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Book 7 Chapter 27

Margin woes


The rain pounded the ground like crazy.

"What do you want me to do about it?"

Heavenly Martial Pavilion Master Majinga glanced around and said in a somber tone.

To add to the gloom, it was pouring outside, either by design or because the heavens were grumpy.

"We don't believe there are any other alternatives."

An elder stood up to voice his opinion, but it was as good as unheard.

"So what the elder is saying is that we should sacrifice children, does that make sense?"

Mazin'ga's voice grew more furious, a silent rage now burning in the other giant's heart.

"But the Black Sky Lord wants all the children involved in the death of his son, Galhyo Feng. I'm sure you're well aware that it's the Ironclad that they've dispatched as a show of force against them."


Deathly cavalry, wielding war horses and long spears, they were a terrifying reminder of what combat-trained cavalry could do when they mastered the peak of martial arts.

A human weapon for mass murder! The mere fact that they had dispatched the Iron Angle Rain Horse was enough for the Black Heavenly Demon Lord Gal Zhonghyo and the Demigod Gal Zhonghyeok behind him to realize the extent of their anger.

But they didn't have to go down without a fight. They were the ones who attacked without warning. Zhu Jiaxuan and the Heavenly Sword Sect had acted in self-defense. I was eager to congratulate them and praise them for their miraculous survival. However, the timid attitude of the elders was frustrating, to say the least.

He wasn't the only one who was frustrated. Even the Elder of the Elders, Swordsman Gongzong, was no match for Mazinjia in terms of the weight of his heart.


It had already been several days since he hadn't received a regular report from Sudokgo, the Thousand-Leaf Follower assigned to Bi Ryuyeon's group. He had never forgotten to report. Something must have happened to him.

"I feel like I've been blinded and deafened!

If Sudokgo was safe, he might be able to get a good overview of the events at Mudang Mountain.

'Should I give up…….'

He had to politely accept the possibility that Sudokgo might already be gone. His gaze shifted to Mazinga, who was blushing again. For now, he could only trust the guanzhu's judgment.

"According to the testimonies of the Heavenly Sword Clan and the Zhu Jia Clan, they were the ones who attacked first, so how is it possible that you only bowed to them because of a show of force?"

"But the evidence is weak."

Another elder stepped forward. He was the Young Master of the Volcano Sect, in charge of the Advanced Swordsmanship class.

"They claim their mentally ill son escaped from prison on a whim. Furthermore, the black hooded men who attacked Zhu Zhaodan are claiming to be mercenaries sent to bring him back. Furthermore, the assailants that Zhu Zhaodan claims to have fought, Tian Ji Sibsal and his henchmen, do not even have bodies, which puts them at a disadvantage. Furthermore, it seems that Black Heaven Blind Lord Gal Zhonghyo really doesn't know about this."


There were murmurs here and there. The elders and warriors were at a loss.

"Proof… proof……. If only there were proof……."

They fled with their tails between their legs, erasing all traces of Yongkedo, so there was no evidence left behind. Yeomdo was also partly to blame for not taking care of the site. Who knew that they would sneak back at night, erase all traces, and run away when they thought they had completely retreated, so there was no way to present any evidence. The fostering testimony of the officials was too unreliable.

All the arrows of criticism flew and pierced him. He tried to ignore them in his mind.

"I'm not arguing, it's a fact!"

The majinga finally broke their practice and had a nervous reaction. Once again, they were too far back and forth.

"They are asking for the Law of Blood, the Law of Dissolution. What will you do?"

"Their demands cannot be granted!"

Majinga's decision was decisive.

It is said that the one who ties the knot is the one who loosens it, and the one who does the deed is responsible. In the Black Dao, the Law of Blood, the idea is that if those involved in a case can pass through the obstacles, gateways, and trials they've sent their way, they can be made whole. In other words, they have to survive. It was often used when the authenticity of an event was not obvious.

"I'm sure you're well aware that their leader is the legendary, unmanned, and untouchable Gu Tianhua of the Black Sea! Sending only children against the strongest cavalry in the Black Sea, the Iron Carvings and Gu Tianhua, who were created to specialize in dealing with peak masters, would be like sending them out on a limb. Besides, how can we give in to their demands when the fault lies with them?"

"But I have no evidence to show for it."

"The eyes and ears of the children are the proof."

Once again, Mr. Majinga slammed his fist on the table and raised his voice. Like a squirrel scurrying, the meeting continued to circle in place.

"I'm coming!"

All eyes were on one man. It was the man who had just spewed out the words.

"They want it, and we have no choice but to go head-to-head!"

The man with the fiery eyes was Yeomdo.

She had a hand in this decision. The devil's whispered words to Yeomdo as he ponders the situation!

"You're responsible for what you do!

"Tell them we'll figure it out!

He agrees that he has no choice but to do as she says. Instead of being blamed for what had happened, he would have to bear the brunt of it.

'Leading children into the limb…….'

He'd heard of the Ironclad's reputation, but that didn't mean he was afraid of them. They were a fighting force of the highest caliber, but they weren't masters of the art. As far as he knew, they certainly were.

"I'm not afraid!

Yeomdo repeated to himself. Even though he seemed to have nothing to fear in this world, there were things that scared him. He wasn't afraid of anything else. But there was only one thing he was afraid of: Bi Ryuyeon's unpredictable behavior.

Zhu Jiaxuan and the Heavenly Swordsmen were exhausted from their work on the Shaman Mountain. But the world would not let them rest.

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discord ko-fi