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Book 7 Chapter 11

The Tale of the Shaman (武當怪談傳)

- The Tribulations of the Soul Demon Sword and the List Demon Sword

"What happened?"

There are times in the world when you know the answer, but the

Often, there is no straightforward answer.

If you realize that your answer could be detrimental to yourself or to society, you may want to consider using the

It's just that it's so obvious that you can't bring yourself to say the right answer.

There's no point in voluntarily inviting a foreseen catastrophe. This was one of those cases.

Despite being questioned by his superior, the heavenly and terrifying Thousand-Spirit Sword, Zhong Pingchang, also known as the Twenty-Seventh, was speechless and unable to answer. He knew that if he were to tell the truth, he would be punished by at least an unfavorable decree and at most immediate death, so how could he tell such a ridiculous story of a ghost striking him, even if he were to die?

"Eh… I… that… is… so… what is……."

Seventy-seven, his face bruised and battered, could not speak easily, his tongue twisted. The cruelty of the thousand-year-old's hands was too much for the weakling.

"Are you going to die, or are you not going to answer me?"

Life flashed in his thousand-year-old eyes. He had never practiced patience in his life.

"Yes… four! The ghost hit me!"

"Really? Give me one too!"

With a bang, Seventy-seven was forced to let go of the ritual. This was the best case scenario. He was lucky to be able to finish without dying.

"Eing! Where do these subordinates go to get beaten up? They can't die quickly enough, and they're getting beaten up so ugly……."

"Do you want me to kill him?"

I couldn't stand to have him around.

"What kind of ghosts are you, you stupid idiots!"

Chen Shan's temper flared, and he began to shout and yell at the top of his lungs. Su Ha's incompetence fueled his anger.

There are two water-and-oil-like groups of bosses in the heavenly realm, led by the heavenly twins.

They are the five swordsmen of the Supernatural Demon Sword under the Heavenly Demon Sword, the five swordsmen of the Supernatural Demon Sword under the Heavenly Demon Sword, and the five swordsmen of the Demon Sword under the Earthly Demon Sword.

The First Soul Demon Sword and the Ming Demon Sword had a very bad relationship. It would be more accurate to say that they were at loggerheads.

For him, and for them, competitors were obstacles to be ruthlessly eliminated at the first opportunity, never life partners to help each other improve and move forward together.

Both organizations were in charge of their subordinates, and to top it off, there was a subtle rivalry between them, so there was no reason for them to get along. Two organizations in one faction. No, two organizations joined together to become a single force.

They were the perfect embodiment of what it means to be a good neighbor. They didn't always get along.

But they became greedy for the same thing at the same time. Their hearts were hungry and thirsty for the East Sea, and they had one goal in mind. Naturally, it didn't take long for their relationship to develop into enmity.

Their relationship was like a powder keg with sparks flying. It wasn't a surprise when and where it would explode, but then something happened that would be the final blow to their relationship.

A giant ember in a place that could burst into flames at any moment!

It was Na Yerin. When the Galhyo Peak first struck the training camp, in the midst of all the chaos, they had seen it. An absolute beauty worthy of being called a rare well! A breathtaking state of nature!

No wonder their venomous eyes glittered with venom and their mouths spewed words. One goal, two competitors. A fight was inevitable. It was only a matter of time.

They were so mesmerized by her beauty that they listened with one ear to the order to wait until the gallows were restored and the ban was complete. Like thousands of men before them, they had fallen in love with her beauty.

These were the most violent and dangerous wolves there had ever been.

While I don't mean to demean all of the men in the Safa, the general statistics suggest that their control over their sexual needs and cravings was fatally lacking for most women. It goes without saying that environmental influences played a large part in this. Even if they wanted to protest the Sapphians' wholesale sale of them, they couldn't, because the deed was done.

This control of the lusts of men, even those of the political parties, often led them to make mistakes and become embarrassing or foolish. To expect such self-control from a people who make murder and violence their bread and butter is very wrong. It was good for the health of your neck not to look up a tree you can't climb.

It would be unreasonable to ask them to impose their morals on men who are only attracted to women, as it would put too much pressure on them! There is absolutely no room for compromise in this case, so it's cleaner and easier to settle things with your fists than with words.

It's not even worth discussing, especially if you're talking about the upper echelons of the twins, who specialize in murder, arson, looting, and attack. This is because they are composed entirely of people who are indistinguishable from animals, or worse.

The five, who had nothing to do with moderation, were now wide-eyed and bloodshot, rushing toward a single delusion.

There was only one reason for the red, bloodshot eyes of these immature men to move. It was a woman, and she must have been an extraordinary beauty, especially in this state of extreme excitement. It was very unusual for them to be this frantic, even for you and me.

This is when lions become the most dangerous animal in the world for women, and if you're a woman and you see one in your neighborhood, getting away immediately is an excellent option for maintaining a healthy and peaceful life.

Women, take heed!

Men are basically wolves, and that doesn't change with age, so don't be fooled. Do not make the foolish mistake of trusting men, especially when you are alone with them.

Like stallions in a breeding season, the excitement of the Supernatural Demon Swords was insatiable.

"If I'm not mistaken, she's a rare well, and I thought I was going to burst a blood vessel in my head, heh heh heh!"

The ghostly killer sword Sang Zhonghua let out a creepy phoneme (淫笑).

"That's right, she's head-turningly beautiful, who would have thought such a beauty would be in this place!"

The second Ghost Sword, Kang Zhongyak, agreed wholeheartedly.

'I heard the rumors, but I didn't know it was that bad! Wow, that's crazy!'

A colorful demonic spirit sword, called the Colorful Demon Sword, pranced around like a vixen in heat, distracting everyone.

"Weak, did you know about her?"

It was a tone that said, "Do you know everything?" The Second Ghost Sword Kang Zhongyue was puzzled.

"Ah, of course! There's no way that you, this fancy boy, don't know about such an extraordinary beauty. Didn't you brothers hear that the top beauty in the world was already decided ten years ago?"

I don't think anyone would be happy with a guy who was always getting into trouble for a girl and then acting all smug about it.


The other four remembered hearing it, and they had to have picked it up somewhere, because there was no way that the many drinks they'd been to had been devoid of girl talk and gossip.

"That's right, isn't it amazing, ah… I never thought this opportunity would appear in front of me."

Her colorful eyes turned ecstatic and dreamy. His eyes were currently traveling in a different world. At a time like this, he wasn't one to listen to the words of others. Only the woman in front of him seemed to be growing up.

"Chet, we weren't as libidinous as you are, so it's not like we'd be negligent about women!"

Kang Zhongyak grumbled.

"She's the Forbidden Jade Leaf Bing Bai Peak Na Yerin Sojae of the Nine Bai Clan, the former Feng Clan's former Feng Clan son, who was deemed to be the best in the world when she turned twenty!"

Kang Yak-yak was annoying and arrogant. As arrogant as he was, he knew more than everyone else, but that didn't make him any less ugly.

"I've always known you were a attacker and a sodomite, but today is the first time I've ever known you to be a horny boy!"

Kang Zhongyue said in a sarcastic voice. If Kang Zhongyue is a good man, it's safe to say that all the good men in the world have been killed.

How could a guy whose favorite pastime was having violent relationships with women without asking their opinions be a virile man? A passerby snorted and said something to make him sick. But he didn't want to prolong the discussion about the standards of a virile man, so he stopped talking.

Of these five, the one with the least number of cowardice was the first. He claimed to be only fifty-two, but he was actually fifty-two hundred.

"So, for example……."

Kang was excited when his area of expertise came up and kept talking.

As expected, they were all men, all interested in the mythical beauty, Heavenly Flower. After frowning once, Shang Zhonghao quickly jumped into their ranks before any more information was lost. After all, a horny boy like him, who was more like a strong and weak man than a colorful horse, would be a fitting companion for the mythical beauty. It was a matter worthy of no comment.

"But is it okay to violate the Heavenly Lord's order, which was clearly to wait and not unwind the spell?"

The youngest, Ha Sang-joong, cautiously approached the doctor. Surely it would be a violation of orders to make a move to claim the beauty now.


At the mention of Chen Shi's name, everyone's faces stiffened. Even though they had served him for more than a decade, they still had to feel fear when they stood next to him.

For to a Thousand Souls, they are merely tools that can be discarded at any time.

"If we do it sneakily and quietly, who knows? Besides, we're not the only ones who'll be targeted! You didn't forget that those five ghosts were there that day, did you?"

Kang Weiwei glared at the cold water and convinced everyone. In times like these, it was best to enlist the help of the five ghosts who called themselves the Five Demons of the Underworld.

"Besides, the second of the five ghosts is a very mean one who only sheds color on the subject of ghosts, and he's quite an expert in the field; there's no way he could have missed her presence!"

It's been said that a dog with shit on it is a dog with chaff on it, and that's exactly what Kang Weiwei was doing.Kang Weiwei regarded the second-in-command of the Ming Dynasty as a competitor in the same field. His fighting spirit was fierce. It was a fighting spirit that wouldn't help him in life and would only cause him inconvenience.

Everyone's eyes turned to the first two. It was an unspoken pressure to make a decision. He muttered to himself that they were bad people who only look for him at times like this.

"Great, we can't lose to them!"

Finally, Sang made a decision.

"Let's go!"

They were only quick to act when they were.

As expected, it wasn't just the Super Soul Demon Sword that was making stealthy moves toward a woman. Their nemesis and eternal enemies, the Listed Demons, were also on the move. They were all of the same mind.

A single woman was targeted by many wolves.

"This is getting annoying!

It's hard to say whether it's in her heart or not, but she hasn't had the slightest inkling that she wants to take a stand on this issue. It would be more accurate to say that she didn't feel the need to voluntarily go out and expend her physical strength and energy on something that didn't pay off.

I was worried for the lives of the children I knew if I tried to ignore them as a nuisance. Call it futile compassion, call it pity, but it's never pleasant to think of familiar faces dying for nothing.

So she thought about it. It took a lot of energy to think about it, so he kept his thoughts as short as possible and came to a conclusion quickly. His final conclusion was that if you're worried about your coworkers' lives, you should develop your skills to the point where you can rest assured.

Improving to a steady state in a short period of time is a difficult task, but Bi Ryuyeon is a human being who does not roll with the impossible in mind.

As usual, he made the plans and she executed them. He was surprisingly good at this, so he trusted that if he left it to her, she would be able to handle it.

Until you've gained a certain level of skill, you're only going to catch a few flies. It was good for him to have something to keep him occupied.

He took out the bast sphere he had kept in his hand for so long. As long as he wore it, he would be transformed into a different person, an old master. Thinking about it, Bi Ryuyeon was delighted.

It's not a sin to enjoy life. It's just a matter of being a little wiser than others! That's when the real fun began.

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discord ko-fi