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Book 7 Chapter 24

心雷 断心

- Cut the Heart

"He's lost all sense of reason!

It's impossible to change his mind now!"

A single day of interruption between two heated lovers.

Qinghui called out to Bi Ryuyeon.

"What have you learned all these years, senior!"

"What do you mean?"

"What do you think is the meaning of the groundwork you've been learning?"

After being left speechless by Bi Ryuyeon's question, Cheong Hyeon couldn't answer.

"Wasn't the lesson to see the unseen, hear the unheard, and touch the untouchable?"

Cheonghun was silent, speechless.

"Eggs are invisible, but that's why you can see them and touch them."

"Are you trying to tell me that you've developed some kind of super-sense, that you're already there?"


Bi Ryuyeon smiled dubiously. Qing Shui asked impatiently.

"When you say you can't answer, is that a positive or a negative?"

Bi Ryuyeon still had a lecherous smile on her face. Galhyo Feng had somehow managed to keep his distance and had no intention of attacking.


"Are they afraid?

Qingfeng shook his head in disbelief.

"When you're in a trance, the opposite is possible: you can actively use your abilities."

To see the invisible, to hear the inaudible, to touch the non-existent, if you think about it the other way around, is to be able to exert influence over it. In other words, the mind is an intangible thing, but if you can detect its existence, you can touch it, you can call it, you can control it.

Having finished speaking, Bi Ryuyeon glanced around. How is it that the tops are all dumb with honey…….


She clicked her tongue in frustration. First things first.

"For now, we'll just have to get him back on track."

Galhoubong was still keeping his distance and refusing to be approached, his eyes still glowing with life.

Bi Ryuyeon stretched out her hand toward him. Galhyo Feng flinched at the unidentifiable aura emanating from her body. For although he had lost Yi Ji, his instincts instead screamed a frantic warning.

Neither his legs, which were moving in a frenzy, nor his hands, which were screaming for blood, could move as they were captured by Bi Ryuyeon's outstretched hand. He felt as if the outstretched palm was aiming to devour him. It was as if an invisible, intangible sword was targeting his entire body. He had to struggle to escape his instinctive fear.


Bi Ryuyeon's eyes shone like torches.

Lightning Sword (飛雷刀)

Sword Qi Righteousness

Chapter of the Single-minded Formlessness

Thunder (心雷)

In an instant, an intangible black lightning bolt pierced his clouded mind and spirit.


A pitiful scream echoed through the mountains. Galhyo Feng's body shuddered as if struck by lightning. His vision had long since lost focus, and his mind went blank. White darkness enveloped him, and he fell to the ground, unconscious.


Bi Ryuyeon's outstretched hand flicked down, and Hyo Ryong, who had been watching, rushed over to embrace the fallen man. Two tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Cutting off what you can't see is for minions!"

Bi Ryuyeon clapped her hands and then brushed off the dust on her clothes. There was a lot of dust on her clothes from the useless fight. Her demeanor was relaxed, as if she had just gone for a leisurely stroll.

He asked, as if he suddenly remembered Bi Ryuyeon, who had gone for a walk of her own volition.

"Oh, by the way, did you wake me up?"


The Yeomdo was a bit of a surprise.

"I forgot about that!

Judging by the look on his face, he didn't need to hear the answer.

"What if I forget that?"

"I'm sorry."

"If you put them to bed, you wake them up."

"I didn't think of that!"

"I can't do that! Wake me up later. I've been sleeping for a week now, and I'm sure I'm getting tired of sleeping."

"Yes, I see."

It had been a week since I'd put him to bed because he was interfering with my practice.

"Waking me up earlier would have saved power……."

It's a shame that I only remembered now.

"But why did I forget?

It was strange to think that I had forgotten about Mu Zhen Zha, who had been sleeping on the blood vessels.

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discord ko-fi