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Book 6 Chapter 31

What happened in the past

The time of the instantaneous swordsman is

Going back a hundred years

I was standing on the side of a mountain in the middle of an amphitheater.

He kept the day's events to himself.

The current swordsman was only 18 years old when he participated in the Heavenly Blood Tax Tournament, and he witnessed an unbelievable sight that still drives him to hone his skills.

It was the equivalent of the sky falling and the earth shaking for the young man.

An old man, facing him, sword drawn, and a respectful death penalty. His breathing was noticeably irregular, as if he'd already had a few clashes.

"Kid, why don't you surrender now, you little brat, you don't know the case, do you want to die?"

The old man's tone was mocking. It was as if he didn't want to play anymore.

It was the first time the swordsman had ever seen his brother tremble with fear. It was an unfamiliar sight to see such weakness in the once proud and high-minded man.

But Gong Zongquan didn't seem to want to admit his defeat. His pride, nurtured by the collective warrior strategy of the old schools, was too much for him to admit defeat to a mysterious old man. Gongsong Ilquan gathered his last bit of energy and delivered the final blow.


The sword's sway, flowing like the waves of the Yangtze River! The subtlety of flexibility to subdue strength!

The legendary sword of the shaman, the Tai Qi Sword, had been realized in its most perfect form before the current swordsman's eyes. It seemed unstoppable, no matter how strong the old man was. But the swordsman soon saw that he was wrong.


In an instant, the heavens, the earth, and everything else in the world were covered in golden flashes of light, and the entire body of the polite man was stabbed.

It was a mesmerizing sight, like a golden net distorting the sky.

The co-founder and hope of the old school, Mo Yongzheng, who was said to be unstoppable with a sword except for the Divine Sword Association, as it was called at the time, had been defeated by a gray-haired old man.

It was a mind-blowing shock to the young swordsman.

It was the swordsman himself who descended the mountain, surrounded by a dazed and unconscious Gong Yi, his body covered in bloody, cobwebbed wounds.

He kept what he saw sealed in the depths of his heart and told no one else. Probably not even Gong Gong Quan, who is a capital offense, knows that he witnessed it.

All he knew was that the current swordsman had found him after all the cases were closed, when he happened to be out on a search and rescue reconnaissance. Even now, a hundred years later.

From that day forward, the swordsman could never forget the first glimpse of the old man hiding behind the tree. He couldn't forget the image, which had already been burned into his mind like a flame. Even in his dreams, the old man's glance washed over his entire body with increasing clarity.

With a single wave of his hand, he turned Kufa's hopes into despair!

From then on, the current swordsman had only one goal. He wanted to embody the mysterious old man's essence in a single sword, a sword that was the pride of a shaman, and when he got to the final place, he wanted to destroy it.

In order to destroy a sword element, one must first embody the targeted sword element in order to most completely shatter its illusion. This was also the case with the Three Emotions Taijiquan Sword Technique, which he passed on to his beloved disciple Cheng Heon.

The swordsman could not yet let go of the sword in his hand to embody the vision of the golden web that seemed to tear the sky apart, and to destroy it again. Fifty years! Finally, he was able to realize one crucial difference. It came to him suddenly, out of the blue.


The old man's days were infinitely free. The harmony between heaven and earth, the heavens and the earth, and the infinite freedom of not being bound by anything was contained in the old man's first seconds.

From that day forward, the shaman was visited by a flesh-eating, wine-drinking giant. He held the terrifying title of the former head of the shaman sect. Even though all the shaman elders and masters treated him as mentally ill, dismissed him as a child, ignored him, and treated him as a backstabbing apostle, he persisted on this path.

I couldn't bring myself to say the numbers.

"How did you pull that off? What was missing in my swordsmanship?"

The swordsman's question was filled with heat. He sounded like a young man in his twenties, passionate and full of life.

"My grandfather's sword isn't free yet, it's too conventional. "

The current swordsman couldn't understand Bi Ryuyeon's words.

"Freedom? I always wanted to be free. To do so, I had to free my body first. The mind and body are a unity, and I thought that once the body was free, the mind would be free. But I had been so bound by the shaman's pretense, the laws, and even the dietary requirements……. I was unable to pursue such freedom from the heart! So my apprentice suffered a lot, thanks to this master……. But he's still not free……. Still not enough?"

At the dazed swordsman, Bi Ryuyeon struck a decisive blow. It drove a wedge into his wavering heart.

"Hmm, I don't think he's free yet, tied down by an obsessive need to be free!"

At Bi Ryuyeon's words, an instantaneous thunderbolt struck the swordsman's entire body. It was an overwhelming joy, as if a mass of consciousness had exploded within him, multiplying dozens of times over.

Aha moment!

It was then that the master swordsman could consciously recognize that his sword had changed. It was a mysterious feeling indeed.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ……!"

A crimson roar erupted from the swordsman's mouth. If there was any other way to express his bursting joy, he thought, it would be by dancing naked, or by eating his drink to pieces, or by doing anything else.

I felt like my heart was going to burst with joy if I didn't express it soon.

"That's right, the old man is laughing hard. He's in good spirits!"

It was a big smile that made even the onlookers smile.

It's hard to imagine that he's a Master of the Ninefold Sword of the Ninefold Sword, the Heavenly Dragon Blue Cloud, who looks so dignified and serious. How could it be a shaman's best sword, and he's an expert of the entire clan with a point of entry!

No credit was given.


Amhonbiyoungdae Amhonbiyoungdae Amhonbiyoungdae 3rd group leader Blacksalad Blacksalad wanted to cry now.

With a single wave of her hand, the black flesh and black statue became like a captured sparrow, unable to escape. He had never been so humiliated in his life. However, he was still alive, so perhaps he was better off than the others. Of course, that remains to be seen.

Bi Ryuyeon said with an expressionless face as she placed her foot on the chest of the black figure lying on the dirt floor with his blood pressure subdued.

"I believe that you will endure any pain or torture without giving in. I believe that even if your stomach is split in ten, even if your intestines are pulled out and dismembered, even if your eyeballs are plucked out, your tongue cut out, and your skull punctured, you will never open your mouth.

I hope you won't disappoint me, and since you're not going to let any secrets out of your mouth anyway, it won't matter what I do to your body, will it?"

The blackness made every nerve in his body tingle and his heart pound with terror. A terrible sense of foreboding dominated his entire body. No normal human would be able to emit such a glare.

"Hey, hey, hey! Young man! Now, wait a minute!"

The black figure cried out, writhing in agony.

"What? I can't hear you!"

Facing the direction of no one, she shouted at the top of her lungs, showing that she didn't care at all about the object that was crashing under her feet.

Bi Ryuyeon's eyes began to glow strangely as she looked at the blackness she was treading on again.

"I didn't see anything!"

The swordsman quickly walked away. No matter what happened, he wouldn't get involved.


Without even pretending to listen to the begging and pleading, Bi Ryuyeon began to stomp on him.


A scream echoed through the mountains, attesting to the wretched words of one man.

It was a steep price to pay for failing to identify a topic.

"Well, Grandpa, I'll see you next time. "

"Hehe, yes, I will. I look forward to our next meeting!"

"Well, good luck with that!"

After quickly exchanging pleasantries with the current swordsman, Bi Ryuyeon began to climb the mountain, using the techniques of the Phoenix Sword Secret Art with polarity.

Tanshin (彈身)!

It was like a flash of lightning.

"Who the hell is this kid?"

It was time to return to the text. A strange air current was enveloping the entirety of Mudang Mountain. This was not to be taken lightly.

Rising from his seat, the swordsman strode toward the shamanic sect in the middle of Jiaxiao Peak. With a single, light footstep, his new weapon glided five zhangs away.

The shamanistic practice of playing with the clouds was in full force.

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discord ko-fi