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Book 6 Chapter 37

Thunderbolt (天魔牢)


It's pitch-black!

Dank and damp,

A chill rises up the mossy cold stone walls,

And, crucially, the darkness of the

The smell of death that permeates every space.

Deep in the depths of Shuyang Mountain in Shaanxi Province, you'll find a secretive and deadly gem called the Heavenly Demon Thunder!

It was a deep, dark place where death was always present.

Deep in the depths of the Weeping Mountain, the Heavenly Throne was a place of infamy even within the Black Heavenly Blind and the Heavenly Thousand Pavilion, where only the most elite prisoners who had committed grave sins were confined.

A place where only the guilty enter, a demonic place where once you're in, you can't come out alive, a place where fear, madness, and death coexist with darkness, a place that gives you goosebumps with its eeriness and dreariness.

Cold, dank dampness, darkened vision. Shadows cast by flickering lights in long, dark passageways seem even more eerie.

The clanking of chains, the creaking of iron gates, the occasional unidentifiable scream, everything was out of the ordinary.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of the iron gate twisting under the force of the impact echoed through the dungeon. The reverberating sound was deafeningly loud and eerie, as the dungeon was enclosed on all sides.

"Here we go again!"

Zhao Yan'er, one of the guards of the Thousand Marbles, frowned as he cupped his ears. His already ferocious appearance became even more harsh.

Judging by his grumbling, this had happened more than once.

"I get creeped out every time I hear that!"

Yeon-il Cho said in an irritated tone.

"I swear, I sound like the devil howling in the pit of hell. I'm going to have a nervous breakdown!"

Inwardly, Cho was also unhappy.

"Who the hell is trapped in there and why is it so heavily monitored?"


Cho Yeon-il hastily covered his friend Cho Yeon-sam's mouth and put his finger to his mouth. It was a sign for him to be careful with his words, as the tongue is the root of all anger.

"Watch your tongue! Don't you know that no one is supposed to know about the man in that special cell? Don't tell! There are some things in the world that are better left unsaid, and some stories that are better left unsaid. "

At the advice of his friend Cho Yeon-il, Cho Yeon-sam immediately covered his mouth, because his biggest goal was to live a long life. But he didn't end up fulfilling that goal.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Still, the sound didn't stop. It was a terrifying sound, like it was going to break through the iron gates at any moment.

It was a beastly, searing eye that always gave me an eerie feeling. The eyes of a man who was always near death, who could decide the lives and deaths of dozens of people with a single gesture, eyes so intensely alive that even a thousand-year-old man would cower for an instant! A red, cold determination to drive all things to their deaths ran through his body.

He was, in a word, murderous and insane.

The Blood Stream Sword, the Longevity Sword! A rare killer who slaughtered 88 martial artists for no reason seven years ago.

And, 12 years ago, the best equipment in the world!

A single defeat transformed his life from one of the most promising blacksmiths in a hundred years to a single, bloodthirsty killer.

The tragedy began nine years ago at a Volcano Covenant chapter.

At the time, all the Black Daoists agreed that Blood Flow was responsible for the defeat of the Volcano Covenant. No one disputed this opinion.

The gist of it was that Black lost to White because he didn't participate.

He had been hailed as the best writer in 100 years, and now, just before the Volcano Covenant Chapter, he abruptly announced his retirement. In the eyes of others, he had abandoned all responsibility and honor. At the time, there was only one person who could stand up to the Heavenly Martial Academy's highest ranked expert, the former Master of the Light Sword. And who could defeat him!

However, no one knew the reasoning behind his sudden decision to go into hiding, which sent a shockwave through the entire country.

The Volcano Branch, with the pride of the Zheng Clan on the line, was won by the Zheng Clan. With Galhyo Feng out of the picture, it was a foregone conclusion.

He has become a sinner of the Magisterium and of his roots, the Black Heavenly Blind.

When he entered closed-door training, he apparently trained himself to a frightening degree, flogging himself to death.

Three years since Gal Hyo Fong locked himself away in the old man's room and devoted himself to martial arts!

Tragedy struck on a sunny midsummer afternoon.

With an explosion, the entrance to the smokehouse collapsed, and a single bloodthirsty beast leapt out of it.

He appeared as a single killer, slashing at every tribesman in sight.

He didn't care if they were masters or juniors, his dao was unwavering and cold, cutting through their lives. Even though he had lost his will, his dao had become incredibly strong, as if to show that his training had not been in vain. Ordinary Guan Daoists were no match for the swarming masses.

Blood made rivers and corpses made mountains.

It wasn't until a teenage elder came running out after hearing the emergency bell that they were able to subdue him.

The teenage elder had to be slightly wounded to capture him alive. It was considered lucky that none of the teenage elders were killed.

Even though Gal Hyo Fong had been captured, they couldn't bring themselves to kill him for his crimes. If they had to, they would have killed him in the first place, and the teenage elders wouldn't have risked their lives to capture him. His background was too great for him to be killed casually.

He was one of the grandsons of Gal Joong-hyuk, the idol and living deity of the former Black Dao.

There was no way to bring him back from his coinage addiction and loss of will.

After a month of repeated discussions, the punishment was decided. He was to be imprisoned in the Heavenly Demon Pit, also known as the Immortal Pit, until his will was restored.

If he didn't come to his senses, it was the equivalent of locking him up until he died.

Seeing Gal Zhonghyeok's face, Gal Hyo-bong was imprisoned for a thousand years without any restraint other than bondage by chains.

From that day on, Tianmaruo had one of its biggest headaches.

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