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Book 6 Chapter 7

I'm hungry to escape the beast of the metatype!

"Finally, I've found the

I can get away with it.

Now there's hope for us

They'll be back.

I couldn't be happier……."

"Maybe the dark clouds are lifting and the light is coming for us."

"That's great."

Qin Lie flicked a hand across her slender chest.


"I can finally be away from my big brother! I couldn't be happier!!!"

"This is great news. Now that I won't have to see my big brother for nearly two months, I can sleep with my legs stretched out for a while."

"Yes, yes! A comfortable place to sleep! Less unnecessary spending. I sometimes feel like money slips through my fingers like sand when I'm around my big brother. You have no idea how eerie that sensation is."

The last one was said by Geum shaking his head.

At the same time that the cast members were gathering and rejoicing, there was a man with unusual hair, red in color, who came to the residence of Guanzhou Mazin.

The purpose of his visit was to…….

Only two people are aware of it, but there were dozens of people involved in its creation.

On a secret (?) visit to Mazinger of the Heavenly Pavilion, Yeomdo spews a blood-curdling rant in front of Mazinger.

"Guan Zhu, the children are not finished yet. They are not good enough as they are. I'm worried about their future. They need special enrichment training now. Please leave it to me. I'll work hard to perfect their martial arts, and now is the most important time."

How passionate and touching was his desire for the development of his disciples. Of course, he was not young enough to be sincere in this inspiring speech, but his voice was filled with trepidation.

"Hehehe, how could I turn a blind eye to your enthusiasm, please."

Impressed by his zeal for education, Guanzhou Magistrate Mazhonga readily agreed, and at his insistence, the group's training grounds took a sharp detour to Mount Wudang, the same mountain as Zhu Jiaodan. Ji Kai-sheng traveled to Amishan.

"Phew! I survived. It's working!"

It was a word of salt from Guanzhou's abode.

He still shuddered at the memory of Bi Ryuyeon's face, holding him all night and whispering demonic wisdom in his ear.

"A trip to a shamanic mountain in the middle of nowhere…… Well, it's better than being stuck here in one place……."

Within a few days, however, he was convinced that he had been wrong about 12% of the time.

Wherever she was, she wondered why there were incidents everywhere, and the sky above her was a resentful Yeomdo.

I just wish this relationship would end sooner rather than later…….

It was disrespectful to the world and its unspoken rules to try to make the impossible possible.

'Morning ordinance time after Yeomdo visits the margins.'

"As such, I'm changing the location of the training camp for this year's Heavenly Sword Clan's children from Amishan to Wudangshan. In addition, at the request of Master Saltdo, I've authorized the members of the Fourth Grade Masterworks Troupe to join this year's Wudangshan training camp as part of their special training. Master Saltdo will be in charge of guiding them."

At Mazinger's bombshell declaration from the dais of the Ordinance Meeting, the elders below the rank of Musabu all looked on in disbelief.

I could hear a few rumblings here and there.

"No… you mean to tell me that that short-tempered, loner-loving, salt-of-the-earth Nosa volunteered to do such a thing?"

"Hmph……. It's hard to believe with my own ears, certainly the outcome of the last battle with the Blue Dragon Clan was amazing!"

"That's right. Who would have guessed that the Zhu Clan would be able to defeat the Blue Dragon Clan, which is comprised of the best materials, but Master Yin's training has paid off, and that's why the Guan Zhu has entrusted the Zhu Clan to Master Yin once again. ……."

Instead of protesting, everyone seemed to accept the result. As he cleaned up the mess, Guanju Majinga dropped another bombshell.

"And let's send the Three-Sectioned Sword Qingxin to Mount Wudang along with the Seven-Sectioned Divine Sword Mo Yonghui."

"Hehe! Even a blue mark this time! The Guanzhou is very determined and cares about his child's training."

"I don't know, I'm looking forward to this one."

It was the samurai and the elders who beat the drum, and they beat the drum, and they came to a neat conclusion. Even if their conclusions were a little far from the truth, that's not what matters now.

There was no debate around the table. Everyone secretly recognized what this decision would bring. No matter what anyone said, the opponent was the heir to the best equipment and swordsmanship of the Heavenly Martial Academy, and their skill had been officially proven by the last battle with the Blue Dragon Clan.

Furthermore, the Qinghe and Mo Yonghui cases were a rare privilege in the Heavenly Martial Academy. It also meant that they could compete with each other to become the best and improve their skills.

It was also a testament to the high expectations placed on Mo and Cheung.

"It's only a few more days until the big day! Let's get everyone pumped up. Good luck!"

Thus, by a special order issued by the Heavenly Martial Sect Master Magin, the sixteen members of the main squad and the Three-Sworded Celestial Dragon Qingfeng were ordered to accompany the training group, the Heavenly Sword Group, on this training camp, and it was announced that the responsibility of leading them would fall to Yin Dao.


As of June this year, the fifteen members of the Jiujia Clan's Southern Palace Stage and below, along with the second-grade Heavenly Sword Clan, have been ordered to undergo special reinforcement training at Mount Wudang under the charge of Yidao Kwak-nosa.

Mothers' Day

Martial Arts Guanzhou Invincible Iron Fist Margin.

There were 16 people whose eyes glazed over when they saw the announcement because it contained a bizarre ability. Bubbles in the mouth……. It was very pitiful to watch as the ice seemed to disappear from his mouth.

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discord ko-fi