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Book 7 Chapter 18

Re-run (再暴走)

"Crack! Crack!"

The drink almost got stuck in my throat.

Just as things were starting to heat up, the sound of breaking plates.

Tianxia frowned.

I should probably stop drinking at this point.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

Chunxia let out a characteristic sigh.

"Crack! Crack!"

The screams of his men assaulted his ears. The screams were getting shorter and shorter between each other.

"How did this happen, this is so unlike you!"

Jisal shot me a look that was mixed with a bit of accusation.

"Who knew it would come to this, I've wasted a whole shrine of magic!"

Not only was it blown up, but the damage was done. It was a complete turnaround. Control was already out of his hands.

"A beast that can't tell a pi from a pi!"

Jisal grumbled.

"This is going to be a headache……."

"Where are you hiding?"

"It must be instinctive, to survive, to kill properly, to hunt the prey, the prey!"


The thousand-year-old goblet in his right hand fell with a clatter onto the table. Little did he know that it would be the last cup he would ever hold.

Their eyes locked, and the two men hastened to the same place. Their servants eagerly followed, leaving only the food and drink vendors in their wake.

It was a beautiful sunny day. The wind was just the right strength and temperature, and the temperature in the shade was static.

It had only been a short time since lunch, so he was satisfied, and it was the perfect time to take a nap. Leaning back against the shade of a tree and closing his eyes, Bi Ryuyeon mumbled to himself, "This is the most famous pavilion he's ever found after a long search.

Ever since that day, it has provided her with her favorite resting place. It was a boon from a tree worthy of respect. Today, as always, she came here to enjoy a sweet nap, ignoring her colleagues who were engrossed in their bone-cutting and flesh-slicing practices.

"Great, it's a nice day!"

A smile spread across his face.

"It's a beautiful day for a nap!"

The clouds that still surrounded him hadn't lifted, and he was still relaxed and carefree.

He felt the breeze on his cheeks and the cool chill creeping up his back under the shade of the trees. The Heavenly Sword Clan and the Zhu Clan were still training hard under Yeomdo's harsh guidance.

"Keep up the good work! Keep up the good work!

It doesn't cost me any money or effort to show my support, so this is the least I could do.

This time, Yin Do's task was enormous. Not only did he have to babysit the Guan Daoists from Heaven and Earth and his minions, but he also had to make sure they were all alive and well.

How long has it been since you glued your eyes?

"Chop, chop, chop, chop!"

"Shhhhhh! Shhhhh! Shhhhhh!"

The sound of swords slicing through the air tickled his ears. The air screamed at the dazzling display of dozens of swords, first softly, then loudly enough to pierce eardrums and shake mountains. Sword winds cut through the air.

A smile tugged at her lips. It was then.

"Food for thought!"

All at once, hundreds of birds took flight across the peak. The birds of all colors flew in unison, as if they were all fleeing at once.

Bi Ryuyeon's brow furrowed slightly.

Fattening up!

"We'll have company soon!"

A man with a life that could turn an entire peak upside down. A man held together by an abnormal life. The source of the flesh was coming closer and closer to the camp.

"Do you want blood or something?"

The flesh that irritated my skin was so bad that I didn't even think about it.

"I'm done napping for the day! It's a rare treat……."

It was hard to find a better seat. With a sigh of regret, she pushed herself up from her seat.

After resisting the temptation of a sweet nap with great perseverance, Bi Ryuyeon rose from her seat and moved her hand to retrieve the Brainwraith's cord that had been lying around.

飛雷刀 奧義 奧意 秘意 秘意

A chapter in the book of connections

Spear Thunder Network (蒼天雷網)

Collect (回收)

The transparent silver threads spread out in all directions, and with the movement of Bi Ryuyeon's fingers, one by one, the knots unraveled and were retrieved. The way they sparkled in the sunlight was mysteriously beautiful. It seemed to dance with the light.

When she finished collecting the money for her watch, she headed to the dormitory where she would soon receive an unannounced visitor with no manners. Today was going to be a busy day.

"Here they come!"

"Here they come!"

"It's coming!"

Food for thought!

The colorful birds nesting in the mountains soared to fill the sky. She wasn't the only one who felt alive. The visitor's life was so blatant. If you couldn't sense the blatant aura that vibrated the entire mountain to the point of scaring away all the mountain birds, you were flunking the class and missing out on a promotion.

The time has finally come.

It was a fact shared by everyone here, except for those who had become bystanders for some reason, that the grueling training under the Yeomdo was for this very day.

Mujinja has been asleep for a whole week due to his current blood pressure, which has interfered with his special enrichment training. The issue of Mujinja's treatment has been a hot topic since the beginning of the special training. It's been a hot topic since the beginning of the program.

"What should I do?"

Yeomdo was asked before the lesson began.

"That's annoying, it must be distracting, right?"

"Of course. I see you've changed your training schedule, and you're not one to take no for an answer, aren't you stubborn!"

"Let's put her to bed, she must be tired from teaching all those students."

"That's probably the best way to go."

Nodding his head, Yin Dao coldly pointed to Mu Zhen Zha, who was currently enjoying a cup of tea after a meal. It was enough to ensure a good night's sleep for the next week. He had no doubt that the sleeping pills he'd received from Tang San would be quite effective.

It was against this backdrop that the precept was born. And now it was time to put it to the test.

It was finally time to live. The tension in everyone's faces was palpable.


It was Mo Yonghui, with a wound that hadn't fully healed, who clashed head-on with Galhyo Feng's saber. Qingfeng scolded him for his haste, but it was too late.


A huge detonation rang out, loud enough to move mountains. It was the prelude to the beginning of a bloodbath.

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discord ko-fi