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Book 6 Chapter 30

Appear in the past, present

"Now that you've eaten, let's do some postprandial exercise, eh, young man?"

"Yes? Can I help you?"

"Nodo was meditating the other day.

I realized one check.

Do you want to take a look?"

"Is it free?"

The first thing I did was check to see if there was any monetary consideration.

"Okay, I'll do it!"

The swordsman nodded approvingly. He could take money if he wanted to, but this time he would do it for free.


Feeling a strong sense of loss, the swordsman rose from his seat.

"Young man, what do you think of a swordsman?"

As they walked to a large clearing, the Wise Swordsman asked.


The swordsman's off-the-cuff question was not the sort of thing that could be answered off the cuff. He didn't expect an answer, so he didn't bother to rack his brains.

"A swordsman is one who lives by the sword. A swordsman is not a swordsman unless he is mad about the sword. I have risked my life to destroy a single herbivore. Even stopping the unleashing of the Thunderbolt is nothing compared to this!"

The swordsman's eyes sank deeper and deeper, and Bi Ryuyeon could fully feel a net-like aura of power emanating from his entire body.


His sword slowly came out of its sheath and rested in his hand. His appearance before the sword and after the sword were heavenly.

Before he picked up the sword, he was unassuming, like the old man next door, but now that he was holding the sword, his qi was so majestic that it was reminiscent of the Taishan Jun Peak.

The current swordsman had already reached the point of capturing nature within his sword.


His sword, which had been as stoic as a mountain, gradually moved as naturally as water flowing, and then turned into a streak of light that lit up the sky.

The threefold taijiquan sword of the extreme will, the heavenly net.


A dense web of golden color graced the sky. It was a sight to behold. It was a very fine and dense web of black energy.

The change came and went like an illusion.

The swordsman unleashed a sword web of light, covering the sky, then sheathed his sword and sat back down.

"Wah wah wah wah!"

Bi Ryuyeon greeted him with applause, but his face was not young with the wonder of one who has seen high martial arts, and he showed no sign of surprise.

"It's been a while since I've warmed up like this, and it's kind of refreshing to get a little grounding every now and then."

"That's not a very Taoist thing to say, Grandpa."

"Heh, heh, heh, heh, who says there's a set way to say what a taoist says? If you can say what's in your heart, you're a taoist. The Tao is never far away, it is always with us."

"The way you're sarcastic, you must be a Taoist."

Only then did she realize that the strange old man in front of her was a teacher.

"So, how was it?"

The swordsman asked for your impressions.

"Well……. It was so dense that it seemed to have killed the power and speed of each strand of sword qi, and you seemed to be obsessed with change. Change is important, of course, but strength and change are just as important. Even the strongest net will be torn apart if the material is weak, right?"


The swordsman's mouth dropped open at Bi Ryuyeon's pointed remark, which was accompanied by a smirk. He looked dumbfounded, as if he had been hit in the back of the head with a blunt object.

"Who the heck is this guy?

He hadn't expected to be able to pinpoint the flaws in his own sword technique with such precision.

"Are you telling me this kid is even close to where I am?

It was unbelievable.

"Damn, who the hell is that monster?"

Espionage in the mountains! The phrase "over the mountains" was meant for times like these. The leader of the Dark Spirit Squadron's third group, the Dark Spirit Squadron, frowned as hard as he could. He hadn't even been asked to do it.

Failure on the water was a stain on the Dark Dragon Corps' reputation.

This time, they had to eliminate the target and build up the prestige of the Amhon Vigilantes. I'd even waited until I was separated from the group to do it more completely. There was no room for error.

But who is this old man who suddenly appeared? His clothes were worn, but he was obviously a shaman.

And what is that lying, terrifyingly powerful sword technique you just showed us?

"Am I looking at the wrong thing?

It was likely a hundred to one, a non-partisan squadron adherent. But I couldn't just walk away.

"I really need to get this one right this time……!"

He gritted his teeth; failure meant death, but the odds were too stacked against him.

'Should we just go back? No!

I gave it some serious thought, but the reality is that it's not that easy.

"Why don't you just do it?

If he went back, only punishment would greet him. That was an absolute no-no.

This was the mistake of a lifetime, and the last, for Black Sang, who did not fully grasp his abilities and proceeded recklessly. This error in judgment left him incapable of making any more mistakes.

"By the way, have you ever done anything in your life to earn a grudge against anyone?"

The Sage Swordsman asked, his complexion suddenly hardening.

"Hahaha, how could a nice kid like me get into a scary relationship of resentment with others, and Grandpa, you're such a good jokester."

It's like they don't care about what they've done.

Here's what the uninitiated think about memorization!

"What do you think of cramming?"

It was an off-the-cuff question.


With a wistful glance at the bits of meat that now remained on the bones, Bi Ryuyeon raised her head to look at the swordsman.

"Yeah, memorization!"

"If your grandfather's idea of a sneak attack is sneaking around like a rat in the dark, looking for loopholes and stabbing people in the back, then that's for wimps."

His words were poignant.

"Heh, heh, the young fellow is very radical!"

"Well, I've never been a fan of douchebags who try to raid, so save that for the douchebags who can't do it."

The words were poignant, like a blade on a tongue. It was no wonder she had this attitude. She'd been brainwashed that way since social media. From a shitty master…….

"By the way, there are a lot of sparrows around here, too, hiding like rats, interfering with other people's precious meals. Do you want to pay me to chase them away?"

Finally, after slicing through all the food in front of her, Bi Ryuyeon asked the old man for his opinion. He had the leisurely demeanor of a lion looking for post-meal exercise.

"Heh, heh, heh! That's enough to pay the bills. As long as you do that, I'll be able to go everywhere and not be told I'm indebted to you."

Curiosity flickered in the swordsman's eyes. It was refreshing to see a young man who had already noticed the existence of the sparrow he had only just discovered, and yet was completely unmoved by it.

"Shit! I've been caught! Kill!"

Now that his cover was blown, there was no way back. Crying, he ordered the attack.

"Infinite Longevity Buddha! Who dares to exude life force within the realm of the divine Shaman Sect!"

The swordsman's aura was low, but it was austere and atmospheric.


The black sparrow soared. But a sparrow that doesn't fly when its location is known is just food for birds of prey.

This is because no matter how hard they fly, sparrows are bound to have limitations.

Originally, the people of Bi Ryuyeon's private school, the Bi Liu Gate, had not been interested in such trivial matters as raids for generations, so Bi Ryuyeon's reaction to the sparrows' attack was one of disbelief.

This unexpected reaction was not a courtesy to the learner, who wanted to be upset and agitated by his hasty memorization. It was an insult to the learner.

The Master said.

"If you're a practitioner of the Lightning Sword, and you're capable of defending against even the most trivial of attacks, such as a surprise attack, no matter when or where your opponent comes out of the woodwork, you deserve to die! Anyone who would fall for such a fool's trick is not worthy of being a practitioner of the Lightning Sword. Of course, such a person shouldn't be allowed to pass on the martial arts in the first place."

This was the master's view of his students. It was a sentiment that Bi Ryuyeon agreed with wholeheartedly.

No matter what the circumstances, defeat is not acceptable. That was his true teaching.

It's a given that the average person will panic when faced with an unexpected situation. So, shouldn't an expert be able to do something different from these ordinary people?

It didn't matter to Bi Ryuyeon whether the enemy came or not, or whether the assassin who had been hunting her down came or not.

I was ignoring them to the point where it would hurt their pride to hear it.

The sight of Bi Ryuyeon leisurely digesting his meal was a gaping hole in their eyes, and the gruff-looking old man sitting next to him looked like a horse, and if it weren't for the sword herb the old man had just shown them, they would have hesitated to attack.

The price of running into the fire with a fire shroud was terrible. These two men were indeed monsters to be reckoned with, even when they were swarming.

He didn't pay any attention to the flock of black sparrows flying toward Bi Ryuyeon.

"If you have the power to tear the sky apart, it doesn't matter if it's got a floppy nose, you know, like that."

In the face of the shower of poisonous swords, Bi Ryuyeon swung her arms without looking back. It was a light movement, as if she was trying to swat away a flying fly. But the result was devastating.

Lightning Blade Sword Qi Secret Will

Chapters of the Tianraji Network

Thunderweb (天雷舞網)

Xue Tian (碎天).

In an instant, the entire sky seemed to be trapped in a golden net, and the black-clad assailants who had been charging at him fell backwards like sparrows caught in a net. The net that Bi Ryuyeon had drawn was not as fine or fine-grained as the one that the Swordsman had drawn earlier. However, the power and speed contained in every single one of them was unrivaled.

The black sparrows in flight fluttered as if caught in a net, then fell to the ground without a sound. Not a single one had managed to launch a proper attack. The golden net allowed the black sparrows to neither enter nor escape.

Bi Ryuyeon's skill was beyond their imagination. The members of the third group had to realize that they had made a grave mistake by focusing only on the swordsman.

"That…that…that! Uh…how can this be……. This, this absurdity!"

The Swordsman's eyes widened in horror. His emotional shock was as great as that of a coin horse. The shock of being struck in the back of the head with a dull mace would be no less.

It was the same golden net I'd seen a hundred years ago, covering the sky at the time.

The Swordsman's body stiffened as if frozen. His mind had already flown back to that day a hundred years ago.

For a moment, it was like seeing a past incarnation.

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discord ko-fi