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Book 6 Chapter 34

Na Yerin's Seductive Demeanor

-And in the cave……

The image of Na Yerin huddled by the fire is a representation of

It was almost too much.

Feeling Bi Ryuyeon's eyes on her, Nayarin spoke up.

"I'm not going to let my guard down this time! If you think it's going to work this time, you're wrong."

"Am I that untrustworthy?

Bi Ryuyeon asked innocently.

"Don't you think too little of me to trust the words of someone who has stolen another's lips twice without permission?"

Her words were as cold as a northern wind chill.

"Of course not, there's no way I could have harbored such delusions!"

"It's not fair," said Bi Ryuyeon. But whether she believed it or not was up to Na Yerin.

"Well, that remains to be seen."

The mountain that still needed to be climbed was clearly higher than Mount Tai. It looked like an alpine junior peak with snow covering it. It was no small feat.

"Great defense. I can't find any loopholes."

Ryuyeon Bi said.

"Two strikes are enough, no more."

"Bam, what a shame!"

Bi Ryuyeon immediately made a face, but failed to get Na Yerin's attention.

"But you can't have a new relationship if you don't trust, so what makes me the first?"

What is the first time? The most untrustworthy thing I've ever heard her say.

Suddenly puzzled, she asked.

"But why am I having this conversation with you?"

Na Yerin felt very lost, and she couldn't quite figure out why she was feeling so unfamiliar. Why was she talking to this person in front of him?

"Well, I can't possibly know what's in Sojae's heart, so maybe I'm asking the wrong question? Seems like the fastest way to find out would be to ask Sojae's mind!"

Na Yerin was stunned, speechless, and resentful that she had somehow lost.

The laughter she had been holding back escaped from her mouth as she looked at Na Yerin, who was showing an unexpectedly varied expression.


"Why are you smiling?"

Na Yerin asked with an uncomprehending look. Bi Ryuyeon shook her head nervously.

"Hahaha! No, I just thought it was cute to see Sojae's face with all the different expressions."

Her words came as a shock to Na Yerin.

I've heard the words beautiful and noble before, but I've never heard the word cute.

"Are you telling me that emotions showed up on my face unconsciously?

Na Yerin was always unable to control her emotions in front of Bi Ryuyeon, but she couldn't figure out why.

"Am I getting caught up in this guy?

It was incomprehensible. Her expression hardened again.

"I, Sojae, am not a doll, and no one will judge me if I laugh. There's nothing worse than having to hold back a laugh."

It was one of Bi Ryuyeon's words that penetrated deep into her heart. It was true that laughter would make her veil stand out even more.

I wish I could see her smile, Bi Ryuyeon thought.

As far as Bi Ryuyeon could tell from her glance, Na Yerin was still putting up a tight defense. It was as if they were life and death enemies. He couldn't help but feel bitter.

"Haha, you don't have to be so vigilant, it's not like anyone's going to eat you……."

It was meant to be a laugh, but the response was cold.

"Never trust a man was the first lesson I learned from my father and mother. They also always told me that a man belongs to the same family as the wolf, so you can never be too careful, even if you are a hundred times careful. And……."

With a attack sheet that included dozens of attempted kidnappings since she was a child, the idea of trusting a man's meager, reed-thin reason was absurd. How could she trust a man's self-control when she had nothing else to trust?


"It's nothing, you don't need to know."

"I am more wary because I do not know your heart," Na Yerin finally managed to say. If she could see his heart, for better or worse, she wouldn't be so tense. The very fact that they were in a darkened room was keeping Na Yerin on her guard.

"Gee, gee, I'm not getting any credit at all."

Grumbling, she shook her head in frustration.

"Never once has anything happened to credit a man. Though countless things have happened to discredit men!"

Na Yerin's words were cold and firm.

Her words were true. Since she was a child, there had been countless men who had tried to kidnap her because of her beauty, some of them even related to her. She didn't ask for it, but her beauty had a way of mesmerizing people. Men of any level would be paralyzed in her presence.

If her father hadn't been a warlord, this would have been the end of her. Until now, Na Yerin had been able to maintain her virginity by the skin of her teeth under her father's shadow. So it was unreasonable to hope that the barrier of her distrust of men would be easily removed.

If there's one group of people who can't be caught off guard, it's the men. They're not far off the mark when it comes to wolves. Men deserve to be mistrusted.

"Was it that bad?"

When Bi Ryuyeon asked, Na Yerin's face grew cold, and she focused on the flames. Her eyes sank into the abyss as she recalled memories of the past she didn't want to recall.

"I know it's incomprehensible to you-it's incomprehensible to the average person anyway! My childhood was always surrounded by the malice of men."

She continued to speak. Not knowing why she was saying this in front of this man!

"When I was a kid, I was almost kidnapped on the side of the road 986 times, kidnapped in front of a stall 758 times, kidnapped by a thug who climbed over the fence in the middle of the night 108 times, and when I was a little older, I walked into a restaurant and fought off a bunch of thugs 899 times! And if you add in the Hao-moon gangs that show up one by one every time I walk down the street, the total is 5,672. I've been through all of this since I was ten years old, and you think men are worth trusting?"

The words that came out of Na Yerin's mouth were so colorful and flamboyant that they left listeners speechless. It was hard to believe. There were more than a hundred people who knew who Na Yerin's father was, and yet they remained silent. So what can I say?

Under the threat of countless kidnappings, she had spent what should have been her most innocent childhood. The scars on her heart were bound to be deep.

"Oh, so that's what happened, that's distrustful, that's what men are like, that's a little surprising."

Bi Ryuyeon shook her head.

Humans at the bottom of their willpower, unable to control their desires, were clustered around her. It was almost strange not to be disgusted by them.

Bi Ryuyeon said firmly.

"Don't trust him, or you're done. My master told me that the one thing in the world a woman should never trust is the animal called a man. A woman, especially a beautiful woman, should be careful and cautious when dealing with a man, look at a light that's gone out again, knock on a stone bridge before it's safe to cross."

He sounded like he was talking about someone else, and it's not like talking that way exonerates him of being a man.

Na Yerin looked at Bi Ryuyeon with a strange gaze.

"You must be an unusual teacher."

"It was definitely unique!"

Of course, in a sense, it's amazing.

"You're a terrible drinker, and you specialized in child abuse and extortion. You never lifted a finger, and you all took advantage of this vulnerable disciple until you cut him to the bone……. Blackblackblack, I can't help but feel bitter as my miserable past comes back to haunt me, surely there are no two masters like him in this world."

Na Yerin's eyes widened like bird's eyes at Bi Ryuyeon's offhand remark.

"Foot, I've never heard anyone criticize their own master like that."

"Haha, I always tell the truth!"

Bi Ryuyeon smiled at her.

Na Yerin didn't realize that she had laughed for the second time in front of Bi Ryuyeon.

The first one was just being careless, so what was the second one?

The bonfire roared, spitting out sparks. The shadows on the walls shook violently in the flames.

Ryuyeon Bi said.

"It's all well and good not to trust a man, and it's impossible to trust him fully now anyway, but avoiding him doesn't solve everything. My Sifu used to say that if you're going to run away from something because you're scared, it's better for your back and your mental health to smash it cleanly, whether it's powdered or supersmashed, and I couldn't agree more: you can't solve things by avoiding them!"

Na Yerin turned her head to look into Bi Ryuyeon's face. His rain-soaked bangs completely obscured his eyes, but there was a gentle, relaxed smile on his face.

Na Yerin felt as if one of the tangled wefts binding her heart had been unraveled with a whimper. She didn't know why, and she didn't want to know. It seemed like she shouldn't.

But what does it matter.

A fantastic smile appeared on her red lips. It was as if the statue of the moon jade was smiling back.

"You must have been a great teacher."

She'd heard of countless miracle workers and freaks of nature, but even she found it hard to believe.

"It was amazing, to the point where I never want to see him again, and now I'm worried about how much he's blowing his savings on booze while feasting on the bones and flesh of his apprentices…… and if he runs out of money, he might come after me…….. And that would be a big deal."


She couldn't help but be surprised by Bi Ryuyeon's casual way of saying outrageous things.

Na Yerin looked at Bi Ryuyeon with a dumbfounded expression. She didn't know how to react to Bi Ryuyeon, who was destroying her definition of a man one by one.

It was then.


The crystals outside the cave shuddered slightly, warning that an enemy had entered the cave.

Bi Ryuyeon's eyebrows twitched slightly.

He was an uninvited guest, and I truly didn't want him interrupting our private time together.

Tuning the rhyme scheme.

Bi Ryuyeon spread her five fingers wide and curled them back into a fist. He was manipulating the brain spirit like he was tuning a string. Na Yerin did not notice this behavior at all.

飛雷刀 奧義 奧意 秘意 秘意

A chapter in the book of connections

Desperation (切縛).

The struggle of the prey caught in the tightening web of the brainwraith was palpable on the threads.

"Zing! Zing!"

The Thunderbolt began to jerk violently. It was definitely caught. It was impossible to escape at this point.


The violently shaking thunderbolt stopped trembling and settled down like the surface of a calm lake.

She unclenched her hands again.

"What's going on?"

Na Yerin asked curiously, noticing something strange about Bi Ryuyeon, who had been paying close attention to the Thunder Spirit's movements for a while.

"No! Nothing happened."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled.

The heavy rain dwindled to a trickle, and the sound of raindrops hitting the ground became less frequent. Between the weakening rain and the brightening sky, a faint ray of sunlight pierced the darkness.

The day was a dog.

Bi Ryuyeon felt good. The clouds between her and Na Yerin seemed to have lifted a bit, and the gap between them seemed to have closed a bit.

When will we be close enough to cross over to the other side?

It was a question that no one could answer.

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discord ko-fi