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Book 6 Chapter 41

The rise of the monster

Mo Yong Hwi is a

Sunlight shining along the blade of a sword

He was looking at his sword.

We're going to show you how to do this in the

Mo Yong-hui was a good follower.

Mo Yonghui was so dedicated to his cultivation that people around him were suspicious of his eyes.

No wonder people said he wasn't human. He was the only one practicing a method of cultivation that not even Qing Shui could follow.

As a result, his swordsmanship has become increasingly precise, though he still chides himself for not having fully mastered the art of swordsmanship taught to him by his grandfather.

"How can I learn the final aura of the Galactic Flame Sword?"

You ask yourself the question, but you don't have an answer yet. There must be a third thing that is not form. But I'm not quite sure what that is yet.

What he's been thinking about lately is the last time Qing Shui had displayed the Three Emotions Taijiquan Sword Art. A sword herb that didn't retreat even when it clashed with his Galactic Flame Sword!

Samjung Taegeuk Sword Hye Mu Polearm Sword True Intention Unity!

For Mo, it was a huge shock.

He was even more shocked because he hadn't expected that a sword method of the same caliber as the one created by his grandfather, Sword Saint Mo Yongzheng, would exist in the world. Of course, he also felt self-conscious that his learning was still shallow.

Despite being a recognized genius, he was never one to rest on his laurels; his goals were too high and his path too long.

Knowing how insignificant he was compared to his lifelong goal of swordsmanship, Mo Yonghui was certainly aware that it was still too early to be complacent.

This is why the biggest challenge for mnemonics nowadays is how to break the heritage of the blueprint. This was true not only for mnemonics, but also for blueprints.

Similarly, Qing Shui was working hard to break Mo Yonghui's Galactic Stream Opening Sword's final secret, the Galactic Star City Cosmic Hong Huang, which he had shown in the final of the Samsung Muze Sword Competition.

You have to overcome the obstacles in front of you before you are qualified to tackle higher ones.

Under these conditions, it was no wonder that the two martial artists excelled. They weren't stuck in different corners, wrapping their heads in their hands and trying to figure out how to break through. Whenever they had time, they fought fairly and by mutual consent, analyzing each other's swordplay and using it as a mirror to refine their own. They were now the best opponents for each other to improve.

Mo Yonghui's mind was sucked into the blade.

Mo Yonghui turned his head at the strangely unnerving prayer. The man was a man, but his ragged clothes and bony feet were suspicious. Moreover, his entire body smelled like fresh blood!

"Who is it?"

Mo Yonghui asked as he took the sword ceremony. This sporadic creature that had appeared out of nowhere had a strange prayer emanating from his entire body.

Shivers ran down the backs of my hands, my arms, and my spine.

"Is he nervous?

Mo Yonghui was surprised to find himself tensing up. His body was unconsciously reacting. The opponent was no lesser than him.

"High hand?

A needle-like sword qi stretched out from Mo Yonghui's entire body. Mo Yonghui had never underestimated an opponent and never fought. He was the very bloodstream that was trapped within the Heavenly Thunderbolt.

Without warning, Galhyo Feng drew his sword and swung it.


The red pottery stretched out from the end of the inner dao with terrifying force.

"Two swords?"

Without warning, without a word, the Necrotic Intent spewed forth a shuddering torrent of pottery and was held in both hands, both twin swords of exactly the same length and shape.

Mo Yonghui stabbed his sword through the three layers of pottery, but it was ineffective. He couldn't advance his sword any further because it was blocked by the three layers of pottery.

"Who are you?"

Mo Yonghui asked again, blocking the endless stream of pottery with his sword. Still no answer.

He just kept his mouth shut.

Curiously, the more he swung it, the more flesh emanated from the man's body.

The man laughed and playfully swung the sword in his left hand.

Mo Yonghui couldn't believe it. His hands were tingling as he blocked the man's pottery. And yet, Galhyo Feng still showed no sign of exerting himself.

"Does this even exist in the world?

This was a new technique for me.

It wasn't a very common twin sword method. Moreover, I had never encountered a method that concentrated the power of each change to this extent.


After a brief standoff, Gal Hyo Feng's attack began again. An exclamation of admiration came out of Mo Yonghui's mouth.

"Four, four bodies!"

In an instant, the new Galhyo Peak, which had expanded into four, rushed toward Mo Yonghui.

"All four of them!

Everywhere you looked, the pressure was on. If you let your guard down, you'll get caught.


A guttural roar erupted from Galhyo Feng's mouth.

"Quack, quack, quack!"

Forty-eight pieces of red pottery stretched out from the four bodies, ravaging everywhere. Terrifying red pottery that could split the heavens and earth. Mo Yonghui quickly unfurled his sword shield to protect his entire body. His opponent's pottery was too fierce to counterattack.


It was an unexpected shock. Mo Yonghui seemed to be in pain as his insides rumbled, unable to process the shock. But it wasn't over yet; this was just a preliminary step to stealing his breath.

"The real thing is coming!

Mo Yonghui's eyes shone fiercely in the thick dust. Mo Yonghui was not wrong.

A shaft of red pottery pierced through the fog.

It wasn't just about the sword.

It was a direct attack for maximum power.

Galactic Meteor Sword Method: Extreme Will

Meteor Shower (流星轟天舞).

Mo Yonghui went head-to-head with all his might. Avoiding such a confrontation was not something his pride would allow.

"Quack, quack, quack!"

There was an earth-shattering explosion.

"What's going on?"

"Another raid?"

"Damn it, at a time when Yeomdo Nosa and Mujinjinin are not here!"

People were running out of the training center at the sound of their own swordfire. Cheong Hyeon and Bi Ryuyeon's faces could be seen through the crowd, but it seemed they weren't the only reinforcements.

From the other side, more black-cloaked assailants appeared, one after another.

"Not again, bother!"

That's what she said.

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discord ko-fi