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Book 7 Chapter 19

Mo Yong-hwi vs Gal Hyo-bong in the second round

Formal name: Emergency Short-Term Intensive Specialized Enhancement Training.

Even the name is a tribute to those who have endured the long special training.

The people of the First Spirit Sword and the Ming Dynasty were not spared the hardships.

It wasn't until the students mixed swords with their enemies that they realized it was much easier to defend against their combined attacks.

It was much less tense and easier than the last time I fought. There was even a sense of relaxation. It was no wonder that the attention of the Heavenly Guards was drawn to Tianzi Sibling and Galhyo Feng.

As expected, the two were in the middle of a tightly contested battle.

Mo Yonghui's sword shone with a starry brilliance, and he charged at Galhoubong. But Gal Hyo Feng's two swords were no match for it. Blood-red pottery was flowing, dissipating the Meteor Sword Qi.

Mo Yonghui was feverishly pushing the Galhyo Peak with all his might and desperation. I couldn't help but feel that he was desperate.

"You're feeling threatened! Does fear mean you don't want to acknowledge your feelings?"

This was Bi Ryuyeon's reaction to Mo Yong-hui's unrelenting attack.

Namgungsang asked curiously.

"Why, how do you know that?"

"I know a sword when I see one, it's obvious."

At Bi Ryuyeon's answer, Namgungsang gave her a puzzled look.

"Look at her sword, you can't find any slack in it, even after washing your eyes! She's instinctively feeling a sense of crisis, so she's in a hurry, and her mind is reflected in the sword like a mirror."

"The sword pole is too rough! It's not the steady sword you've been showing me, and her sword used to be cold, but now it's filled with heat!"

The sword is a mirror of the mind of the warrior. His emotions are reflected in the tip of his sword. It is no exaggeration to say that the sword is his alter ego and everything. At the end of the sword is a warrior's life. How can its weight be said to be light?

The red mist-like pottery swirled around him. It was as if the blood had turned to mist and enveloped him.

"Thump! Thump!"

What skill will he demonstrate this time? Mo Yonghui finally realized that his heart was pounding with excitement. He was actually enjoying this fight. A fight that could kill him if he made a mistake!

"What the heck are we going to come up with this time?

He would be lying if he said he wasn't intrigued. A red mist-like pottery obscured his vision. In an instant, the new Galhyo Peak disappeared from Mo Yonghui's sight. The red mist was more disturbing than he thought.

Mo Yonghui focused his mind and opened his sixth sense. His senses had been enhanced by leaps and bounds by his special training not long ago. Even the fog that hindered his vision could not deceive his senses.

"Is that it?

I could feel it about five miles away. But there was a problem.


One by one, they grew all around him, until he felt six of them surrounding him at once.

"Oh, my God… No way… Multiple alter egos, but six of them?

It's not impossible to use the art of alter ego to blur an opponent's senses and confuse the direction of an attack. It was one of those techniques that any master who had reached the peak of their abilities could use. However, the six multiple alter egos were a different story.

"Do you mean to tell me that the body can withstand such an overwhelming burden?

Mo Yonghui's views were highly skeptical, but he was faced with reality, and it was a crisis. Mo Yonghui raised his spirits as high as possible and prepared for an ambush.

He has taken up the mantle of the Galactic Flow Sword.

"If I don't do my best, I die!

Mo Yonghui's body transformed into a single, sharp sword. A fist-sized sphere of darkness began to form in front of his sword pole. Power was gathering into this single point. An enormous amount of power began to concentrate into a single point.

"Here they come!

Six circled around him, attacking with him as their center. He couldn't even guess which one was the main body. He had no choice but to slash all six at once.

Mo Yonghui swung his sword with all his might and wholeheartedly.

Galactic Stream Opening Sword


Galactic Extinction (銀河滅絶) Cosmic Fraction (宇宙轟紛)

Thunderbolt Blade (轟天血影刀法)

Magical Energy (魔刀氣)

Blood Type Six (血形六影疊)

Thunderstorm (宏雷難分天)

Two martial arts at their peak collided at a single point. It was a single point clash of immense power. A head-to-head battle with no concessions!


The heavens and earth screamed at the power of the Divine Swordmaster, filling the air with light and sound. Storms raged everywhere.

A meteor-like sword qi shot out in all directions, annihilating the six Yin Yung who had been flying at the pottery like a thunderbolt. Mo Yonghui himself was not completely unscathed. His barely healed wounds were gaping open and oozing blood.


The impact was enough to make my legs shake, but I felt like I barely managed to block it.

"Watch out, we're not done yet!"

It was Hyo-ryong who loosened the knot in his heart a bit and warned Mo Yong-hui, who was caught off guard.

"Does that mean yet?

Suddenly, every hair on my body stood up and I found myself exposed to the flesh.


The answer was right overhead.


Hyo-ryong let out an urgent cry.


Luckily, Mo Yonghui reacted quickly by half a second. If he had been any slower, he wouldn't be alive today. Mo Yonghui frowned as his shoulder felt like it was shattering.

"Missed, but it's a small price to pay for saving a life.

A dislocated shoulder was the least of my problems.

When his efforts were in vain, Galhyo Feng spun in mid-air and retreated out of Wu Zhang. He wasn't in the best of shape either; his body was now covered in small wounds.

"Oh no, the Thunderstorm Bun Tian, the Secret Shadow Sword!"

Hyorong shouted unconsciously, he had forgotten the most important item as a spy: coolness and calm.

Frowning and engrossed in the battle between the two, Hyorong suddenly felt a strange aura.


Hyo-Ryong quickly looked around, noticing the strange atmosphere around him. Everyone looked stunned.

"No, why?"

Hyo-ryong had a puzzled look on his face.

"How did you know?"

Cheong Hyeon spoke up for the dazed faces, his face even more set than it had been the night before.


Hyo-ryong didn't know what he had done wrong.

"How did you know the last attack was coming from overhead?"

"Nothing… Of course it's a feeling. A feeling!"

Hyo-ryong stuttered and answered. Of course it was a lie. It was a technique that couldn't be detected by the eye, hence the name, Unseen!

Probably none of us here have noticed it. Otherwise, how could it be called a secret technique?

"So how did you know about the zero resonance?"

"What do you mean, no resonance?"

Qing Shui's eyes glowed sharply. The chains flashed purple.

His mouth dropped slowly.

"Didn't you just say it plainly, that it was a thunderstorm, an unearthly one! I'm sure I heard it clearly, as well as everyone else here. What is your explanation for this fact?"


It was a classic, rare mistake. He was embarrassed. His complexion turned pale. He was at a loss for an excuse. What to say in such a case…….

I knew the answer to the question, but it was something I couldn't bring myself to say.

How can you stand in front of them and say, 'I've learned the Great Heavenly Blood Young Dao, the famous legendary method that only the direct descendants of the Great Heavenly Dao Gal Zhonghyeok can learn. How can you say that?

Hyorong's anxiety only deepened as he tried to figure out what to do. It was the Super Soul Demon Sword that came to his rescue.


"Gah! No, no, no!"

A tearing scream erupted from Yi Yun. Qingfeng quickly turned his head to look at Mo Yonghui. He was stunned by the unbelievable sight in front of him. He wasn't the only one who was stunned.

Three batons were strewn about him, and two swords were piercing his abdomen and thighs. The wounds were potentially life-threatening if he didn't get medical attention quickly.

It was the five ghosts of the Supernatural Demon Sword who had impaled Mo Yonghui with two foreign objects. They had taken advantage of Mo Yonghui's lack of attention to his surroundings by focusing all of his senses on Galhyo Feng, and had stabbed him in the back while he was defenseless. Although they had to sacrifice the supply of the third, fourth, and fifth ghosts to become true ghosts in return, it wasn't a losing proposition for the two of them. That's what they were.


The taste of blood filled my mouth. It was a mistake to let our guard down. Just because they didn't rush in en masse last time didn't mean they wouldn't do it again! How could such simple logic be forgotten in an instant…….

A wave of regret washed over me.


The Ghost Killer Sang Zhonghao, who had left his sword embedded in Mo Yonghui's flesh, drew his sword high above his head with his right hand. His left arm had just been blown away by Mo Yonghui's one-sword in a surprise attack, and was unable to function.


Shang Zhonghao slammed the sword down with all his might. There was a flash of light.

The Scourer!


Sangjoongha could not see his will through to the end.

Not only was the sword no longer in his hand, but the wrist that held it had been sliced clean off. Fresh blood gushed from the severed section.

A sword so fast that you don't even feel the pain! The mastermind behind the sword was the Trident Sword Blueprint.


In his fury, his sword flashed a second time, and the two ghosts were neatly sliced off their bodies. Thus, the Supernatural Demon Sword was left without a single survivor.

Blood flowed down the blade of the Blue Scars.


The two siblings grimaced, especially Chen Xiaolian, whose expression was even worse. The plan was going off the rails. The two of them weren't just watching to see if Galhyo Feng would become a doppelganger this time. They were hoping that he would become more rambunctious.

Even if it wasn't Mo Yonghui, there were many places where his power was needed. If he was already out of control, he had no choice but to expend his power until he was completely drained in order to fulfill his role.

For the role of 'power annihilation'!

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discord ko-fi