (about 15 minutes), Hyo-ryong was able to stand up. His body was drenched in a cold sweat from his struggle. He must have done something reckless.

Blood silk flowed from Galhyo Feng's mouth.

"Hee hee, I'm still getting cold sweats even though I'm already dead!"

I broke into a sweat and felt refreshed. The pain that had pierced his body with thousands of needles a moment ago was a lie. His body and mind were at peace, and a small smile of satisfaction tugged at the corners of his mouth.


He called out in a quiet but irresistible voice. For the first time, he called him Hyo-Ryong. The implication was that he now recognized him as an adult. It meant the world to Hyorong.

"Yes, brother!"

Hyo-fong smiled a kindly smile. It was the warm smile his brother had always shown him as a child.

"Won't you make me comfortable now? Show me your work, I want to be comfortable now."

A sound like a thunderclap rang out.

"Tongue… brother!"

Hyorong's body vibrated as if struck by lightning. The complexions of the people around him stiffened. What was to come had finally arrived.

This man is about to die. He has entrusted his life to his brother……. He doesn't want to be seen struggling at the edge of life and death. To his one and only brother!

"No, brother, that can't happen. How dare I……."

Hyo-Ryong interrupted with a fidgety look. He was having a hard time thinking straight right now.

"Wake up, you've already forgotten whose grandson you are!"


A fierce rebuke erupted from Huo Feng's mouth like a wall. It was a force you wouldn't expect from someone who was about to die. The air seemed to tremble with the force.

A look of admiration crossed the faces of those around him. To be so resolute in the face of death is something that not everyone can do.

For that alone, he deserved respect. At last, Hyo-Ryong nodded in silence. There was a power in his brother's words that he could not resist. He wanted to free his brother from the endless pain that would soon return. He had finally acknowledged that the job belonged to him and no one else.


Silently, Hyorong called his brother's name. Blood dripped from his grip on the sword.


The sword light flashed. The saber light sliced through Huo Feng's body like a meteor in the night sky. No blood splashed out. There was no blood on the sword either.

"Great! Great!"

Galhyo Feng smiled.


Blood gushed out of his body like a fountain, staining Hyorong's vision red. Even though he couldn't see the wound, blood was gushing out of it.

Even in the rain of blood, Galhyo Feng was still smiling.

"Tongue… brother!"

The tears he'd been holding back poured from his eyes like rain. Blood trickled through the tears.

"Fear! Scare the heavens… Watch out……."

Finally, Galhyo Feng's eyes closed in silence. A promising genius, once known as the Star of the Black Sea, has ended his life today.

And his last words were to drive a cold ice pick into everyone's heart. Heavenly Fear…… Heavenly Fear! Could it be that that dark beast still lingers and wriggles?

For a moment, everyone watching fell into a stunned silence.

"That was a good swordmaster's trick, my brother would have been pleased!"

Bi Ryuyeon patted Hyo Ryong on the back and comforted him.

It was probably the best move he could do. It was the highest level of swordsmanship, cutting only blood vessels and nerves, leaving no scars on the skin, and ending the life of the opponent.

Even as he was dying, he had given her one last lesson. It was as if something tightly wound in his chest had been released.


Hyo-Ryong's knees hit the ground. He collapsed to his knees.

"Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! Yuck!"

Fever burst out of Hyorong's mouth. Tears welled up in his eyes. He couldn't control his turbulent emotions. Clutching the dry ground, he sobbed as he felt the pain tearing at his heart. A flesh-and-blood brother had died. Bi Ryuyeon could only stare at her friend in disbelief. There was nothing she could do now. All she could do was step aside so that he could cry, rant, and wail to his heart's content.

"I will never, ever forgive you for making my brother do this!"


Drinking his own blood as it trickled from his clenched lips, he made a decision. It was a blood oath.

And with that, their summer came to an end.

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discord ko-fi