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Book 7 Chapter 13

Being a forest hero is a great job

If the rostered ghosts were to tell you what happened to the supernatural ghost sword.

If I had known, I would have felt very aggrieved.

But alas, they were unable to convince Nosobu to accept the

I didn't hear about the robbery.

They, too, were blinded by color lust, and were eagerly serving their sentences.

"Third, surely we'll be before the five-headed sword?"

Being later than the five ghosts was unacceptable.

"Of course, but I can't let my guard down, the color will have already alerted him, and how dare he target the woman I've divined… you damned thing!"

As an expert in the same field of color, he felt the rivalry between the two of them. He narrowed his slitted eyes even further, greed shining through them.

The five were confident that they would be able to pull off their usual evil deeds with impunity. But they were mistaken. They learned the hard way that there are exceptions to everything in this world.

"Wait! Stop!"

The appearance of the variable was very unexpected.

"Who is it?"

Sensing that something was amiss, Chu Hang, the first of the Ming Clan's great swordsmen, spoke up.

"Me? A very good man. I'm like a traveling minister!"

Five's eyes widened at the sudden appearance of Inyoung. He emerged from the woods, looking every inch the same as the eternal bandit.

A frighteningly large greatsword in his hand and a leather robe covering his upper body. The leather garment in particular looked very hot in the middle of summer. It was indeed a stereotypical storybook bandit look.

"Does anyone still dress like that these days?"

Unable to contain his rising curiosity, Mingyin Chu Hang asked Inshallah Gochae.

"Well? I'm sure that old-fashioned outfit is pretty rare, and it's sweaty leather in this hot summer! Kahahahaha!"

He wore leather clothes made from trimmed animal skins and looked like an ignoramus from the way he looked! He was the epitome of a brigand, so typical and standard that he was now considered rather old-fashioned.


Everyone burst into laughter at his words. After all, to them, a bandit was nothing more than an after-dinner snack.

"Hush! How dare you be so impudent and disrespectful in the presence of one as great as this throne? You have lost your cowardice, and I will show you today that there are things in this world that are scarier than Hap, Mama!"

"What? You don't look like anything more than a bandit, and on what basis do you say you're good? You must want to die!"

A terrifying flesh emanated from the entirety of Ming Yidao Chu Hang. The bandits under his command were not even his first choice. With his one sword, a bandit was destined to be cut into thirty or forty pieces in an instant.

But the bandits in front of him still didn't seem to realize how scary, cruel, and brutal they were. There are fountains in bad customer selection.

"No! You mean to tell me that your people still don't realize how great, wonderful, and self-sacrificing the Green Forest Heroes are? Woe betide you! What a sorry state of affairs……."

"How dare you say you can help us?"

It was a long shot.


The bandit let out a heavenly sigh. Then he turned to look at the Bookkeeper and spoke in a persuasive tone, his voice uncharacteristically gravelly.

"Look, how hot, irritable, and tired you must be walking down the mountain path on this hot day! Do you know why you are so hot, irritable, heavy, sweaty, and heavy-footed?"

Mingyidao Chuhang shook his head in agreement.

"That's because your burdens are too heavy. The nastiest of them all are the small, heavy, and dirty things called money. They are very, very nasty things, and they cling to your bodies and weigh you down. We, the Green Forest Heroes, are here to solve this problem once and for all, and now that I'm here, everyone can relax!"

"You're crazy, what are you trying to reassure me of?"

Chu Hang was unbelievable. He spoke as if it was a good deed, and I began to doubt his sanity.

"Well, well, my stuffy friend! Do you still not understand my generosity of heart? I have taken care of all the grueling work that weighs you down. Please do not refuse my heartfelt offer of help!"

"Tell me in a nutshell!"

Mingyidao Chuhang said nervously. Talking in circles didn't suit his temper.

"Give me the money!"

It was a bandit's word, abbreviated.

In broad daylight, Ming Buo Guizhang has been subjected to an absurdity. A mere rogue had dared to stand in the way of the five most powerful men in the Ming Dynasty, the Reapers of Death. No wonder he was so furious!


Chu Hang replied, as if he were amused.

"I said pay up! Give me everything you have!"

"Cook! Poohahahahahaha!"

Mountainous laughter erupted simultaneously from the mouths of the five, and their caustic laughter was not unintelligible, but the bandit was unmoved by it.

"Heh, heh, what a life!"

It was true; they had looted, attacked, and burned before, but they had never been on the receiving end. They had always been the stronger. As long as the name of the Three Kingdoms shone brightly above their heads and as a halo behind their backs, their position would be eternal, or so they believed.

The three long, thick swords on Chu Hang's face twitched and twitched, and the more he listened, the more outrageous the story became. Who does this guy dare to rob in front of?

They are none other than the five master thieves, Ming Bu Guizhang, the most accomplished of the five master thieves under the tutelage of the terrifying and murderous Master Zhisal.

This bandit didn't even get a snort.

"That thing on your head is heavy, isn't it? I'll lighten it for you as a special service!"

Once was enough. No matter how novel an experience is, if you do it too often, you'll get tired of it.

"Kill him!"

They weren't laid-back, consultative justice warriors enough to take on the tiresome task of renewing Tyrgo.

Chu Hang raised his hand to signal, and the Fifth Blood Blade, Gahu Hyuk, moved as if to slit the throat of the bandit who claimed to be the Green Forest Hero. Even if he didn't use all of his strength, the movement was effortless.


A pitiful scream echoed through the mountainside. Birds, startled by the unexpected screams, took to the skies above the puddle.

"Oh… no way!"

The other four, with the exception of Gahu Hyuk, who was sprawled on the ground with his arms twisted behind him and his head hanging down, were so shocked by the unbelievable sight that their eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets.

"Oh, my God!"

The desired result was not forthcoming. As it should have been, the neck and torso were separated, and blood poured like a fountain from the severed carotid artery. The dao of the list had been drawn, and bloodshed was the dictum of death.

But the sky was clear, and there was no sign of a rain of blood. Above all, the necks and torsos of the opponents, which should have been separated, were joined together as if in a show of unbreakable friendship.

There was only one conclusion. There was only one conclusion to be drawn from the story, and that was that Gahu Hyuk's quest had come to naught. Although he was face down on the ground, he could clearly see the blade passing through his opponent. He hadn't been cut even though he was clearly cut, which meant he had cut an illusion!

"No way… transmutation!"

This is the ultimate in body movements that leave an afterimage! He moves so fast that he leaves an illusion that he actually cuts himself.

"Yeah… who are you?"

As if to shake off his fear, Chu Hang bellowed.

Although he was only the fifth of the Five Famous Demons, he was a man of such skill that he would not be scattered by a single breath if fifty members of the demon-slaying Ming Wang Dao came and attacked him all at once. However, he was beaten face down on the ground by bandits who didn't know where he came from. No wonder their eyes threatened to pop out.

It was only then that they realized that the bandit standing in front of them was no ordinary man. It was a little too late.

"Me? Didn't I just say I was a friendly volunteer passing by?"

He still hadn't retracted his claim to be a forest hero.

Food Gain!

As the bandit finished speaking, a hawk with rare blue feathers swooped down and perched on his shoulder. It was a falcon with blue feathers that seemed to reflect the exalted status of a king of the heavens. The falcon's name was the Thunder Falcon, and its master was, of course, the disguised Bi Ryuyeon.

They were, of course, not referring to anyone in particular, they were just unlucky to be caught. Of course, they wore bast masks and were well disguised.

A sense of foreboding licked ferociously at the spines of the other four at the same time.

It was ominous. It didn't look like it was going to end well.

Had they simply swallowed their pride here, they could have avoided the catastrophic consequences of their actions, but the four of them - one of whom is already incapacitated - had too high expectations for their side.

The Listsmith had been seduced by the most dangerous of ideas, the idea that numbers could be pushed. They would make the same mistake as the Super Soul Sword.

They dreamed of rebellion. The cost, of course, was devastating.


They had already exchanged glances and made up their minds.

Dao Kwang's eyes flashed at his son-in-law. It was a swift job for a man in the service of the great king. Any ordinary cilantro would have been torn to shreds in the porcelain's tightly woven web of flesh. But the problem was that Bi Ryuyeon was no ordinary cilantro.

What happened to them that day?

She succumbed to a sudden desire to test how hard their bones were and how tough their hides were. Naturally, they were chosen as scapegoats. Ming Buo Guizhang had no choice but to suffer.

Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow!

Personalized techniques for Bi Ryuyeonn (飛流連)


Three Strikes Law (三伏毆打拳法)


Redundancy (中伏)

Multi-stage multi-hit (多端系多重狗打)



Screams of all kinds erupted from the center of the violence, and they screamed at the top of their lungs as loudly as they could. The martial artist who had beaten them to a pulp was a master of the curiously named "Threefold Strike". The five were given an invaluable opportunity to observe one of the most ignorant kung fu styles in the history of the martial arts.

Why did our swords not taste blood as they usually do? Why did our swords end up in vain? Why are we languishing in this pain? The shock was too great, and Ming Buo Guizhang could not find an answer, only a fleeting victim of one-sided violence.

It was over quickly. After a few flashes of lightning and hours of frying beans over the fire, the men were sprawled on the ground, their faces bruised and battered.

They, who boasted of being the best in the Ming Dynasty, and who, in their hearts, were superior to the Demon Demon Sword, had been beaten to dust on a rainy day by a mere bandit, and left face down in the dirt. It was too outrageous to be real, too horrific to be a dream. And it was too vivid.

Throb, throb, throb!

This raw, bone-crunching sensation let me know that I wasn't just having a nightmare with five other people at the same time.

Something went wrong.

They should blame themselves for their stupidity, for being fools who hadn't thought to ask why there were any bandits in the Shamanic Mountain Realm, or whether there could be any at all. They, too, were forced to surrender their entire fortune to Bi Ryuyeon, just like the Super Soul Demon Sword.

They are currently unable to lift a finger, so she had to do some legwork to collect.


Bi Ryuyeon smiled an eerie smile that was almost too good to be true.

The five of them, pitifully, were stripped naked. They were caught trying to strip a woman. There was no retribution. It was the best way to keep the money out of their pockets. The number of people who had been stripped at the hands of Bi Ryuyeon that day was now ten.

After this happened, they couldn't help but laugh at the sight of the naked Super Soul Demon Sword returning. Even if they kept their nakedness a secret, their bruised faces were just as ripe for ridicule.

A dog with shit on it could only beat a dog with chaff. In this miserable reality, there was no way his lust for the Unsentimental Lady could be ignited. All ten of them had failed to fulfill their purpose. It was a monumental failure.

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discord ko-fi