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Book 7 Chapter 1

In a whirlwind of sword wind and pottery

- Mo Yong-Hwi vs Gal Hyo-Bong

There are three nails. One has a blade on each side of the

It is called a sword and is held in the hand of one person, while the other two hold the blade of the

You can't cut someone with the back of a sword, and they're a pair.

It is called a twin sword and is held in both hands of a man.

With all their might, sword and dao clashed in one place. The ripple effect, however, was far more than a pair of swords clashing together. A sword that could produce such destructive power in a single collision could hardly be called a tao sword.


The space around him shuddered, unable to withstand the pressure of the violently clashing sword. The trees around them also shook and dropped their leaves, unable to withstand the impact. The air vibrated fiercely, creating a gale around the two of them.

"Easy profit!"

"Quack, quack, quack!"

The sound of the explosion was deafening and ferocious, like a blast to the eardrums. It was an enormous sound that seemed to crush the world. If you didn't protect your eardrums by controlling the force, the blast would tear them apart in a matter of seconds, leaving you deaf for life.

"How much does it add up to?"

Qing Shui, who had been watching the two fight nervously, asked the Southern Palace Master next to him. He had been distracted from the duel for a while, having to deal with a group of raiders who had suddenly attacked.

"It's already over ninety sums, it's about to be a hundred!"

In the midst of all this chaos, the Namgung statue was unattended, calculating the exchange of food between the two sides.

"That's great!"

In the center of the battle, white sword light and blood-red saber light were now dancing in unison, creating a spectacular display.

A fierce, wild, and uninhibited dance of sword and dao!

The twin-headed one, in particular, could be called a madman, a dance of madness; his swords were bloodthirsty, his strokes ferocious and unapologetic as he sought to tear apart the flesh of his opponent. With the abundance of swords and ceramics, it was difficult for the average person to distinguish between the two newcomers.

"Wow, he's already that good!

Qingfeng couldn't help but admire Mo Yonghui's sword technique. No matter how he looked at it, he was a different person now than he had been when he and Mo Yonghui had fought in the final of the Samsung Muze. Indeed, he hadn't been fooling around since he woke up in the medicinal incense-scented medicinal bed. Today, he was showing a more mature and elevated level of skill.

"I haven't been playing around either!

Qingfeng unconsciously clenched his fists. And then he was done.

'Even in the midst of such a fierce battle, you can't seem to lose your sense of humor? This is not the time for it…….'

A bitter smile curled the corners of his mouth. He was now in the center of a life-and-death struggle. The situation around him was too urgent for him to be lost in thought for long.

"Quack, quack, quack!"

A loud bang erupted once more.

It's been a hundred and fifty days. It was not easy to swing the sword as fiercely as I did for over a hundred and fifty strokes without a break. Moreover, the thunderous sound of each blow hitting my son-in-law was proof that a fierce collision of qi was occurring within me with each blow. It meant that every second was a blow with all my strength.

"Will it hold up?"

His voice was tinged with concern about his vocabulary.

This battle would be decided by who tired first. Nervously, Qingfeng watched the battlefield.

Qing Shui was somewhat worried about Mo Yonghui's condition. No matter how he looked at it, the other monster didn't show the slightest sign of exhaustion. On the other hand, Mo Yonghui's sword tip was getting duller by the second. In Qing Shui's eyes, the difference was obvious.

Compared to the confrontation between the two, the raiders were of little importance. Besides, the raiders were currently on the sidelines, paying attention to the two men's victory or defeat. They didn't seem to be inclined to help the monster either. However, their faces didn't show any lack of trust in the monster either. They were simply waiting for the fight to end as soon as possible. It was clear that when the fight was over, the current confrontation would change rapidly, like the turbulence of a storm.

After glancing over at Qing Shui, who was watching the duel between the two, Nan Gongsheng quietly slipped out of his body and approached Bi Ryuyeon. His godbrother was watching silently, his hands unclasped. He hadn't seen her use her hands since the attack with the monster. He had no idea what was going through her mind. He doubted he would ever hear an answer this time.


Still, the battle between Mo Yonghui and Gal Hyo Feng was tumultuous. Gusts of wind whipped ferociously around them. Tiny stones scattered in all directions.

In their eyes, the existence of the other was already beyond their perception.

"What am I doing?

The sword light from Mo Yonghui's breathtaking encounter with Galhao Feng was swirling ferociously, dazzling his vision, but his eyes were unfocused.

Hyo-Ryong watched the confrontation with bated breath, his mind still reeling from the intense confusion.


A dry sob ran down his throat. He could only watch the two battle with unfocused eyes now. He couldn't take sides right now. He wanted to be careful, and he had to be careful, after the suspicions he'd received the other day. He couldn't afford to do anything that would give away his identity.

Mo Yonghui's sword essence shot out like a meteor. Without even a moment's hesitation, Huo Feng dodged his sword force. After dodging the starry sword Qi, Gal Hyo Feng stood with his sabers crossed, his eyes glowing with life.

Hyorong was stunned to see Galhyo Feng's posture. It was like a flash of light. The pottery that his brother had unleashed flew at Mo Yonghui like a double-edged sword. Mo Yonghui quickly ducked down to avoid the red pottery. But as he stood up again, he didn't seem to realize that the attack wasn't over yet.

For a moment, his body didn't listen. At this point, the sense of duty to hide his identity had flown out the window, and he made a mistake.

"Get down! The Round Cross (回旋十字刃) is coming from behind!"

Hyo-ryong shouted in an urgent voice.

Mo Yonghui subconsciously lowered his head and bent his entire body, even as he thought to himself, "Does that mean I didn't dodge everything? He thought he had clearly blocked the crisscrossing red pottery, but it seemed he wasn't done yet.


A fierce, flesh-colored breeze grazed the nape of his neck, a pottery blast from the back of his head. If he had remained stiff, his life would have been in danger. Everyone stared at him, dumbfounded, with expressions of disbelief on their faces. Dumbfounded…….

'One of the spleen herbs, the blood wind dance spiral cross!

Hyorong's face contorted in disbelief. Even though his mind was paralyzed, his sense of dao was still intact, as he was able to digest such a secret technique without difficulty.

At this point, Hyorong didn't realize that Cheng Heng was staring at him in surprise. He had no time for that.

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discord ko-fi