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Book 6 Chapter 39

Hyorong and Mukhun Ilho's intersection

"What's up?"

Human footsteps

on a dismal cliff just out of reach.

Hyo-ryong arrives at the edge

He said without looking back.

It was clear that this was the place the inscription was referring to.

Hyo-ryong had come out under the pretext of scouting for an ambush.

After the attack by the mysterious masked men, the neighborhood was on high alert. They couldn't afford to act suspiciously.


Suddenly appearing behind his back, the submissive Mu Xun replied briefly but forcefully. As the head of the most powerful organization in the world, this attitude had always weighed heavily on him.

He realized that the only person who could possibly go in and out of the Heavenly Martial Hall of the Iron Wall of Venus was the man behind his back. Already this year, there had been more than five secret lines that had gone missing. The Heavenly Martial Academy was indeed unguarded. It would not tolerate a single mistake.

"Why the sudden inscription?"

In such a remote location, the limited space and radius of action made it easier to draw attention to oneself, so it was rare for Mu He to leave a contact password first.

It was in the same vein as saying that something important had happened that needed to be communicated.

I had also asked them to investigate a few suspicious raids that had occurred.

"There's a suspicious movement at that… angle. It feels like there's an undercurrent going on."

"Are you saying that if it's a dark current, we don't know what it is?"

Hyo-Ryong asked in a puzzled tone. He was a man with access to the highest levels of secrecy, but to think that he was an unknown quantity…….

"My apologies. This is the Sochi of my virtue. "

The dark, sunken face of the Nine Hundred Suns sunk into the ground, and he was genuinely sorry.

"So you're telling me this is happening at the highest levels, the Grand Duke's side?"

Wide-eyed, Hyorong stared at Mu Feng. If he was right, things might be worse than he thought.

"I can't rule out that possibility, and I don't think you'll be able to escape the suspicion based on this raid alone. It seems like the head of the organization is involved. If only we had your brother in law at this time……."

With a bitter heart, Mu Fen said through clenched teeth.

Hyo-ryong, who had been quiet, spoke up.

"Be quiet, your name is taboo in both Kak and Meng. Even if it is just the two of us, it would be rash. "

"I, my mouth was too flippant. "

With a hint of remorse, he bowed his head and apologized. He had forgotten for a moment that it was the person in front of him who would be hurt the most by his name.

"That's fine, but I'd like you to pay more attention to the trends in the kakus going forward."



"When we meet, we leave no trace.

Observing the highest rules of confidentiality with men and women who have a secret relationship with each other, he retreated into nature as stealthily and sensitively as the hermits did when he appeared.

"Ha! Always burdened and gone, that guy!"

Hyo-Ryong let out a pitiful sigh.

His respectful demeanor had always weighed heavily on his mind.

He always seemed to project his grandfather's image onto himself. It always weighed heavily on him to project the shadow of his grandfather, the idol and myth of the entire Black Isle, on such a defective creature.

Grandfather's Second Coming was a phrase reserved for his one and only brother, and at least now there was no one else worthy of the name.

"…… type!"

He was the brother who didn't answer when I called him anymore. Since that day five years ago…….

It was then.

"Cha-ching! Cha-ching!"

"Sword sound?

Sure enough, there was an unmistakable sound of sword striking sword. And judging by the sound, I had a gut feeling that things were bad.

"Where? Oops!

The location was apparently the site of a training camp. Apparently, another raid had begun.

"Quack, quack, quack!"

"Damn it, now we're going to have a detonation sound?

To make matters worse, this time I could hear the explosive sound that only comes from the collision of strong Qi with strong Qi. It felt like the mountain was vibrating.

"How strong were they?

The sound of the explosion was a clear indication that someone who could wield a martial art of at least the level of Kangi had arrived. These were not the raiders of old.

"How the hell strong is this guy?"

Hyo-Ryong urged Shin-Hyung toward the direction of the training center.

Not knowing what dark, grotesque fate is reaching out to you!

"I can't let my friend die!

His new car got faster and faster. After all, such dreary work was not in his blood.

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discord ko-fi