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Book 6 Chapter 38

Heaven and Earth (天地雙殺)

"Is that the thunderclap that says he's being held?"

A scrawny old man with a

So much so that you're left cowering in the dark.

Asked the fat old man.

What a contrasting pair of people.

"Heh heh heh, I'm sure!"

"Damn it! How dare that sleazy little bastard dare to send an old man to a remote place like this‥……. Next time I see him, I'll have to beat him up!"

There was a strange glint in the eyes of a thin, grumbling old man. They were not the eyes of a normal person. They were eyes that no normal person could have.

"Did he say he's already made ten escape attempts?"

"Oh yeah, that's great, but you don't have a ban on it? That's weird!"

"That's certainly impressive. I guess you can't fake blood after all?"

"That's good enough for a sacrifice."

"Heh heh heh, that's right, the more valuable the offering, the more effective it is, cancer!"

The old man's eyes were still shining with laughter. Normally, he never lost his smile, even when he was killing people. The old man was that kind of person.

The skinny old man asked.

"Shall we go in then?"

Then the burly old man replied.

"It's been a while since I've seen your supernatural spirit art!"

Together, they began to walk at a thousand paces.

It was a cataclysmic step for the tense, precariously peaceful warlords.


The deepest cell of the Thousand Marauders has now been opened.

'Spiritualism (招魂攝靈術)'

The red incense from the seven sacks of incense filled the prison.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp!"

The silver gong in the old man's hand rang like a bell, stirring his heart and mind.

"Who are you?"

From the old man's mouth flowed a gravelly voice that seemed to come from a deep, dark cave.


The man inside the heavy, dented iron gate groaned in response to the old man's words.

Ragged and torn clothes, blood pooling all over his body, and a myriad of small wounds peeking through the tattered clothing, a glimpse of madness in his eyes through his scattered hair.

The man was a madman.

Nowhere in this man's appearance was there a trace of his royal black robes. As if each limb wasn't enough, he had two thick chains attached to shackles that seemed to be twice as long as normal shackles.

Several portraits floated in front of the shackled prisoner's eyes. Surprisingly, the portraits showed the faces of Mo Yonghui and Cheng Huan, as well as the faces of Bi Ryuyeon and Hyorong in great detail. Judging by the brushstrokes, it was a different person who painted the portrait of Hyo-ryong, except for the three portraits.


He groaned in agony, as if his head was going to crack.

A strange scent wafted into his nostrils, a sound that stirred his mind, making it impossible to tear his gaze away from the portraits. Without meaning to, the images of the portraits were imprinted in his mind.

Again, the old man's mouth opened and powerful words flowed out. The old man is now trying to subdue his opponent's mind with words. The chow mein, chow mein incense, and crazed spirit that accompanied the meal were merely ancillary to the speech.

"Who are they?"

"Great…… enemy! One to be slain!"

The luminescence in the old man's eyes began to glow a brighter blue, a sign that he was at the peak of his psychic powers. It was always an exciting and chilling sight, the fat old man thought.

"What is your job?"


The man replied. No longer did he hear the clanking of the chains. He had stopped rebelling.

The old man's words had now completely subdued the man's mind. The old man asked one last time.

"Where is it, where you need to go?"

As the shredded pieces of the portrait littered the prison, the man spoke, word for word.

"Mu, Tang, Shan!"

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discord ko-fi