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Book 6 Chapter 42

Reunion (相逢)

-Twist of Fate

Hyo-ryong watched.

Blood-red sword energy ferociously ovipositing the world!

It's like a ferocious beast has torn through the world!

There was only one method in the world that could produce such a trace.

"The Heavenly Blood Spirit Sword Method!"

Caught in the crossfire of this ferocious blow, the members of the Zhu Jiajiajie retreated, wounded. But the fact that they escaped unscathed was a testament to their skill.

Everyone's heads snapped up at the mention of the Thunderbolt method.

The first to react was Blueprint.

"서…설마……. The God Demon Sword's Great Heavenly Blood Spiritual Sword Technique!"

He was a living myth of the Martial Forest who had fought alongside the Martial God Taekwondo army against the Heavenly Evil Blood Tax. Now, there are only unsubstantiated rumors that he has retired from the front lines and is in hiding to create a martial art that will be able to defeat the Heavenly Terror.

He was one of the few, if not the only, person who was both a black daoist and respected by the white dao. Even the sword saint Hafu Shik was said to be an expert on the Dao.

A martial artist, a martial artist, a martial artist!

It was never a name that carried any weight.

So why would his name stand in their way here? Qingfeng was puzzled by that.

"How did you recognize it?"

It was an illusion that hadn't been performed in front of anyone for nearly 50 years, and a first-grader recognized it at first sight? I had to wonder.

When Qing Shui looked at him, he was trembling all over.

"Are they afraid?

It wasn't unreasonable for Qing Shui to think so, as his ears were currently tuned out to the sounds around him.

"Uh, how can……! How can that method appear here? How?

Hyorong's heart began to race like it was going to burst. The blood in his body rushed to the tip of his head, and his back was damp.

"Answer me!"

Cheong Hyeon raised his voice.

"I don't think that's important right now, is it?"

Mo Yonghui's finger pointed to a spot where the dust hadn't yet settled. Just a moment ago, the first step of the Galactic Flowing Star Sword Technique and the first step of the Terrifying Heavenly Blood Sword Technique had been created.


A man stepped out of the dense dust. Two sabers, the same length and shape!

Hyo-ryong had to taste despair.

It was clear how to do it!


For a moment, Hyo-Ryong felt that he should never have seen that.

A hunch (豫感)!

It was ominous. It was ominous enough to tear apart the world he'd built, and the world he'd turned away from. Suddenly, he felt a pang in his chest. Tears sprang uncontrollably from his eyes.

The more the dust cleared and the man's face was revealed, the more Hyo-Ryong couldn't control his own emotions, which were tangled up in a knot.

My heart sank.

This is a dream! This is an illusion! This can't be real! I told myself dozens of times with my heart pounding in my chest, but the reality remained abnormal. He wished someone would appear and deny him the reality that was coming before his eyes.

'This is a dream!

Finally, the dense dust obstructing the view cleared to reveal the figure of a man with a double-edged sword.


The twin swords in Hyorong's hands slammed into the ground.


<Continued from "Fault Tolerance" Volume 7

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