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Book 6 Chapter 36

Blood Flow Chart

Once graduated magna cum laude,

The man who had the expectations of an executive forester.

However, one day he suddenly changed his tune and started using the

One uncontrollable killer.

What was once called the brightest star in the sky.

Could it have turned him? No one knows why.

His sword was incredibly sharp, and no one was able to stop it. It took four of the teenage elders of the Heavenly Palace to subdue him. The teenage elders didn't even dare to kill him.

The old man has placed the matter in their hands. He had once been a promising talent, trained under them, called the best of them, and loved by them. How could he be so bold as to kill?

Moreover, he was the grandson of the godless horse Gal Zhonghyeok. There could be no arbitrary disposition, and he was condemned to be imprisoned for a thousand years. Nine years have passed since that day.

Now, one by one, he was being forgotten in the minds of the people, but there were still many who remembered him and his terrible hand.

Qi Sahan realized that if Galhao Feng were to break out of the Heavenly Demon Palace and wage war, it would be easy to excuse him. After all, he had been imprisoned for nine years. Even when reason failed him, his desire for freedom remained unwavering, and he constantly tried to escape. He was like a wild beast, trying to get out of his cage, biting at the bars with his teeth and clawing at the walls. I don't know how many times I've changed the cell door, and I've lost count of the number of times I've replaced broken chains. I've changed my cell a dozen times.

No matter how many times he was acupunctured and restrained, he would always break the restraints and try to escape, especially once his blood boiled and he began to go berserk, and the chains that bound him would snap like a rotten cord. His martial prowess was erratic and uncontrollable.

But they could not destroy the dantian and sever its veins; that would be unacceptable. Each escape only added to the number of chains and made them thicker and thicker.

So it wouldn't be surprising if he prayed for one more escape. Except this time, the escape would be different.

Punishing just a few jail admins should be enough to cover both eyes for now.

Galhoubong was a kind of sacrifice. No matter how skilled a Galhyo Feng was, it was impossible and unexpected for him to kill all of his targets single-handedly.

If he were to die at the hands of a White Demon for any reason, the Black Heavenly Alliance would not stand idly by. He was the grandson of the former Black Heavenly Alliance Lord Demon Lord Gal Zhonghyeok and the eldest son of the current Black Heavenly Alliance Lord Emperor Gal Zhongchuan, no matter what anyone said.

Chisahan was trying to kill two birds with one stone: pheasant and egg, ditch and crayfish.

The death of the Martial Demon Pacheon, Gal Jung Hyuk's grandson Blood Flow, and the disciples of the Heavenly Martial Academy involved in his death!

His death could be characterized as a matter of politics.

Furthermore, if this is successful, the blood of the Martial Spirit Gal Zhonghyeok will end here. There would be no heir. This was exactly what Qi Shihan was aiming for.

And it was something that the brain surgeon never understood.

"And yet you dare to use him? You dare to challenge the authority of the Black Heavenly Blind? How will you bear his wrath?"

Having witnessed Gal Joong-hyuk's rise to power a hundred years earlier, Brainjong-myung knew his fears better than anyone.

"Half the reason we're using him in this plan is because of where he comes from, and that makes him all the more valuable - his value as a sacrifice."

Braindead felt a chill run down his spine as he saw the evil grin on Qi Sahan's face.

"And since the thunderbird is so close by, that's even more of an excuse!"

It's a brain tumor that's made all the more eerie by the fact that Qi Sheehan smiles like a child playing with a toy, planning something that could result in a massive bloodbath if it goes wrong.

"Are you telling me I'm looking at the wrong guy?

It suddenly occurred to him that he might have been underestimating Qi Shi Han.

"I've already gotten permission from the Grand Duke, this is the real work."

Chisahan's attitude was hardline.

The brain tumor asked, as if it had given up trying to talk him out of it.

"I've been sitting on this thing for almost five years, can you get it under control?"

If there was a way to turn the brewing rod into a sane one, it would have been used long ago. The fact that it hasn't been done suggests that there is no way.

"There is no way to bring them back to their senses, but we can subdue their minds and make them do our bidding."

It was too risky, and the stakes were too high.

"Is there such an outstanding spiritist?"

Brainstorm asked.

"I'll send the Heaven and Earth Twins!"

Qi Shihan replied nonchalantly, his eyes widening in horror as he listened. The old man, who was over a hundred years old, had been stunned too many times today, to the point where his heart was straining.

"Do you mean the Heaven and Earth Twinslaying Supernatural Sword?"

It was no wonder that the name of the brain tumor became such a contemplation. The two of them were one of the strongest forces in the world, and their strength alone was better than the combined strength of three hundred ordinary unmanned people. Is that all…….

When they moved, it was the same as saying that the Chu and Ming armies under his command moved together.

Because of their cruel hands, I was afraid that I would buy Kang Ho's favor……. Now Qi Sahan is saying that he will use such people.

"Wouldn't that be too stealthy?"

As far as he could see, Chisahan's behavior right now looked like he was intentionally making a big deal out of things.

'You must be mistaken…….'

He struggled to deny the questions rising in his mind.

"That's okay, if you're going to end a job, you might as well end it with a bang."

Chisahan said with a determined look on his face.

"Bone and flesh, alas, what a sad tragedy!"

As he spoke with exaggerated gestures, an eerie smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. The name brain tumor gave me a chill.

Back at his residence, Qi Sahan rang the bell to summon his subordinate, Chen Lihori.

As soon as Qi Sahan called out to him, Chen Lihori rushed over and prostrated himself before him.

"What's up with the Heaven and Earth Twins these days?"

"Yes, I've been working in Surajan lately."

"Really? I'll have to deal with them myself, since they're so high-nosed and unreasonable, and I'll have to issue a general order to the Twin Furies right now!"

"Oops, you mean the twin power?"

It was no wonder that Chen Lihori was surprised. The Ssangsal dynasty was a combination of the Chouhon and Myeongwang dynasties, the armed forces directly under Heaven and Earth.

They were raised by the Heaven and Earth Siblings themselves, who are feared even in the Black Sea, and although the Female Spiritual Army is said to be great, it is far below the Sibling Army in terms of all-out warfare.

"Are we trying to start a war?

It's not unreasonable to wonder.

"Since when do you question what I say?"

Qi Sahan's tone turned cold.

"Sin, I'm sorry."


Chen Lihori quickly bowed his head to the ground and meekly apologized.

After looking at them with disdain for a moment, Qi Sahan pulled a scroll from his bosom and threw it toward Chen Lihori.

Chae-yung quickly snatched up the book before it hit the floor.

"Send the letter to the Heavenly Demon Jade Lord, Death Sword, and tell him to provide every convenience to the person who will be visiting. Deliver it in person, as secretly as possible!"


"Get it rushed!"


Chen Lihori Gong Guo bowed and said yes, then left the room, a trickle of blood dripping from his forehead.

"Hmph, this is the real beginning! Everything is according to the will of the Most High!"

There was a cold glint in Qi Sahan's eyes.

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discord ko-fi