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Book 7 Chapter 12

The reappearance of the Department of Labor

The supernatural horned sword flickered with competitive lust.

They were desperate, as far as the eye could see.

And then, galloping like stallions, their

It was a flash of silver that stopped me in my tracks.


The flash of light left a line of blood on the cheek of the Sable Demon Demon Sword, Kang Weiwei, who had rushed to the forefront. As the sharp Qi sliced through his cheek, Kang Yanwei instinctively leaped backwards and cried out.

"Who are you?"

Landing a chapter back, his hand already clutched the hilt of his sword.

"He was just passing through!"

An old man appeared in front of the Supernatural Demon Sword. Little did they know that the old man's face was the same face that had been imprinted as a nightmare in the minds of the sixteen members of the Zhu Jia Clan.

She pulls out a bast cotton ball that she's kept in her arms for years to hide her identity.

"Reveal your identity!"

Kang Yan Yan shouted.

"They have no manners!"


"It's time! Take your prize!"


Still, the five lacked respect for the elderly.

"A non-reversible dance!"


Ten flying circles flew out of Bi Ryuyeon's two hands, making strange and unpredictable curves in the air. It was a terrifying momentum that threatened to tear space apart.

It was a boring herbivore that Bi Ryuyeon had single-handedly created by grafting the martial arts of Bi Liu Dao. Although it was a trivialized formulation, it was by no means weak.


Stunned by such an unexpectedly powerful blow, the Super Soul Demon Sword put all of its abilities into evading.

"Shhhh! Shhhh!"

However, it was impossible to completely dodge the dancing spirals. Wherever it struck, a line of blood was drawn and fresh blood spilled.

That's a lot to take in for someone like her.

"Why is Senior Noh standing in our way?"

First Ghost Sword Shang Zhongha asked. His tone had changed. They were faster with their fists than with the law.

"Now there's some respect for the elderly!"

"Who is it?

Sangjoongha began to think.

The color of their clothes made it hard to tell if they were from the Shaman Sect. He didn't have any markings on his body, so it was hard to tell. Of course, if you knew the situation, it was natural to intervene to help them. But what if I didn't know the situation?

He didn't want to waste his energy against the formidable Peak Master.

"Excuse me, may I hear Mr. Noh's honorific?"

Otherwise, I was being as polite as possible.

"More than that, have you heard this rumor?"

Bi Ryuyeon, wearing the bast face mask of the Nosa Ministry, asked.

"What rumors do you mean?"

"This is where the dreaded Green Forest Night Terrors appear. Nobu met them and was beaten to a pulp or something!"


The Nokrimyacha were simply bandits. To them, the claws were as good as dead, and their sneers grew louder and louder.

After being upset with Nosaburo, Bi Ryuyeonu was in a bit of a bad mood.

"Why are you laughing?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked, not bothering to hide her displeasure.

"How dare the bandits block our path."

As Sang Zhonghua bounced around confidently, he didn't realize that he had overlooked one thing.

"So who's going to stand in your way?"

"That… that's……."

The question came out of nowhere, and he was at a loss for words. The answer, of course, was the old man in front of him who claimed to have been mugged.

"Tsk, tsk, do you have any tears?"

"Where are the tears for a man, a man never sheds a tear when his parents die."

"Ew, you won't hear me then."

Bi Ryuyeon clicked her tongue.


"For the fate of this old man is a grand epic, a tale of grotesque tales that cannot be told without tears!"

"Hee hee, let's hear it! You know, the one you're bragging about."

"In this mountain lives the most terrifying green yaksha. He has no blood, tears, or snot! He has never left any money behind for anyone he has met. That's his rule, to take it all without leaving a cent for traveling expenses. He was caught by the bloodless robber, and you know what happened. What a peculiar fate, that I cannot hear without tears, and I am so old."

This is when the slightly long-winded tale of Bi Ryuyeon began. The Demon Demon Sword was not amused, but he could only listen in silence. He regretted having to talk to her, but it was too late.

"And so… it happened!"

It was a long story, but the point was simple.

'I was going down the road. A bandit came along. I was robbed by the bandit. Therefore, I am now penniless!' That was it.

"So… what do you want?"

Sang Joong-Ha, who had finally managed to listen to the entire story with extreme patience, made a face and asked.

"Do you have any money?"

The eyes of the First Supernatural Demon Sword, Shang Zhonghao, widened. What kind of money is this?

"What are you talking about?"

Bi Ryuyeon, wearing the bast face mask of the Ministry of Labor, scratched the back of her head and said.

"Alas, the green beasts robbed Lao-tzu of all his money, so it's no wonder he's penniless, and he's lost his way."

Bi Ryuyeon said with a smirk.

'Robbed and lost?

The five of us were left scratching our heads for a moment as the words fell out of context.

"We'll lend it to you."

He wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible, and even if he hadn't been defeated earlier in the day by Bi Ryuyeon, he wouldn't have succumbed so easily.


Of course, it was a polite thing to say. If he said, "Of course, lungs," I was ready for the next one, which was, "Oh, yeah? Then hit him with a few!" and that was it.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

The Ghostly Killer Sword Sang Zhonghao said, pounding his chest as he wrote.

The other four swordsmen stared at him in amazement. They thought he was only good at murder, arson, and cowardice, but they didn't expect his tongue to run so smoothly when he was first in line. Everyone had seen a glimpse of his new talent. Indeed, the boss had talents of his own.

"Here it is."

Shang Zhonghao quickly dug into his pouch and pulled out a small amount of money. He was on a special mission and had been paid handsomely for his services.


The sound of money, always pleasing to Bi Ryuyeon's ears, rang in his ears, but contrary to his joyful mood, his face began to contort into a grotesque expression.

I broke out in a cold sweat when I realized something was wrong. There were only four unpacked bags. Someone hadn't unwrapped one of them. Even without checking, he knew who the culprit was.

He quickly gestured to Kang Yan Yan next to him. He wanted them to pay up quickly. Gu Mingxiao's complexion turned grim. From the way his facial muscles moved and controlled, and the placement and combination of them, it was clear that he was refusing. He was the kind of man who would reveal a woman, but equally as importantly, he would reveal money. He didn't want to waste money on an old man he didn't know.


His brow folded in three layers, and the muscles that control his eyebrows pushed the doublets upward with force. The muscles around his eyeballs made rapid changes, completing the so-called "piercing look".

When the muscles around her lips began to poodle, the most difficult part of the technique, she could no longer resist.

Even after taking up the entirety of the Strong and Weak Medicine, Bi Ryuyeon was still not satisfied. Nosabu's frowning facial muscles refused to relax. Instead, they only grew larger and larger.

"Damn, I've been caught.

It dawned on them that they had stepped on dung: the old man in front of them was saying that the small portion of wealth they had offered would never be enough.

"How did I know I had an emergency fund?

If he was caught, he was caught firmly. The man in front of him was a bandit. A man who used the most violent means possible!

There was a limit to my patience.

They call themselves masters, but they don't realize how far above them they are. Ignorance sometimes has the right to be tolerated. They decided to actively exercise their right to be ignorant.

The exercise of rights took the form of violence.


The first to attack were the strongest. He was confident that a surprise would work. The other four didn't miss a beat. They were experts in surprise, assassination, and passing.

"If I could!"

He replied.

These were rational people, capable of killing people just because they bothered them or offended them, and they had never felt any guilt about what they had done until now.

This time, of course, they had no need to feel guilty about their actions. The being before them was not the possessor of a life force so fragile that it would simply die at their mercy.

Their indulgence came with a terrible price: instead of guilt, they had to taste bitter remorse. A long period of reflection was given to them.

Bi Ryuyeon's lips curved into a dangerous warning. The punishment that followed that smile was so horrifying that even the word terrifying was putting it mildly. At times like this, it was in one's best interest to look away.

However, there were still an overwhelming majority of people in the world who believed that recklessness was courage and wandered in delusion.

To an empiricist, it was the duty of man to let people experience things. His hand slowly grew stronger; he was willing to put up with a little effort. His hand stretched forward like a flash of light. The outcome was already clear.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff!"


The screams were pitiful. There was no forgiveness in the hands of Nosabu. The cost of not recognizing him as a servant was great.

Their fatal mistake was failing to understand the very simple and obvious fact that being a master is not for the faint of heart. And they didn't realize that they could do a lot more than the minions in ways that the minions could never imagine.

It's hard not to understand their desire to deny reality, to accept the cruelty of it all and to avoid plummeting to the bottom at all costs. When you're on a high tower, looking out over the world below, suddenly there's a dry spell, and all the social status and pride you've been holding on to collapses in an instant. Even after dying and waking up twice, they were faced with a devastating reality they didn't want to admit.

It's not that I don't understand the desire to make a last-ditch effort to save the day, but Bi Ryuyeon was the only one who didn't understand that, nor did he feel the need to.

He was just a nuisance. There was no room for compassion in Bi Ryuyeon's hands, as he saw no reason to look the other way, and so the foolish and arrogant Umin who was deemed to be a foolish Umin would be beaten with a firm hand. Of course, it went without saying that the price would be painful.

Today, they've gained the valuable experience of having plenty of time to ponder what it means to have a gut-wrenching pain. And they weren't done paying the price yet. There was still more to come, and it was waiting for them with open arms.

In many ways, it was an educational and fruitful day. It was also a nightmare that I never want to relive again.

They had to go home naked, robbed of all their possessions.

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discord ko-fi