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Book 6 Chapter 6

Who won, the Blue Dragon or the Zhu Zi?

-Bi Ryuyeon, who is very angry!

Isn't it only right that the glory should go to the victor?

However, you can also use the

Nowhere in the picture of the cast members nailing down the

The word glory was nowhere to be found.

Except for Tang San and a few others who were badly wounded, the rest of the men in the troupe had their heads down on the ground, while the women lifted their chairs one by one over their heads. They looked like children being scolded for dozing off during study time in Seorim.

The poor cast members couldn't help but squirm as Bi Ryuyeon's gaze landed on their bodies one after another.

"Dude, that's four of them, do you guys want to die?"

The main group of players had a few scratches on their bodies from the fierce battle earlier.

But we won. Even though she struggled at first, she came out on top. And yet, to her displeasure, she is now running amok in front of the cast members.

Yin Dao stood behind Bi Ryuyeon like a showpiece folding screen, his expression stern. However, his cheeks were tinged with color, and he seemed to be having a hard time holding back his laughter.

When he heard the words of defeat from the mouth of Binggum Guan Chulsoo, who had a broken cold face, Yin Dao was never so happy and exhilarated as today. He felt like grabbing anyone on the street, hugging them, and dancing with them. However, Bi Ryuyeon's heart was not in it.

Of course, she wasn't too upset because she won. Not only was her money safe, but it came back tenfold. Of course, she was very happy and satisfied. The problem lay elsewhere.

She had won, but barely. She hoped to win with a more convincing performance.

Other people might think it was too much to ask, but she didn't think so. She didn't like the fact that she struggled for even a moment.

The cast members were hoping to wake her up, but the word 'wake' hadn't even crossed her mind.

Even if the men were slamming their heads into the ground and the women were clutching chairs in their hands and holding them above their heads, sweating profusely, it didn't change the fact that they were now the most skilled of the Heavenly Martial Academy's reapers.

In the early winter, the team battles between the Blue Dragon Corps and the Zhu Zhak Corps produced unexpected results, defying everyone's expectations and resulting in a complete victory for the Zhu Zhak Corps.

In fact, this outcome was a foregone conclusion. It may just be a formality.

The two groups differed in their approach to the fight. Zhu Zhaodan had his back to the wall. A cornered mouse, a pursuer in front of him, and a swordsman with his back to the wall - that's how he felt.

If they lost, there were two people waiting in the wings to steam 16 of them.

You might ask, "What's the big deal?" but not if they're your teacher, Yeomdo, and your big brother, Bi Ryuyeon.

It was no wonder they were fighting to the death. On the other hand, the Blue Dragon Clan had been overconfident and had received guidance from the Ice Sword Guan Chulsu. They thought that perfection had been achieved, and who could be the enemy, so victory or defeat had already been decided from the start. The Zhu Jiaqi charged without regard for their own bodies, while the Qinglong were more concerned with defending themselves. It wasn't a life-and-death battle, but it was a life-and-death battle for the Zhu Jiajiajie, so even though the Zhu Jiajie had more wounds, the victory went to the Zhu Jiajie.

Maybe a new wind is blowing.

Another year has come and gone, and a new one has dawned. After a colorful and colorful year with a lot of talk, a lot of disguises, a lot of work, a lot of incidents, a lot of gossip, and a lot of trouble for many people around him, Bi Ryuyeonyeon was safely promoted and became a sophomore.

Of course, it was an unbelievable fact that didn't make sense to the people around her, but surprisingly, she didn't flunk out. Never mind his qualifications and capabilities as a senior, she was now a senior herself.

Of course, this year's class was filled with fresh, green juniors, but Hana didn't have time to worry about that.

He had just heard something that made him doubt his own ears.


Bi Ryuyeon asked with a strange expression. Although he was feigning calm, his heart was anything but calm right now.

Namgung Sang couldn't help but chuckle as he stared at himself with those sharp, axe-like eyes. The will to live was welling up inside him. At times like this, he had to be careful.


As if to double-check, Bi Ryoyeon asked.

"……Ah…an amino acid (峨嵋山)!"

"Do you want to die, do you want to die, do you want me to sign your death certificate for you?"

"Kekkek! Big…brother…save…me! Kekkek!"

Bi Ryuyeon's new form moved like a lightning bolt, and in an instant, he had grabbed the top of Namgung's head and was attempting to choke him.

The collar was suffocating, and Namgungsang could barely breathe.

"Where? You're lying, you're joking, I'm willing to forgive you if you say no this time, you're lying, right?"

I would have said no, but the reality is that it's colder than the ice cap and you can't customize it to your liking.

"Kek… sin… I'm sorry. It's true."

"Is it true?"

Releasing her grip, she asked again, this time with the intent to kill if the answer was the same. Namgung Sang bowed his head deeply, as if expecting to die. That's why he didn't want to take on this role. But to say that he was a danjou, and to casually take on such a difficult task…………. All the friendships she'd built up were gone, replaced by gnashing of teeth hatred. He couldn't get the image of Qin Ling's face as he watched him leave out of his mind.

"Gene Sojae, if I don't make it out of here alive, I want you to know that I loved you!

Namgungsang narrowed his eyes and replied.

"It's true, the training camp for this metamorphosis has been decided on amino acids."


And a long silence that seemed like an eternity. Inwardly, Namgungsang was afraid that a fist would fly out and send him to the other side, but it was too quiet. Had he been hit too hard?


"Yeah…yeah, big brother!"

A startled Namgungsang quickly replied, his demeanor revealing how nervous he was right now.

"Would you want to go there?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked in a calm tone. The fiery anger from just a moment ago was nowhere to be seen.

Nan Gongsheng shook his head vigorously. Unless he was insane, he didn't want to go to such a terrible place again.

"Oh…no, of course not, I never, ever want to go back there again."

"Ho-ho… Really? You don't want to go to……!"


Namgungsang replied forcefully, and from his demeanor, it was clear that he was serious, and there was no point in sleeping on it.

She didn't stop there, though.

"You'd rather die than meet such a wicked master again, wouldn't you?"


"You think it's better to die here than to see your master again, don't you?"

"Yes, it is."

"You don't want to relive that nightmare, do you?"

"Yes, and the death penalty, too. It's a horrible nightmare that sends shivers down my spine and makes my skin crawl just thinking about all the hardships and abuses we had to endure back then."

All the complaints and grievances that had been piling up in his heart for so long burst forth. Unable to control his overwhelming emotions, Namgung Sang did not notice that the smile on Bi Ryuyeon's face was growing deeper and colder as she stood before him. As an added bonus, a friendly-looking frown appeared on her forehead, but it too was hidden by her long bangs.

He didn't realize that he was shoveling his own grave in front of someone else. Crucially, Namgungsang's biggest mistake was not realizing that the master she was referring to and the master she knew were two different people.

"Hmph, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!"

How dare you harbor such thoughts! The corner of Bi Ryuyeon's mouth rose slightly. It was very troubling, but it wasn't the time to discuss it.

"I know you don't want to go, but…… honestly, I don't want to go either."

In an odd tone of voice, Bi Ryuyeon said.

Namgungsang didn't know who the person in front of him was, and he made fun of him with his mouth.

It was the kind of thing you never forget or take to heart. But that didn't matter now.

For reasons that are different, but somehow similar, Bi Ryuyeon didn't want to go to Amishan. For him, Amishan was a place he would never go, even if he died.

You never know when you're going to get caught!

It was a horrible parable to think about.

'As long as you haven't defeated the Monster Inspiration Master yet, you're not allowed to go within a 500-mile radius of the Amishan. Until you have the power of the Thunder God, the final secret will…….'

If so, there's only one way to do it.

The only way to do that was to change locations, and there was only one person who could do that.

"Yes, Yeomdo!

Ryuyeon decided to discuss the matter with Huang Di at once. Deciding that the treatment of the courtier, who still lacked respect and reverence for his master, would have to wait until later, she hastily transferred his sentence.

That night, bizarre moaning and screaming erupted from Gyodo's quarters, but were dismissed as rumors.

It's doubtful that grabbing an opponent by the scruff of the neck and shaking them to the point of shaking their marrow can be called a consultation, but after a dynamic discussion with Bi Ryuyeon, Yan Dao was forced to visit the residence of the Master of the Heavenly Martial Academy, Mazhijin, at the crack of dawn the next day, with a grimace and an astringent persimmon-chewing face.

She had no intention of going anywhere near Sichuan Province, where Amishan is located, let alone to Amishan. She wasn't foolish enough to walk through the gates of hell herself.

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discord ko-fi