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Book 6 Chapter 43

A roundtable discussion with Ryu-yeon Bi and her crew

Ryuyeon Bi: How have you been, dear readers? This is Ryu-yeon Bi. Despite all the worries and anxieties, such as, "Isn't there a chance that the sixth volume won't come out? Isn't the author fleeing abroad? Is it coming out properly this time?" I'm happy to share the sixth volume with you again.

Hyo Ryong : If I didn't do it right, it would have come out wrong. It would have been a big deal.

Jang Hong: You've managed to pull it off again!

Hyo Ryong : I've been working on it for 10 years. I was so nervous that it wouldn't come out right this time…….

Jang Hong: Oh, by the way, I heard that the writer has recently joined an organization and is plotting to dominate a powerful clan! Do you know anything about it?

Ryuyeon Bi : Sure. It's a skyscraper in Bucheon, and it's also called Madhu's Lair, the snake den inside the skyscraper, right?

Hyo Ryong : This is indeed an organization for writers.

Jang Hong: Let me tell you who the members are there.

Hyo Long: Oooh, such a dedicated work ethic! You've already finished your research, haven't you?

Jang Hong: Absolutely.

Bi Ryuyeon: I'm speaking on behalf of my elder brother Jang Hong. First of all, the skyscraper's manager and actual owner, Cho Jin-haeng, the author of Angels in the Sky, Choi Hoo-sik, the author of The Drifting Princess, Jang Sang-soo, the author of The Ruins of Samwoo Popular Tales, Kim Hyun-young, the author of The Descendants of Manseonmun, Han Sung-soo, the author of The Shamanic Monsters, and Park Chul-young, the author of Heavenly Flowering, Hong Ki-in, the author of Muksi Gangho and many other works; Hong Hong-hwa, a passionate warrior called Hong-pro; Il-myo Yang Dong-hak, a former Chinese medicine doctor who has a book coming out but is not called by name; and Kwon Sun-hye, the only Hong-il store in the skyscraper and a female writer, who has a very colorful and colorful history.

Hyo Ryong: It's a lot of different people in one place, so it could be an exhibition center.

The only thing they have in common is that they are all practical and thrifty people who are attracted to freebies…….

Jang Hong: It's hard to believe that people with all these wrong paths are gathered in one place. Strange…….

Bi Ryuyeon : I have ambitions to conquer the martial arts world, but I'll have to be better than that. Oh, and thank you to Drosian Ji Yun-sun of Daum (DAUM) Bi Ryu-do Cafe for sending me the picture. I'm really impressed with your drawings. Impressed, impressed!

Hyo Ryong : Isn't that a screen tooth or a makeup tooth?

Jang Hong: Excuse me, Mr. Hyorong! What do you mean by screen speed? That's called image manipulation!

Hyo Long: Indeed! The truth was in such a place.

Bi Ryuyeon : Suspicion is so prevalent in society……. There's no way to hide my sadness.

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong: We're just saying what's rightfully ours. The truth is cruel!

Bi Ryuyeon : Alas, when will light come to this world of doubt……. Folks, there's absolutely no need to listen to these people. All you need to do is take my word for it, the owner of a slim waist and a slender body.

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong: To say such shameless things so casually, the world is indeed a scary place.

Hyo Long: Speaking of which, when are you going to cut those bangs of yours? We've been getting a lot of questions from our readers. They wanted to know what was behind those bangs.

Ryuyeon Bi : That's right…….

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong: That's…….(gulp!)

Bi Ryuyeon : Rain, wheat, yi, ya!

Hyo-Ryong & Jang Hong: Are you kidding me?

Ryuyeon Bi : What can I do? It's up to the writer!

Hyo Long: I'm giving up.

Bi Ryuyeon : Hahahahaha! A protagonist is always surrounded by a triple quadruple of secrets. So, dear readers, we'd like to take a moment to say goodbye. Until the next seven volumes come out, don't forget to keep your eyes peeled.

Then goodbye.

We'll see each other again.

Be sure to use…….

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discord ko-fi