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Book 7 Chapter 2

The ending was known from the start

"Do I not have to help you?"

Namgungsang thinks that this is the place where the fierce

The person who can step in between the two and take control of the situation is the

No matter how much I admired or feared her, it seemed like she was the only one.

It was a great pity that Master Yeomdo was not here to attend to the business of the shamanic mountain.

Still, in Namgungsang's eyes, the metamorphic Bi Ryuyeon was not quite right.

"Why would I?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked. A look of disbelief crossed her face.

"Of course you should help us, we're facing a crisis!"

Namgungsang felt like getting in Bi Ryuyeon's face and screaming for her to recognize her current situation, but he had to exercise extreme patience and restrain himself from raising his voice.

No matter how hard I looked, I couldn't see any sense of crisis on her face. Her slightly furrowed brow was a clear sign of "Noise! Don't bother me!" was clearly the expression on her face.

The King's discouragement was not the only one. He hadn't trusted this man in the first place.


With her gaze still on the battlefield between Mo Yonghui and Galhyo Feng, Bi Ryuyeon quietly called out to the South Palace.


Namgungsang replied quietly, trying to keep pace. But his heart was racing like a charging chariot.

"I hate echoes that don't come back!"


Namgungsang nodded, not knowing what to say.

"And I don't like investments that don't pay off!"


It made sense, given her personality.

"And now you want me to help Mo Yonghui?"

Bi Ryuyeon glared at Nan Gongsang. Of course, she couldn't look directly into his eyes because her bangs were in the way. But just because she couldn't see doesn't mean she couldn't feel.


"Have you ever seen a businessman invest in an unprofitable business?"


"Me too!"

"What are you talking about?"

The king did not immediately understand what she was saying. She continued to explain. It was the language of the lucky stream.

"If she doesn't welcome my help at all, why should I go out of my way to tell her I'm crazy and extend a helping hand when I know I'm not going to get anything but resentment, let alone gratitude."

"Of course!

Namgungsang couldn't bring himself to answer. Even though it was the truth that filled his heart.

But she wasn't done yet.

"Do you think I'm going to call you crazy for doing that? You can't do that!"

It was against the Bi Ryuyeon tenets of life to interfere unnecessarily in other people's fights. Especially when the help would be unappreciated. His mind was made up from the start.

It was a foregone conclusion from the start.

It was then.



Namgungsang gulped for a moment. Without warning, Bi Ryuyeon had grabbed him by the scruff of the neck. His breath caught in his throat. Her actions did not end there.


A man's body was thrown into the air by another. Bi Ryuyeon had thrown the body of Namgung Sang forward without acknowledgment.

The eyes of the onlookers widened, for once again a sublime thing had happened. The price for the favor was too great.


Nan Gongsheng's arms flailed in the air in a panicked manner. His actions made it clear to everyone that the current situation was not a mutually agreeable one.

Caught off guard by this unexpected turn of events, Namgungsang flew two zhangs, barely managing to spin around and land safely on the ground. However, the impact of being thrown still lingers, causing his body to lurch forward. I don't like to think about it, but if he had failed to land, he would have cemented his friendship with the ground with a spectacular face slap that left a long trail of blood on the ground.

"What the heck… Huh!"

Namgungsang stood up and turned around coldly, the words he was about to protest slipping down his throat like a crab's eyes.


Goosebumps prickled across his body at the sight of the two Inyoungs that entered his hurriedly turned vision.


Unconsciously, Namgung Sang's hand reached for the sword at his waist.


What he sensed was a life unlike any he'd ever experienced before, a life so vile it was unfamiliar. A life so dark, so dense, so thick that it threatened to kill everyone here!

Standing directly in the path of the flesh was the great brother, Bi Ryuyeon.


At that moment, I heard the sound of a robe being ripped from behind Namgungsang's back. In an instant, Namgungsang's face turned pale to the point of death.

"Uh… which bird!

Before he knew it, his clothes had been slashed by an unidentified sharp blade.

"I… I can't believe it! I… I can't believe it!

He hadn't realized it, but when had the sword qi damaged his armor? It must have been the moment when Bi Ryuyeon threw herself at him. As soon as her body was thrown forward and floated into thin air, a sharp sword qi would have sliced through the empty space. Casting the shadow of a grim reaper!

For a moment, my heart thudded and compressed. A cold sweat erupted through the pores of my body.

"If Daehyung's response had been a little late, I would have been……!

Perhaps he had never been so carefree in his life. The nape of his neck felt cold, as if the Grim Reaper's touch had touched him and then pulled away.

Today he'd had another near-death experience. His blood ran cold. The nape of his neck felt frosty.

Suddenly, the seemingly insignificant, bad-tempered godbrother seemed incredibly great. The power of Gantu's life-saving jutsu was so effective that it made him forget about his bad eyesight.

"Hehe, that's great!"

A sigh escaped the mouth of the lankier of the two old men.

The man who had suddenly slashed at Bi Ryuyeon's and the Southern Palace Master's backs was Tian Shi, one of the Twelve Kings of Heaven and Earth. He glanced down at his sword, then back up at Bi Ryuyeon, and then back up again with a puzzled expression on his face. It was as if he had miscalculated something.

What should be dead is not dead. He couldn't help but ponder for a moment the disparity between the future predicted in the past and the present as it was manifesting itself.

There was no sense of shame in imposing the trivial act of memorization on lowly children; there was only a sense that there was an annoying obstacle in their path that needed to be removed.

One by one, they dodged his sword, as if to show off the fact that they had feet. It was insolent, to say the least. And it was unforgivable.

"Heh heh, did I make a mistake, two lives that should have been dead are both alive and well, that's freaky."

For Chen Shan, it was like necrophilia.

Clearly, there was nothing wrong with his senses; he was simply repeating the slash he had done tens of thousands of times before. His slashes always contained the blood of a living being leaving this world, but this time was an exception, and that's why he was now in agony.

Bi Ryuyeon puffed out her cheeks and grumbled as she looked at Tian Shan, who was still pondering over the enormity and absurdity of Gan Man's mistake. From his point of view, it was an act of cowardice.

"Don't you think it's a bit much to come around like a ghost when you're not even old enough to be dead? You'd have to be a ghost to do something like that. It's a bit much for an old man to try to scare the young."



The blade-like flesh emanating from the thousand-year-old's entire body made Namgung Sang almost jump back in embarrassment from the weed. A lesser master would have cowered on the ground, and a lesser man's legs would have given way and he would have pissed himself. He should be commended for resisting his instinctive urge to retreat.

His thousand-year-old graying beard twitched up and down, his cheeks flushed with rage.

"What a nasty young man, not to honor an old man!"

Its flesh stretched out in all directions with a sinister snarl. It was clear that it was determined to kill. I didn't even have to open its chest and cut out its heart to see what was inside.

But even though she was facing such a strong flesh, she remained indifferent. She was ready to protest, saying, "If you want to do it, do it.

"Kkkkk, you wish to die, then I'll kill you!"


He swung his sword with terrifying momentum. A crimson blade sliced through the air, telling them to shut up and die.


However, his educational guidance was interrupted by someone else. Chen Xiaolian's eyes narrowed nervously. This was the second time today that his sword had come up empty.

"Who are you?"

Tianxian's gaze turned to the unexpected interloper who had stopped Sword Cho, his brow furrowing slightly.

The interloper's hair was unusually dark red, like a blazing flame.

"Kolok Kolok! Shit, I got the wrong guy!"

Yeomdo rueful voice burst from the dust. Shibizo's harsh voice! It was Yeomdo who had blocked the One Sword of a Thousand Flesh, and who had shown himself worthy of being dropped by a Thousand Flesh.

He wanted to add, "Damn it, I can't believe it's you!" but he chewed on the words, but the lament was true. If she had known that the target of the attack was Bi Ryuyeon, she wouldn't have blocked it……. I would have done something useless due to lack of caution.

I thought my kids wouldn't be able to handle a huge sword flying out of nowhere, so I blocked it, but I didn't realize it was Bi Ryuyeon!

"Shit! Shit! Shit!"

I was overwhelmed with regret. I should have left it alone! I felt like I had lost money.

It was as if the disciple had sensed his master's crisis and bravely stood in his way. He couldn't forgive himself for suddenly being in such a position. And his irritation didn't stop there. At such a time as this, he would be reunited with a face so unwelcoming and without promise that it would make him shudder. It was only natural that his irritation would combine with the hatred he had left behind in the past to create a fiery combination.

"The author!

The moment he realized who it was, the smile vanished from his face. For a moment, the gentle smile that he always showed to others was nowhere to be seen on his broad face. His face was now as icy as a layer of ice, but it was only for a moment. A moment later, Jisal's face was back to its trademark smirk.

It was Yeomdo who recognized the other and spoke first; he was in the fullness of life right now.

"Long time no see, fatty!"

The fat man's face twitched, the flesh on his face rippling.

"Heh, heh, heh, who is this, Yeomdo, the epitome of bloodthirsty simplistic ignorance. Nice to see you, nice to see you, has it been 15 years?"

Jisal was too ashamed of the sumi-san notoriety he had accumulated to sit idly by.

"Yeah, it's been 15 years, and the scaffolding is even more tireless than before, fatty!"

"You still don't know how to be polite. When you have time, you should learn how to be polite. It will help you get through life. Otherwise, you'll be no better than an animal. Fire, burn, silver, dog, car, van!"

Yidou's face flushed red. The air between them was so tense that it wouldn't have been surprising if a murder had occurred.

"What's the use of being polite when you're trying to catch a pig, isn't one method of slaughter enough? Stop being polite and come at me, fat pig!"

Apparently, the two have known each other for a very long time and have gradually developed a close friendship, but the friendship has gone too far, and the slightest movement has created a volatile atmosphere where blood is spilled and flesh is spattered.

The contrast between Dhyan, who wears all his emotions on his face in anger, and Jisal, who hides all his emotions in his heart, is stark.

But the killing intent was the same in both.

"Do you want to continue? The ending from 15 years ago, I'll pay you now, you probably didn't finish it then, did you?"

The only reason he didn't immediately draw his sword and lunge in anger was because his training with Bi Ryuyeon had deepened his mindfulness. In the old days, he would have skipped all formalities and swung his sword first. One of his nicknames was not 'Flaming Gachaban' for nothing.

"Well… that's not a bad offer. It's always been my dream to teach that cheeky brat some manners."

"So I guess that means you're not going to say no?"

Yeomdo unleashed its signature red sword energy and entered a combat stance. He was determined to end this once and for all.

"We'll have reinforcements from the Shamans soon, but I think we can settle this before then. I'll settle the score in ten seconds."

Yeomdo screamed.

To settle a fight in ten seconds was an insult to the name (even if it was a stigma) of the Killing Sword. Fifteen years ago, they had fought for more than three hundred seconds and still hadn't settled the matter, but there was no need to tell an unpleasant truth in front of an unpleasant person, especially if it would raise his nose.

Zi Shi's face changed at the mention of the support of the non-partisans. Moreover, Chen Shi's demeanor was a bit strange. After the earth-shattering explosion earlier, the condition of Galhyo Peak was far from normal.

On top of that, my current target hunting performance was abysmal. Nay, none at all. Add in the shamans, and it wasn't looking good, so Jisal had no choice but to change his mind.

'How can I…….'


But his thoughts were drowned out by an enormous roar. Apparently, Galhyo Feng and Mo Yonghui had collided head-on.

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discord ko-fi