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Book 6 Chapter 32

Ryuyeon Bi

-Brilliant! Brilliant!

Bi Ryuyeon's new shooter is at the training camp.

It took less than a minute to get there.

"Of course!"

He was right. She wasn't the only one targeted.

The assailants were targeting all of the Heavenly Guards in the training camp. Apparently, they didn't want to spare any of their own.


Sword met sword and sabers flew through the air. Their movements were those of highly trained killers. Fortunately, there was no pushback. Everyone remained calm as they faced the mysterious assailants, especially Zhu Zichen, whose performance was dazzling. He was clinging to Qin Lie's side, protecting her and dealing with the enemies without much effort. He seemed to be getting better and better these days, and since Tang San was also an enemy, he was memorizing to his heart's content. If not at a time like this, when else would she be able to memorize so freely?

In fact, in terms of individual skill, the Heavenly Pavilion's cultivators were all at a much higher level. The only thing they lacked was experience in life-and-death battles. To add to that, they weren't very good at group combat, except for the main squad.

Bi Ryuyeon could intuitively sense that these raiders belonged to the same group that had attacked her on the Yangtze River. They smelled the same.

Instinctively sensing that they couldn't fight one-on-one, they formed a four-man team and swarmed the Heavenly Guards.

Red blood was oozing from the wounds on the bodies of several of the Zuzak, who had been caught unprepared by the unexpected attack.

A thunderbolt flashed in Bi Ryuyeon's eyes.

Wrath (震怒)!

"How dare they tamper with other people's stuff!"

Bi Ryuyeon's anger exploded.

Lightning Sword Righteousness Sword Qi

Chapter of the Black Lightning Death

phoenix thunderbolt (閃雷).


Bi Ryuyeon's arms spread wide to the left and right, and dozens of streaks of sword Qi shot out from his sleeves like arrows of light, slicing through the group and piercing the bodies of the assailants with precision.


"What, what?"


The assailants fell like straw before they could put up a decent fight.

It was a spectacular herbivory, like the flapping of a phoenix's wings. It was a destructive feast, like a horde of thunderbolts sweeping through an intestine.

The room fell silent for a moment at this amazing sight; it had happened so suddenly that they couldn't comprehend it.


Suddenly, she realized something very important. No matter how much she looked around, she couldn't see Na Yerin. Normally, she should have been showing off her sword skills.

"And me Sojae?"

Rushing into the sword-filled battlefield, Bi Ryuyeon hastily grabbed Namgung Sang and asked.

"Yes, I went up to the top earlier to explore the mountain by myself."

"What? That means you fell alone!"

"For example, ……."

Namgungsang stammered. Bi Ryuyeon shook his shoulder impatiently and asked.

"Which way did he go?"

"There, over there."

Barely able to move her fingers, she tapped the statue of the South Palace pointing in her direction, and the new Bi Ryuyeon shot back up to the top like a beam of light.

The day was getting darker and darker, with dark clouds gathering in the blue sky.

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discord ko-fi