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Book 7 Chapter 23

Biyou vs. Thousand Souls Demon Sword

Unlike the bacteria-fighting Yeomdo and jisal, the

The showdown between Bi Ryuyeon and Chen Shan was quiet.

First of all, the two of them share a common trait: they argue first.

He wasn't like the dotty, sword-wielding Yin or Jisal.

"Ho-ho, let's see where your confidence comes from, shall we?"

Bi Ryuyeon answered without hesitation. He was in a position where he had nothing to be ashamed of; he was a man who unabashedly harbored the idea that he had no shame in looking up to the heavens.

"That's a skill, of course."

"The child is mad!"

The more I dealt with him, the more unpleasant he became.

"It's not ranting, it's the truth, the plain truth, the unvarnished truth!"

Ever since the brat in front of him had declared his intentions, Chen Xiaolian had suddenly found himself unable to control his body. His reasoning wasn't the problem. The problem was his instincts.


The unknown aura that suddenly erupted made him unable to move. It was the smell, the scent of death. His instincts had clearly warned him of it.

He had one trick up his sleeve: his demon eyes. However, out of respect for his body, Chen Xiaolian did not dare to use this technique on his minions. It wasn't because of any unnecessary emotions like righteousness; he had no problem killing without it. It wasn't a skill to be overused, as it required a lot of skill and energy. Moreover, she had already suffered a devastating defeat when she tried to use it against Na Yerin, so she didn't want to use it recklessly. However, the moment Bi Ryuyeon took the Mighty Dragon Ring from his hand, Tian Shi knew that now was the time to use it.

He began to focus his entire body's attention on his eyes, silently drawing up his internal energy. The key to performing a technique like this was how stealthy you could be without your opponent realizing it. It would be difficult if the opponent could see it coming and prepare a defense.

He had no intention of sparing the child who had given him such an unidentifiable fear just because he was young.


The eyes of the Thousand Eyes shone with a yogic quality. Faced with such a fierce gaze, Bi Ryuyeon did not turn away or avert her gaze.

"What are you looking at?"

Bi Ryuyeon blurted out. He looked at her like she was an idiot.

"Uh… how can it be okay?"

The thousand-year-old's voice trembled with unbelievable, unacknowledged fear. Already, two people had been rendered useless by his supernatural spirit mastery. It was a mortal wound to his pride.

He could never accept the reality before him. No one had ever fallen under his Guiyuan providence and still managed to keep their wick so straight.

"No way!"

Once again, Chen Xiaolian gathered his entire body's spiritual energy and attempted to unleash his supernatural spirit technique, Gu Yuan.

"Wouldn't it be better to quit?"

Bi Ryuyeon said sternly. But they weren't old enough to stop just because they were told to stop. Had they ever listened to anyone else in their lives? I assure you, never.

He once again raised the Supernatural Spirit Technique to its peak. Bi Ryuyeon did not avert her gaze. For a moment, he felt that Bi Ryuyeon's eyes shone with a golden flash, but was it just his own illusion?


A pitiful scream echoed through the mountains. Chen Xiaolian clutched at his eyes. Gu Yuan's spirit power had been reflected back. This was unimaginable.

Blinded, he began to struggle. Unexplained fear and terror gripped his mind.

"What the heck is this technology?"

"Spiritual Spiritual Spiritual Defense Absolute Spiritual Defense Emptiness!"

In this way, the Thousand-Spirit Sword had lost his vaunted demonic eye power. His self-confidence was also shattered, and he would never again use the Necromancy Technique.

For the first time in thirty years, Chunxal felt real fear, a cold, heart-eating terror.

Bi Ryuyeon's right hand, naturally raised, aimed for Tian Shi's throat.


That alone made him feel a chilling sensation, as if an invisible sword was piercing his uvula.

Like a fly caught in a spider's web, he struggled. He struggled, but the web of life that imprisoned him only grew tighter and tighter.

Bi Ryuyeon's eyes were currently devoid of any emotion. The heart of an iron wall, colder than the ice cap and harder than steel, the heart of an immortal, unshakable and unshakable!

Absolute immobility!

It was impossible for any variable to cause a flicker, a ripple, in his eyes.


Bi Ryuyeon released the Mukong Dragon Ring in her right hand, and with a loud thud, the Mukong Dragon Ring fell to the ground. The ground caved in under its weight.


She held her hand out in front of her. Her outstretched right hand contained infinite power. It was power and terror.


Chen Xiaolian inwardly gulped down the wind. For some reason, he couldn't move. He knew that if he moved, he would die immediately. Had instinct overcome reason?

You try to move, but your feet don't leave the ground. The fear of death came over me, that if I moved even a single step, I would die. It was the most unfamiliar feeling I had ever felt in my life.

"You can't be serious… the Heart Sword Map? To simultaneously block my movements with a mere shadow of a hand!"

For a moment, Bi Ryuyeon's face looked like the devil. A nervous, desperate terror welled up from the wellspring of her subconscious mind. I was helpless to stop this eruption.

"Are you now more inclined to trust the word of others?"

The smile on Bi Ryuyeon's face was like that of a grim reaper. He was about to play with himself.


I tried to break free from the bondage of my hands, but I could only squirm like an insect caught in an invisible web.

"Gee, why don't you stop being so reckless?"



The hand was thrust forward once more. My breath caught in my throat as I felt a terrifying sense of weight and pressure. Apparently, it was impossible to shake off.

The game was already won.

Bi Ryuyeon's hand was unrelenting. His heart was not large enough to show mercy to a being who bent on killing him.

When you hurt others, you must be prepared to be hurt yourself, especially if it's murder! Any consequences are karma that must be borne according to the law of cause and effect.


Bi Ryuyeon's fingers twitched.


One by one, the precious things he held dear, the things that made up his foundation, fell away at Bi Ryuyeon's fingertips.

Even with her eyes wide open, she was helpless. He moved the shinigami with all his might and thought he had dodged to the side, but Biryou's finger was still pointing at the tip of his forehead.


First, the bell on his left wrist, a spirit that could control a person's mind, was shattered. The bell would never ring on his wrist again.


The next price Bi Ryuyeon demanded was too great. Once again, the thousand-year-old dagger Guihon could no longer be held in his right hand, for his right arm was no longer part of his body. His right arm was no longer able to hold the cup and sword, and it fell to the ground.

Chen Xiaolian watched this nightmarish scene with wide-open eyes. He didn't understand why he couldn't avoid it. He couldn't even see it. He could only flounder like a dangling man, captivated by the illusion of the hand. Like Monkey on the palm of a Buddha!

The game was already won or lost. There was only one thing he could do now: beg for his opponent's mercy.

A man who falls from a great height to the bottom of the world suffers a mental shock as great as his height. The heavenly beings were once situated on the highest peak of nothingness. They were always revered and feared by those around them. This was because they were awe-inspiring.

And, in an instant, their glory days were over.

It was a disgrace worse than death. It was a fate that would follow him for the rest of his life. Today's defeat, and the sheer terror he felt, would be imprinted on his mind, never to be erased again. No matter how many years passed.

Nothing lasts forever in this world. For the heavenly beings of today, it is only the end of their glory. The sound of the end of glory echoed softly around them.

"What is that?

Jisal was in the midst of a battle with the Hydra, staring blankly at a scene from a dream he could only call a nightmare.

"Am I dreaming?

Suddenly, it felt like the heat that had been burning through my body had turned to ice.

"I can't believe it! This is ridiculous!

His best partner, Tian Shi, had given his right arm, a swordsman's lifeblood, to a child who had no right to protest.

Without any struggle, his spirit shattered, his ghost was cut in half, and finally his right arm fell off. It was a dreamlike scene, too unreal. His partner's screams echoed in the distance, too far from his ears to be real.

But it was also true that his friend's right arm had been chopped off, and it was also true that he was now under the Crimson Seventeen Flame Sword Qi of Yin Dao, and if he made a mistake, he might end up roasting a whole pig.


He felt a searing heat that threatened to scorch his skin and mind again. Thirst plagued him even more than before.

The battle was still tense. It had been an evenly matched contest until just now, but Zi Shi seemed to be very agitated after the shock of seeing Chen Shi's demise.

By now, it was clear that Yindo had Jisal cornered. Jisal's color was deep. It was almost a certainty.

The place was roughly organized.

"Are you thirsty?"

Chloro asked, still wielding the mighty Ildo, untiring and powerful.

Jisal nodded absentmindedly at the out-of-context question. It was an unconscious act, but the need for sea salt was desperate. His throat was parched and burning. Jisal's already flushed face turned even redder with shame.

A heart-piercing flash of light flashed from the red eyes of the djinn.

"Then I'll do it, but with your blood!"

The Dao of Yidao crossed the reconciliation void with a single red line.


A moment later, a heavy object fell to the ground: a man's arm. The owner of the overly plump arm was clearly Jisal. The prime suspect for the dismemberment was the mourning red salt of the saltmarsh.



Blood gushed from Jisal's shoulder blades like a fountain.

"How's that for a promise kept?"

Covered in blood, he looked like a demon. And so the battle was decided.

No one could have guessed that the Heaven and Earth Siblings, who were synonymous with infamy even in the Black Sea, would suffer such a fate. Their decades-long infamy had been erased in an instant. Never again would the name of the Four Horsemen be synonymous with evil. Fame, even if it's a bad name, is worthless!

Their names have been dug up from the registers of the long history of the Murim, and their time has come to an end today.

"He will not forgive you."

With these words, Ssangsal ran away like a dog with his ass. I only regretted not being able to smother them completely.

"They're out of business!"

Hearing their last words, Bi Ryuyeon commented. Beside him, Yin Dao nodded in full agreement. Shamefully borrowing the power of others to blackmail others was unbecoming of the Heaven and Earth Sect, which had brought bloodshed in the name of terror to the land.

"He is……."

I mulled it over in my head for a while, but it was never going to happen.

"You know?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked, her head swiveling toward the statue of the Southern Palace.


Namgungsang shook his head.

"It's too abstract."

It's not surprising that grumbles came out of his mouth.

They were very inconsiderate of others.

Now all that was left was Galhyo-bong, who was battling Cheonghyeon.

"Am I the only one now?"

Bi Ryuyeon said, glancing away. The figures of two people fighting noisily entered his field of vision. Qingfeng and Galhao Feng! Their martial arts skills were so outstanding that one would wonder if there was anyone else their age who could match them. Meanwhile, Mo Yonghui had hurriedly administered first aid, but he was still hovering between life and death.

Right now, Qingfeng and Galhao Feng were fighting with all their might against the foe of their lives, but it had been a long time since the battle had begun, and it had yet to be decided. It seemed that they still had some energy to spare, even though they had exhausted it in the battle with Mo Yonghui.

"How do you handle that?"

With the leader gone and his enemies scattered, all that remained was Galhyo Feng. His twin swords were dulled from their initial explosive power. It was a sign that he was approaching the limit of his strength.

"Do I have to kill him after all?"

I couldn't think of anything else to do. The most urgent thing now was to get the job done as quickly as possible.


As Bi Ryuyeon was tossing and turning over the treatment of Galhyo Feng, someone grabbed his shoulder.


Bi Ryuyeon turned around with a puzzled look on her face.

"Don't kill me!"

Hyo-ryong's face was serious as he asked.



Hyo-ryong didn't have a straightforward answer to Bi Ryuyeon's question. She wasn't expecting an easy answer either, but she wanted to hear it. In times like these, I'm sorry to say, a little blackmail can go a long way.

"Hyorong, as you know, he's lost his IQ, and he can't be subdued by normal means, and even if he is, there's no guarantee that the IQ he's already lost will return, so the easiest way is to kill him, and you know it."

"No, no, no, no!"

Hyo-ryong exclaimed with a grimace.


Bi Ryuyeon asked, her gaze still fixed on Gal Hyo-bong.

"He is… he is……."

Hyorong squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his fists. He was desperate to grasp at straws now. The vague hope that Bi Ryuyeon would do something for him gripped him, even if the hope was illusory. He had to do something now.

Finally, Hyo-Ryong gritted his teeth.

"He is… he is my very own brother!"

Zhong Zhong looked at Hyo Long in astonishment.

Their gazes were filled with distrust. There was no warmth in their gazes. Only coldness greeted him.


The condemnation she was expecting didn't come. She turned her head briefly to glance at Hyo-Ryong before turning her attention back to the road ahead.

"That's the face that says don't ask me anything!"


Bi Ryuyeon walked toward the two men in combat with an air of nonchalance. There was not the slightest hesitation in his steps. It was a leisurely, unhurried stride, as if he were taking a leisurely stroll.

"Where are you going?"

Hyo-ryong asked, puzzled.

"Go for a walk!"

When he returned, he was lazy.

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