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Book 7 Chapter 22

Unattended People Have One Bad Habit

"And what is your sword technique? I'll remember it as a gift for the afterlife!"

Out of simple curiosity as a swordsman, Tianxia asked.

The desire to learn about a sword method that is new to you is called the

It was a basic need for any swordsman.

"Cold Jade Spirit Divine Sword!"

She replied in an emotionless voice. The thousand-year-old's eyes widened.

"Hmph, this is indeed the Han Sang Jade Spirit Divine Sword, the sword of the famous sword."

From his mouth burst a grotesque laugh that was unbearable to the girl's pristine ears. The creepy sound was almost like a bull's laugh.

"Okay, okay!"

He said "good" over and over again. It was a far cry from the killing intent of a moment ago.

When one encounters a sword method with an extremely powerful name, and one that is recognized by the world, it is the single-mindedness of the martial artist that one would want to argue for superiority. This was true even if he was a mere mortal languishing in the Sect. It was even more so if it was the Han Shangjing Spirit God Sword, an arcane sword of the second level of the Heavenly Martial Realm. In his heart, which was as cold as a frozen field in the middle of winter, a spark of determination and excitement surged for the first time in a long time.

"Hmph, I'm going to kill you, and I'm going to do it slowly, so I can fully savor your swordplay first!"

For now, fighting spirit was pushing survival to the side.


The thousand year old sword ghost coughed out an exhilarating sound. It was a phenomenon that often occurred when an overflowing sword qi was injected all at once. It was a sound that hadn't been heard for nearly five years. This sound, also known as the supernatural spirit howl, had never left an opponent's body unharmed.

"They won't look at you for being a sissy."

"I am not a woman to be treated according to the difference between the sexes; I don't need to be looked down upon because of my gender; I am strong enough to defend my body and destroy evil."

In the face of a thousand of Sapa's worst "munchkins," Na Yerin remained calm. It was a class beyond her years.

"You speak as well as your pretty face, but even your pretty face is not enough to win Nobu's heart."

He had long since lost his sex drive. Nothing gave him any particular pleasure anymore, except killing. Only the sight of crimson blood could stir his dulled sensibilities, and if he had to pick one more thing, it was fighting. Of course, it wasn't a fight if it didn't involve blood.

His goal was to earn the name of Sword King by fighting fight after fight, and it was only natural that he would need to defeat the Sword of Swords.

The tip of Na Yerin's sword rested on a single point, as calm and still as the surface of a windless lake. Her sword seemed strong enough to withstand any storm, and it felt very cold.

"Ho-ho, indeed!"

A thousand marvels. It was indeed worth drawing swords one-on-one.

With the explosion of a thousand lives, the grass between them began to dry up and die. The space between them had already become a place of death, where not even birds or insects could live. A space of death filled with nothing but killing intent.

Death's hand reached out further and further, reaching for her.


The pure white sword energy emanating from her blade blocked the intangible touch of death. It was a defense that relied solely on instinct.

Her sword shuddered violently. A terrifying pressure traveled through the blade and into her. It was a pressure she'd never felt before, a pressure that could only be felt in actual combat, a pressure that could shake her blood. She'd always kept her things in her hand because her sparring with her master was practice. It was no wonder that there were only a handful of people in the stronghold who could block her full-powered saber now.


Her fine ami frowned slightly.

It was a shock that shook her to the core, and as she clashed with the intangible sword energy he exuded, she wondered if she had been too complacent. His skill was even greater than she had anticipated; the instinctive warning her eyes had given her had not been false.

"I can handle it for now!

Her jewel-like eyes began to glow with determination. For the sake of her master's honor, the honor of the Order, and the honor of her father, she could not back down.


The silver mist emanating from the tip of her sword grew thicker and thicker.

She was preparing the best herbivore meal ever. Ten years of honing her skills as if they were one day! A sword technique among sword techniques! First, she had to create an opportunity.


Demon Spirit Sword (招魂鬼靈劍法)

Jaycho (第二招)

Disintegration (消魂崩裂)

A jet-black sword energy pressed in. It was a thousand year old poison sword. The sword pressure emanating from his bendable, slender blade was unimaginable.

Na Yerin greeted his blade with the utmost caution, not one to be underestimated. Her eyes sparkled with divine energy.

So much information rushed at her at once, and time began to slow in her eyes.

Since the bokken is meant to stamp down on an opponent with immense pressure, it is not the kind of martial art that can be stopped by knowing the path of the herbivore. Even if you knew the path, you couldn't stop it if you didn't have enough strength. This is because the sword method itself was designed to break through the opponent's defenses and deliver a blow to the opponent.

The martial arts of the true peak masters were unblockable and unavoidable, so even if you could read the numbers in advance, you would still need to have the ability to collect, decipher, and use the information to your advantage.

Her ready swordsmanship shone through.

Cold Jade Spirit Sword (寒霜玉靈神劍)

Passing down a secret tradition of righteousness

Cold Jade Spirit (寒霜玉靈氣)

Bitter cold (悲哀霧寒)

A sword qi that was part mist, part silvery powder stretched out, reaching out to Tian Shi. Like an expert, Chen Xiaolian could sense the unpredictable power contained within, the quiet and subtle center.

If you go toe-to-toe, you're sure to get twelve. Therefore, it is dangerous to fight back. A thousand people had heard through the grapevine how bizarre and terrifying the sword techniques of the Sword King were, and not one of them had ever seen anything good come of facing him head-on. Even the weakest of children could do no harm by being careful.

"No way!"

Her reason was cold, but her hot emotions would not allow it. Tianxia met her sword head-on. That pesky little bastard, Ho Seung Jisim, had stuck his head in with his friend, Pride. Moreover, the preconceived notion that she was a disciple of Sword Hu and still a young girl fueled his competitive spirit even more.

He wanted to go toe-to-toe with him, to break his sword technique, to tarnish his glorious reputation, and to bring his exalted name to the ground.


There was no feeling. There was no sound.

It was definitely a head-on slash, but it didn't feel like sword to sword or sword to sword.

The only thing that happened was that a silver stream of air enveloped his sword like a mist.

"So… I've been tricked!"

But it was too late: his sword was completely engulfed in hers. It was as if his hands were frozen. Before his eyes, her form grew increasingly blurry. She was trying to hide her prisoner in a silver haze.

"No way!"

As if to make up for his earlier mistake, Chen Xiaolian swung his sword ferociously.

"Shhhhhh! Koo-koo-koo-koo!"

Sword winds swept over her. The tremendous pressure of the sword winds shook her arcane skills for a moment. For a moment, her new formation, shrouded in a silver mist, was briefly revealed. It was only a fleeting moment, but for a thousand year old adept, it was enough of a chance. He wasn't yet immature enough to be dazzled by this level of deception.


It was an absolute crisis.

It was certainly a heavy blow for her, and not one she could easily deal with, but there was someone who saved the day.

A new puddle had formed between Na Yerin and Tianxia.

"What a kid!"

The Thousand-Spirit Sword let out an exclamation of admiration. He hadn't expected that there would be two children as young as him who would dare to block his sword. They were a boy and a girl.

It was Bi Ryuyeon who blocked his sword technique head-on.

It was impossible to think that he was the same man who had been hiding behind the woman's skirt with his loud mouth.

"Did this guy suddenly go crazy?

It wasn't unreasonable to think this way.

'Indeed, the military is interested in you, for you have grown to be a firebrand if left unchecked…….'

A sense of crisis sunk deeper into his eyes.

"Hahaha, what the heck, it's just that he's old and his muscles are failing him!"

Bi Ryuyeon did not hesitate to pour cold water into the heart of the grateful Tianxian.

"What a rude kid, does that mean he's really good?"

"Sure. I'm the embodiment of honesty, integrity, and uprightness, and I don't do foolish things like pretending there's something when there isn't."

It was a story that would have made Yeomdo and Jujakdan's heads spin.

"I see great confidence. I hope you don't mind if I see how much you can take responsibility for what you say?"

As the chill of his sword formed, his entire body emanated an overwhelming momentum. His reputation had not been earned through jokes, mahjong, or playing cribbage. It was earned through blood and the path of the Dao Mountain Sword Forest. It was not a name to be joked about on the tongue of a child, he thought.

At this point, Chun-sal is forced to admit that he has been too dismissive of Bi Ryuyeon as young.

"Let me prove it to you, I would hate to be mistaken for a liar!"

"Do you think it is possible with your skill?"

"Sure. Too much!"

Bi Ryuyeon replied firmly in a confident voice.

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discord ko-fi