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Book 6 Chapter 33

Stuck in a storm with Na Yerin

The rain is falling hard.

Ride the curved surface of the cave entrance

The water droplets fall to the ground, one by one, until they hit the

It creates another ripple in an already stagnant pond.

Despite the dampness from the rain clinging to his body, Bi Ryuyeon felt good. Being with a beautiful woman in a cave in the misty mountains is a charming situation, and he should be grateful for the whims of the heavens that brought down a sudden rain on a dry sky.

"Don't you think you should dry yourself off?"

After finding some dry leaves and branches in the cave, Bi Ryuyeon built a bonfire and said to Na Yerin, who was beside her.

Liao Tie (麗態).

Her clothes were soaked with rain and clinging to her, revealing every curve of her body.

Na Yerin replied coldly.

"It's fine the way it is, don't bother."


Of course, she was forced to face this situation, but Na Yerin's attitude toward Bi Ryuyeon showed no signs of thawing.

"You've been hanging around for a long time, which is not a good way to make friends, and I don't think it's very smart to be in front of a man for a long time like that."

Her words were almost like advice. In fact, Na Yerin's current behavior was more like demonic. It was almost criminal.

The first question is whether her skills in relationship-building qualify her to advise Na Yerin. The complexity of the spider web of grudges she's created in the short time we've known her is mind-boggling. It was absurd to discuss human relationships in a topic that was piling up with unspoken challenges every day.

Na Yerin must have known this. The counterattack came quickly.

"I'm not sure I'm interested in taking advice on building relationships from someone who takes it unarmed, day in and day out."

"Haha, that's one for the books."

At Na Yerin's response, Bi Ryuyeon scratched the back of her head in a cool way.

Then there was silence again. The walls were still thick around Na Yerin, and she looked so beautiful, even a little dazed, that I wanted to kiss her.

The rain pounded in my ears.

"Why did this happen?"

Na Yerin felt the need to give it some serious thought.

It wasn't that she had a specific idea in mind; she just wanted to take a walk alone, away from everyone else. She was also uncomfortable being in a group of people. It's hard to be in a group of people and not be able to control your thoughts.

So there I was, alone, walking up a mountain trail, away from the pack. He felt comfortable being alone. Until he suddenly felt life pressing down on him. The assailants were seven in number, and they were attacking in a coordinated series. It was clear from their organized, coordinated, and skillful movements that they were no ragtag bunch.

"Are you in league with the raiders on the Yangtze?

This was the most likely story.

What I don't understand is why these mysterious raiders are running rampant in the realm of shamanism. It defies common sense.

While this is nothing to sneeze at in terms of individual skill, it seems that martial strength is not an absolute requirement to kill an opponent.

For a woman who had always fought fairly, fighting marauders who would stop at nothing to kill their opponents was a new experience. With seven of them camped in a circle, spraying poisonous spells at her without warning, it was hard for even her to defend herself.

But he wasn't out of the woods yet. The problem was, these seven weren't the only ones looking for him. He could feel the presence of others who hadn't yet come out into the open.

These raiders were fearless, and had apparently set up a siege network within the non-party territory.

"What would have happened if this person hadn't come along then?

Their offensive tactic, if the opponent was a master, was to lock down the opponent's ability by preemptively blocking his movements: by reducing the width of the movements and cutting off his breathing, they prevented him from performing at his best. Meanness and ugliness were not part of their considerations.

She didn't care if her companion was slashed by her sword or not.

Na Yerin's eyes burned with a killing intent, a killing intent she'd never felt before.

It would have been dangerous if Bi Ryuyeon hadn't shown up at the right time; her martial arts skills were far superior to his, but she wasn't used to fighting like this.

The immediate danger was taken care of, but the weather was next. The black clouds that covered the sky spewed ferocious rain as if they had a job to do.

A torrential downpour that drenched every hair on his head left his son-in-law in the dark. The situation was made worse by the fact that the downpour occurred in a dense forest.

A downpour like this would be the best thing that could happen to erase any trace of the invaders.

First, they had to find a place to shelter from the rain, which is how Bi Ryuyeon and Na Yerin ended up in this cave.

"But why?

Staring at the blazing log fire, Na Yerin asked herself.

It definitely helped.

So why is it that even though they've clearly helped me, I don't feel grateful at all?

It was a strange thing, even for her.


The mind has no answers.

"Shoot me……!"

The rain that falls in the dark shows no sign of stopping.

"Everyone else will be okay, right?"

Despite her stoic demeanor, a thin line of color crosses her face as she worries about those left behind.

"There's a Yeomdo nozzle down there. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Don't worry, they're not the kind of people to be taken down by these guys. If they're weak enough to be taken down by these guys, it's a waste of all the names they've built up! You can trust them."

"Because they're my students.

I swallowed hard. No one would believe me if I said it out loud, and there was a risk that it would only increase distrust.

"I suppose so."


Bi Ryuyeon shook her head vigorously. If she lost, she wasn't going to let it happen. Na Yerin looked relieved.

There was an awkward silence again.

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discord ko-fi