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Book 6 Chapter 3

The sun still rises on doomsday

-Start of the Final Battle

The day of the showdown!

In a tone of unmistakable coercion and intimidation, Bi Ryuyeon said.

He looked around at the Zuzakdan Aggies and said.

In the face of today's unusually severe Bi Ryuyeon

A trickle of spleen was flowing into a river.

"I believe in you."

"Yes! Leave it to me. Big brother!"

The cast members replied in a cheerful voice, touched by the trust she had shown them after so long, like beans in a drought. She continued to speak, as if she wanted to express her trust further.

"I've always watched from the sidelines with a warm gaze as you've been working so hard to defeat the Blue Dragon Clan."

Come to think of it, what was the trigger that led to the inevitable bout between the Blue Dragon Clan and the Jujak Clan? (Somehow, I have a strong feeling that there was a non-mother figure's input at that time…….)

"So, to prove my supreme love for you and my trust in you, which is higher than the peak of Mount Tai, I have placed my entire fortune before you, so to speak……."

Unlike the first part, which was confident and thundering, the last part sounded like a passing remark. To Hana's ears, the voice was louder than thunder. Why that smile at the end, when you're saying what you want to say the most, looks so heinous……. It was clear that the last part of the speech was the most important part of what they were about to hear.

"So… if you guys lose, I'll lose money, right?"

By now, cold sweat was dripping down everyone's body like rain.

"If that happens, I'm going to end up on the street, a bum that no one looks up to……. And then I might have to fight for a bowl with the open kids later……. And then I'll be very sad, won't I?"

As if the misery of poverty had become a reality in front of her eyes, Bi Ryuyeon's face was already wistful and bitter.

"If that happens, I probably won't have any reason left, and I don't know what will happen then, and neither do you, so it's not a big deal, is it?"

She concluded with a smile, but it wasn't something to be taken lightly.

Ryu-yeon may not have known, but she certainly knew what would happen to her if it did.

They knew what would happen to them if that happened.

There is only one conclusion, then, and that is the absolute imperative that you must not lose this battle, you must win it. Even if it means cutting flesh and breaking bones!

"So, yes, you have to win, but if you're curious about what happens if you lose, I'm willing to salute that curiosity and address it in the most glorious way possible after you lose. You can look forward to it."

The words may have been meant as encouragement, but they made the cast members feel very uncomfortable. It was the kind of encouragement they never wanted to accept, and each word added a million pounds of pressure to their hearts.

They were acutely aware of their patriarch's unusual and excessive obsession with money, a warning that he would never let them lose. The mere mention of his money being at stake in their victory or defeat struck fear into their hearts more than any warning or threat. At the same time, the spirit and conviction that they could never lose welled up in their hearts.

This is what she is doing now as a mental education.





At Bi Ryuyeon's words, the members of the main troupe, like her, removed the ink circles from their hands and feet.


"I feel weird."

"Whoa, I think I'm going to fly!"

When he broke the 35 million muscle shackles that had held Monkey down for five hundred years, shackles that were like the Five Elemental Mountains, his body became as light as a feather, and his strength surged from the blackout. My courage increased a hundredfold, and a boundless, fearless confidence surged through me.

"Go, and hit it with all your might!"

"Yes, bye, big brother!"

The members of the cast answered proudly and loudly. It was finally time to put their training to the test.

People from all walks of life, holy, martial, and secular, crowded around a specially custom-built offstage that could accommodate 32 players simultaneously.

They say the most fun things to watch in the world are fires and fights.

Humans had a wide latitude to enjoy the misfortune of others in a safe place, as long as it didn't harm them or their surroundings, thus establishing the formula: their misery is my gain.

If it splashes, it's not your own blood; if it cuts, it's not your own flesh. Humans are universally insensitive to the suffering of others, so it was natural to think of it as a fire across the river.

Especially for those who don't have a particular hobby for developing and improving their abilities, watching the fights was a very exciting festival and a beneficial leisure activity that hadn't been seen in a long time since Samsung Muje.

As if to show just how many people there were in the Heavenly Martial Academy, the place was packed to the brim with people. All of the people gathered here, each with their eyes glazed over with excitement, were focused on the upcoming battle between the Blue Dragon Clan and the Zhu Jia Clan.

The look in the eyes of those who reached into their own pockets at the hastily organized eye test was especially intense.

All of these battles are public, and they are fought in front of everyone. It is not possible to expect fairness and external credibility in a showdown that takes place in secret in a small place, so it is done in public, in front of everyone.


With a thunderous roar, the main characters of the day finally emerged from the bustling crowd. Fifteen members of the Blue Dragon Clan, led by the Blue Dragon Clan's Heavenly Beast Jade Dragon Godsword Meng Yanhao, and fifteen members of the Zhu Jia Clan, led by the Zhu Jia Clan's Thunder Blade Dragon Namgung Sang.

Yeomdo and Ice Sword Guan Qianxiu watched the students who had been taught by them with mixed feelings from their special viewing seats alongside the Heavenly Guanjue Invincible Iron Fist Majin.

It was finally time for the final showdown, with the pride of two top players and a student's life savings on the line.

The members of the Zhu Jiajia Clan, along with the Blue Dragon Master Meng Yanhao and a few others whose names need not be recalled, fought toe-to-toe. There was no room for trickery or subterfuge here. Only true strength, skill, and an understanding of the martial arts would be recognized as useful measures of skill.

Strength and power, chi and qi, clashed in one place.


There was a departing cheer.

It may have been a bloodbath for the parties involved, but it was an exciting bout for the onlookers.

The spectacle of the martial arts essences clashing on the vast special off-stage area, which was fifteen times larger than the normal off-stage area, was nothing short of spectacular. Sword light was abundant and dao light was abundant.

The swords of the Blue Dragon Corps, who had been taught by the Ice Sword Guan Xue, were incredibly accurate and precise; their edges were sharpened to the point of resembling a single razor blade, and they were refined to the point of perfection, which is to say, they were approaching the perfection of their form.

On the other hand, the troupe under Yeomdo's tutelage was unconventional, free, and unstoppable. And most of all, they were explosively fierce.

It was a battle of egos, with no one backing down, and all hands on deck.

And for Bi Ryuyeon, the most precious thing in the world was at stake: money.

It's not just the drones, it's the humans.

It's no secret that practice is more important than anything else. But Bi Ryuyeon had a different idea.

Practice was not in his dictionary. He'd rather die than fight. How dare he think of losing money and being punished for it…….

For Bi Ryuyeon, the actual loss of money, the deplorable act of losing something so precious and priceless, was unacceptable, even if it meant death.

The opposition was stark.

Their skill in the early stages of the game was dazzling. Unlike the Blue Dragon, who have always focused on improving their individual skills, the Zuzak have always learned to fight as a team.

From Amishan to the Blood Return, they've always had each other's backs, even under the blades of the recent Yeomdo, so it's no surprise that the Blue Dragon Corps, which has focused on improving their individual skills, has fallen behind.

The others in the Blue Dragon Corps weren't a problem, but the last five were.

They were great people, but they were in the past. History was being rewritten as of today.

In person, the prowess of the Blue Dragon Clan was beyond imagination. That they hadn't just been playing under the tutelage of Guan Xue, the master of the Five Heavenly Swords, was evident in the sophistication of their moves today. But that didn't mean that the members of the main squad who were facing off against them had any desire to be outclassed. They had already received realistic, bone-and-flesh training from one of the five great masters of the Five Heavenly Swords, Yan Dao.

And they had one more reason to be absolutely desperate not to lose. It was an unforgettable reminder from the Great Master, which weighed more heavily on them than a thousand other things.

When the pride of the Blue Dragons became arrogance, they paid a heavy price.

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discord ko-fi