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Book 6 Chapter 40

Third lesson

Respectfully and reverently, Gumzon Respectfully

You've been given a big assignment and you're on a mission.

Non-philosophical chu-hon-dae dae-joo cheon-ri-chu-chu-jeong sudok-gae is the

Lately, I've been feeling like a rat in my head.

If you can't believe it with your own two eyes

This has happened twice already.

Luckily, no one was harmed, but it was clear they were assassination experts. As a nonprofit, this was something I couldn't afford to ignore.

He sent his men to investigate, but so far they hadn't gotten any leads.

Since I was working undercover, I couldn't ask Hubei Bunta to cooperate with me, so I could only fidget and fret.

"Why is it that nothing seems to go right since I took this job!

I was frustrated.

"What kind of people are they that they'd want to target the guards of the Heavenly Martial Academy?

It was a risky endeavor that could turn the entire island against them. There was no way they could have done this so casually. The fact that they left no marks on the corpses was an indication of how thoroughly they had been trained.

There were only two other places that could bring people of this caliber to this size.

"Is it them after all?

But both of these places are so huge that it's not easy to raise the issue with just a guess.

It was then.


The terminal horse's scream was short. Subconsciously turning his head, Su Dok Ge's eyes met an unbelievable sight.

A tall, lanky old man was playfully shoving a metal skewer-like sword down the throat of one of the members of a wedding party. It looked like he was playing a prank.

"Gee, gee, gee, I didn't hear you say you had to deal with the flies swarming around you, what the hell is this stuff?"

The scrawny old man grumbled nonstop, mocking the sword.Then the oversized old man standing behind the scrawny old man gave him a hearty laugh and soothed him.

"Come on, they're just a bunch of brats, they deserve to be dealt with as a bonus!"

"That's overtime! I'm having a hard enough time piloting that thing, and you're going to sit on the sidelines and watch?"

"Heh, heh, heh, don't be silly, it takes a lot of energy to catch these pyramids, that's why you're not getting fat!"

"That's why you're not losing weight!"

The lanky old man replied bluntly. The fat old man was still smiling.

They looked like they'd come out to play.


The old man never stopped working with his hands, even as he grumbled with his mouth.

Before they could draw their swords and defend themselves, the blade in the strong old man's hand had cut their breath away. The skinny old man's hand was too quick and clean.

The old man's fearsome one-edged sword left Su Dok Ge helpless, and his trusted servants fluttered away like butterflies caught in a spider's web, surrendering their lives to the old man's blade.

"I'm getting bored just watching."

The fat old man, who had been watching helplessly from the sidelines, drew his sword. It was a heavy-looking greatsword, and he swung it in one swift motion.




The old man's one-edged sword was more like a slap than a cut. The way he swung it, swatting at people like a fly, was terrifying.

"Stand…no way!"

As one of the people embodied in the sculpture, Sudokge was able to visualize the identity of the elderly in his mind.

The pairing of a fat old man and a skinny old man was the only pairing I've ever seen that was as brutal and neat as this one. They were shunned in the business, even in the same black circle!

If so, those old guys are…….

"Heaven and Earth Twin Kill! The Demon King Sword!"

An exclamation burst from Sudokger's mouth.

The old man who stood tall and thin as a gnarled twig was the Heavenly Spirit Sword, and the old man who was fat enough to be enormous was the Earthly King. He had the infamous reputation of being unable to stop a child from crying in his black sword.

"No, I mean, where did all these old giants that disappeared five years ago come from?"

If he was right, he was wrong by a long shot. The odds were stacked against him.

"Hmph! You're a pretty smart kid! That's the right answer. I'll have to give you a prize, won't I?"

Unfortunately, Sudokger's prediction was correct.

He looked at Shu Dok Ge with a grimace. Shu Dok Ge felt a chill run down his spine. His eyes flashed with a brilliant light. It was a gaze that was almost too alien to be human. It was a fitting description.

"You can't win if you go head-to-head!

I had only my legs to rely on.


Sudokge was undaunted and hastily pulled back his sentence.


For those engaged in secret service, the spirit of deathlessness was not a virtue: to survive to the end and deliver the news, no matter what the cost, was the greatest task in the world.

"You're so cheeky!"

Toward Su Dok Ge, who was already more than five zhang behind him, Tian Shi thrust out his sword. A lightning-like sword Qi shot out from his iron skewer-like sword hilt and flew out like a thunderbolt. It was too arrogant to dare to try to withdraw in front of the Heaven and Earth Sect.

"What do you think?"

Jisal asked.

"You missed it!"

Chen Xiaolian looked down at his hands for a moment, then replied. I can't believe I missed it……. His face was a mask.

"Hehe! You're quicker than a rat looks, or are your skills rusty?"

"Maybe I've been off too long."


Jisal asked for input.

"Never mind! Your legs should be enough to hold it, but we have more important things to do right now. I'll send one of the boys."

"I see!"

"He'll never make it out alive!"

Chen Xiaolian said firmly.

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