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Book 6 Chapter 9

Polite cloak and dagger

-Intrigue at the top of the world

of the Tianmu Samurai Festival.

In the finals of the Samsung vs.

The ceremony and

After watching Wei Zichen's confrontation, I was nervous and wanted to use the

The swordsman could not stand still.

How could he lie down with his feet stretched out in front of him when the nightmare of his past was about to come to life right in front of him? Even his high level of cultivation was not enough to quell the anxiety that was building up in the back of his mind. His studies were useless for nothing.

It was like studying for a hundred years and becoming an amitabha.

At this rate, she felt that her future dreams were going to be wild. After being plagued by unexplained anxiety ever since, she finally decided that she couldn't just sit on her hands.

This is why we need to find out who they are.

In order to do so, he would need to follow Bi Ryuyeon very secretly and learn her history by any means necessary. There was only one place in the Heavenly Hall that could do this for him.

So Gumzon secretly called one of the men.

The Senate Chamber!

A black-clad man was summoned to enter the only unmanned swordsman's abode that rivaled the Heavenly Three.

"My lord, I'm here under orders from the Lord of Heaven, Su Dok Ge."

Standing in front of Swordsman Gongzong's courtesy car, Su Dokge, the master of the Non-Eternal Chu Honeymooners, bowed with the utmost respect. He wears a black robe as dark as the night, as befits one in charge of intelligence, tracking, and espionage.

For Shu Dok Ge, Sword Zong was like a mountain; he could not help but feel small in the presence of this giant.

"I have a favor to ask of you."

Please!" It was a word that didn't seem to fit in with the swordsman's polite demeanor. Sudokge's head bowed even lower.

"Just give me a command. I will do whatever you ask me to do."

The Skyscraper!

It is said that if the White Island has the Tianmu Academy, the Black Island has the Heavenly Pavilion. It was a place of strict discipline and rigorous teaching, where all of the arts of the Black Island were gathered.

An old man with an abstract aura has just entered the secret depths of this pagoda.

"Why did you call this old man?"

In a blunt tone, Sect Leader Mu Wu asked, one of the top elders who had served as an assistant during the Heavenly Blood Tax. His nickname was Unexplained Sword! A swordsman with a reputation for being faster with a sword than with words, he was one of the Five Great Elders, ranked in the top five of the Heavenly Pavilion Elders.

Even though Qi Sahan, the military henchman of the Heavenly Palace, was in charge of all the affairs of the Heavenly Palace, he was someone who could not be ignored.

He was in charge of all military affairs in the Heavenly Palace, and he was a man of great talent in the Noble Mythical Mountain. However, he was extremely shunned within the Temple of Heaven for being so dismal and distant in his behavior. As a result, his personality became even more dismal, and he gradually became cold and abnormal. It was a vicious circle.

The first person to get lucky was the cheater.

"I have something to discuss with the brain trust, so I'm excusing myself."

As befits his position, Qi Sahan had a slick tongue. He didn't like the name of his brain tumor because it made him feel like a cad.

As someone with a strong personality who never wanted to be deceitful or put on a facade for someone he didn't like, he was naturally blunt in his speech.

"Let's get to the point."

"Yes! I've received reports that the people most likely to compete in the next one are traveling to the Martial Mountain as a group, and among them is the grandson of the Sword Saint Mo Yongzheng Tian. I'm sure Elder Brain has heard of him, a kid named Mo Yonghui."

"You mean the Seven Deadly Sins Sword, the one that got the Black Sword into a frenzy a few years ago for being unarmed? I've heard the Nobudo rumors. But what does that have to do with Nobu?"

"Yes, this time I have a task to accomplish before those buds grow and bear fruit, and I would like to borrow the power of the Elders."


The brainiac's fist slammed down hard on the table. His face was flushed with rage.

"Hal, do you mean to tell me that you made this old man's tired body move for the sake of barely hitting a bud? Since when did our martial arts center become such a shabby and crude backstabber? Answer me!"

The man's voice was fierce. He had never done anything cowardly before, even though his body belonged to the Black Island. But trampling on a sprout……. His pride wouldn't allow it.

Even in the face of the fiery rage of a brain tumor, the soldier was nonchalant. He believed in something.

"But the Grand Duke wants it. He asks for it."

That one word was enough. A brain tumor felt like all the energy was drained from my body.


"Of course not. How dare I lie about such a thing."

It was a request, not an order, from his alter ego, who had been changing diapers with his own hands since he was a child. She couldn't refuse the favor. She remained silent and sat quietly. The fact that he didn't leave the room was his unspoken permission to listen to the story.

"So let me tell you what's going on right now."

It was hard to believe that Qi Shihan, the military brains, could be so insignificant when he spoke with such a casual expression, as if he had known this would happen. Bai Zongming barely managed to calm his boiling stomach, and thought to himself.

'Sagal, you rascal, how dare you breathe poison into the Grand Duke's ears, and I will one day show you the error of your ways!'

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