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Book 6 Chapter 35

Failure of a female non-permanent

-Fail! Fail! Fail again!


In the old man's hands

The teacup clattered to a halt.

His face was quivering with rage and absurdity. He even wondered if he was going senile. Although he was over a hundred years old, he had prided himself on having a few more years before he became senile.

"What did I just say?"

"A complete failure. The goal is lost."

This time, the news of the Dark Spirit Squadron's failure was so outrageous and disastrous that Brainstorm didn't even have the strength to get angry as he had predicted.

The fact that so much manpower and power had been thrown at the operation, no matter how flawed, meant that something had gone terribly wrong from the start. He wasn't stupid enough to know that.

He even wondered if he had made a huge mistake.


"Not yet confirmed."

Qi Sahan replied. Probably most of them are dead or captured. There was a long silence between them, not even bothering to check.

The brain tumor felt like a limb had been cut off.

"Now that we've failed the Amber Dragon Dynasty and then the Amphibious Dynasty, what are we going to do?

What other tricks do you have up your sleeve?"

"What's wrong?" the brainworm asked. He felt a fever rising in his head, and flesh stirring in his chest.

On the contrary, despite the disastrous failure of the Amphibious Army, Qi Sahan remained unperturbed and unflappable; in fact, he was even smiling inwardly at his conversion.

He chuckled to himself as he watched the fidgeting brainiac.

It was tempting to say, "Of course, if they're that good at stopping it, we shouldn't be worried about it in the first place, because it's a 12% win for us!" but Qi Sahan swallowed hard. If he did, he'd probably end up with a crazed bull raging like a madman. There was no telling what an old cow would do if he went mad, so Qi Sahan just swallowed the thought.

It wasn't time yet.

Qi Sahan uttered a half-hearted, half-killed thought.

"They're just bait. Bait to hide the real knife. They're just a smokescreen!"


For a moment, his eyebrows twitched. There was no way he was going to feel good about baiting one of his own.

"You sound like you have other good ideas!"

He was soon to regret asking the question.

"I'm going to use the blood flow sword!"


Brainjongmyeong jerked out of his seat, his eyes wide with horror.

"You……surely you mean to use the one who is imprisoned in the Heavenly Demon Throne?"

"Is there any reason not to?"

It was more of a questioning, condescending tone. It was a no-holds-barred attitude. It was clear that he had planned this from the beginning.

"Are you crazy?"

"That's perfectly normal!"

Brainjongmyeong shook his head vigorously.

"I disagree! It's too dangerous! Are you out of your mind to use such an unhinged madman, and how do you plan to clean up after him?"

I couldn't allow it.

"You've changed the order of the words. I'm using them because that's who he is. It'll be easier for us to excuse him later, that he's out of our control and has escaped the Thunderjade and is doing whatever he wants!"

It was a phrase that sent chills down my spine. But there was another reason why I was absolutely opposed to brain tumors besides being a madman. Being insane was nothing compared to this problem.

"Do you mean to tell me that you have forgotten that he is of His own blood?"

"Of course not! How could I have forgotten that famous story? I definitely remember that he was the martial arts master Pacheon-do Galjoong-hyuk, one of his two grandsons! You don't have to worry about my memory."

It turns out that Chisahan definitely remembers.

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discord ko-fi