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discord ko-fi
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Book 6 Chapter 8


-behind the insignia

Deep in the night, with the moon yo-yoing in the stars, you'll find the

It was a chilly night.

The yo-yoing but tenuous moonlighting of

It wasn't enough to defeat the darkness.

The son-in-law was filled with silence.

The time when everyone in the Academy should be asleep. Bedtime was long past, and there were places where the lights were not yet extinguished, except in the quarters, but that was a place where no one dared to transgress, for it was too late in the night, and the presence of one too high to be told to turn off the lights and go to sleep.

"You want me to follow them?"


The voice came from behind the curtain. Who would dare to stand behind the back of the Heavenly Martial Sect Invincible Iron Fist Maginot without revealing themselves?

"Do you really need to follow them? I'm just wondering if you should go to all that trouble."

"I decided it was something that needed to be done."

Existing in the darkness behind the curtain, his words were resolute.

"Then I can't. No, it would be useless to stop you; you are going, and who can stop you, not even I. I shall trust your judgment again, Hong!"

The trust that Heavenly Martial Master Majinga placed in the man called Hong was a great one. As one of the great peaks of the Daoist realm, it was no small feat to earn the full trust of the Magus. Those at the top of their organizations are always careful to choose who they trust.

"Yes! Leave it to me."

"When is your departure?"

"One week from now."

"I see. I'll do something about it."

"Thank you!"

"Good luck!"

There was no answer. Silence was the only answer. His presence was already gone. But I didn't blame him for the rudeness of leaving without saying goodbye. Thus, one more person was added to the group heading for Mudang Mountain.

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discord ko-fi