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Book 7 Chapter 20

Heaven and earth, limbs cut off

"How did this happen……."

I made a big mistake in underestimating them.

The Supernatural Demon Demon Sword and the Lists Demon Demon Sword, both of which were wielded like aquatic beasts.

In an instant, he felt as if his limbs had been severed.

It felt hollow.

The once-grumpy master of the rolls rose to prominence with the rise of Yan Dao. Their attempts to block the road to their own were almost universal.

The price of inclusivity was high.

They were extremely offended at the Heavenly Martial Academy for causing them such an emptiness. Unforgivable!

Of course, since they didn't know what forgiveness was in the first place, the ultimate punishment for the crime was death.

"I'll kill you clean."

Gritting his teeth, Chen Xin shouted.

"I wouldn't stop you if I could help it, after all, when a minion dies, a boss comes out, so go for it."

Bi Ryuyeon frowned. I've never been insulted like this in my entire life.

"Kkkkkk, I'll annihilate them all if you want!"


The ghostly spirit of his sword began to vomit out a strange sword blood.

"Rattle, rattle, rattle!"

The supernatural spirit on his left wrist emitted a hissing sound, echoing in the air. The Demon Spirit Sword Technique, a Heavenly Spirit Sword Technique, had begun to activate.

It was a bizarre sound, like a call to the fiends of hell.

"Now what?

As she thought about it, she remembered the conversation she had with Yeomdo the night before.

"You have to be vulnerable, you have to create sympathy!


"We've got to get away!

She decided to run away for now.


The Sword of the Thousand Flesh roared and stretched out. Bi Ryuyeon drew back her new form and stepped out of the Thousand Kills Sword Circle. Nothing good could happen if he stayed within his opponent's attack range.

The distance between the two sides of a thousand years has rapidly shrunk.

"How dare you!"

He swung his sword nervously again, but he still couldn't graze the hem of her dress. By the time he did, she had already fled.

"What are you doing?"

Tian Shi shouted as he sent Xin Xing flying, chasing after Bi Ryuyeon.


Bi Ryuyeon shouted proudly. Tactically, there was no shame in retreat.

"If you know, why are you asking?

Bi Ryuyeon couldn't understand Chen Shan asking about such an obvious situation. Moreover, he was getting angry. Anyway, for now, it was best to stick to the plan and run hard.

"That… that guy!"

Bi Ryuyeon's lightning speed exceeded Chen Shan's expectations. I thought I would be able to snatch him up and cut him down within ten steps, but he looked like he was about to be caught and yet he wasn't.

It was starting to get a little overwhelming.

It was natural for a thousand-year-old to feel ridiculous as she continued to run away from her initially confident demeanor. The sight of him running away, pulling himself backwards, was unrecognizable from the loudmouth he had been earlier.

In a fit of rage, Chen Xiaolian swung his sword nervously. Sword energy shot out in all directions, and he wondered why he wasn't spraying blood and getting worse.

"You slug!

It's a wonder the kid dodged his sword by a paper-thin margin, but a fugitive is a fugitive.

"So it's all just a bunch of bluster from a hollow-headed brat like Kang Jing!"

A sneer erupted from the mouth of Tianxian as he chased after Bi Ryuyeon. It was an attitude that, now that he had the chance, he would laugh at him to his heart's content. It wasn't a mature attitude at all.

"Your master only taught you how to run away, you coward, you coward!"


Bi Ryuyeon, who had been running away, suddenly straightened up. Hearing the story of a forgotten master made her feel bad.

"I've learned all sorts of tricks from my master, but there's one thing I haven't learned, and you know what it is?"

Chen Shan shook his head. The way he saw it, Bi Ryuyeon's demeanor was relaxed, and he had no intention of attacking her even though she had stopped. Was he confident that he could kill her at any moment? Right now, Chen Shan's expression was quite avant-garde.

The tip of his sword twitched with life once more. Quickly, he urged, I want his blood.

Bi Ryuyeon smiled.

"One of them is to run away! And the second is to be a coward."

The smile on Bi Ryuyeon's face deepened. The fruitless play was over.

"I guess being laughed at isn't your thing after all!"

He could tolerate other things, but he couldn't tolerate the ridicule of others. Her martial art did not exist to be laughed at.

In truth, there was no better martial art in the world for dealing with smug, snobby humans. After a few spins, I glanced over at Na Yerin to see if she had any reaction.

"You didn't learn to run away?"

Tianxia looked at Bi Ryuyeon with a strange gaze.


"You didn't even learn how to be a coward?"

Chen Shan's face grew more and more grim.

"Of course!"

Bi Ryuyeon replied confidently. Chen Xian's expression turned ambiguous.

"But you said……."


"You don't sound convincing at all when you hide behind a woman's skirt and put on a serious face, kid, don't you know that?"

"Is that so?"

It was clear that she was still not fully aware of her condition. Right now, she was hiding behind Na Yerin's slender shoulders, only peeking her head out from behind her shoulder, so no matter how serious she tried to sound, she couldn't be trusted. It wouldn't work.

'Hmmm… Operation failed…….'

Given the circumstances - her face was right in front of him, so easy to see - it was unlikely that Na Yerin would offer him any sympathy for his weakness. If anything, there was even a hint of contempt in her eyes.

Apparently, the plan was a failure.

"I shouldn't have trusted the old bachelor's advice after all, it cost me!"

At the sound of Bi Ryuyeon's uncaring grumbling, the face of Yeomdo, who had been fighting Jisal, crumpled into a grimace. Anger flashed in his eyes.

Despite being in the middle of a bloodbath with Jisal and herbivory, the words of this human being, Bi Ryuyeon, are piercing in his ears!


Yeomdo screamed in paroxysmal fury, slamming into the searing heat.

Suddenly, the face of the woman who had ended up as his unrequited love, now another man's woman, flashed before his eyes. Zi Shi's face overlapped with that frozen sword fellow's, though they were more alike in body and appearance, though Yeomdo's eyes could see none of that now.


"Liyat, you son of a bitch, die!"

A mountainous, echoing profanity erupted from Yeomdo's mouth as he clashed with Jisal's giant. His eyes turned as red as a fiery evening sunset, indicating that his Fire Spirit Divine Skill had reached its peak.

A fierce, terrifying heat radiated from his entire body, threatening to scorch everything in sight.


Facing Yin and Dao once more, Jisal is stunned by the terrifying heat that his opponent emits. Far from diminishing, the heat that envelops Myung Bu Dao seems to be more intense than it was at the beginning.

The power of Yeomdo's poisonous gate sword technique, the Sword Flame Qi, was immense.

"You mean it was this… this much?

It wasn't this hot a decade ago, when Yeomdo dealt him a mortal blow to his ego.

I felt trapped in the middle of a tropical desert. Suddenly, a burning thirst took over my entire body. It was an irresistible desire.

'I want to drink water! Damn!

Sweat was pouring from his body like rain. No matter how hard he tried, the flesh that ended up in the shovel, the flesh that wouldn't come off no matter what, was leaving his body today. At this rate, the number of laborers would be reduced by dozens.

But the oasis was still a long way off. On top of that, a fierce and terrifying fire-breathing beast stood in their way. It was also quite temperamental and fierce.

There was no turning back. With the heart of a warrior slaying a monstrous beast, he wielded his sword like a master, unmoved by the heat that burned his flesh.

"Chop, chop, chop!"

It seems that even his best efforts were not enough to break the red beast's teeth.

Yeomdo's Red Flame and Zixian's Mingfu Sword intertwined in a single, deafening blow. Of all the fights going on around them, this was the most loud, colorful, and exciting, except for the one between Mo Yonghui and Qingfeng.

"Damn it!"

Jisal's smiling face had long since been broken, and his face resembled the face of a ghost, with sweat pouring down like rain and distorted flesh.

Crimson Seventeen Flame Sword Energy

Eighth Eight (第八炎)

Strike (炎擊)

The Dao of Yin Dao pressed in, once again spewing out ejaculatory dao qi. Sparks fell like hail, tearing through the air.

The flame from the red flame of the salt dao slithered like a serpent's tongue, curving around Jisal's dao and ascending, tearing into his right hand. The sizzling sound was deafening.

The flesh on Jisal's face screamed and quivered.

"I'm thirsty!


Only the pain of thirst was getting deeper and deeper.

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discord ko-fi