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Book 6 Chapter 4

A mistake of pride, a woe of pride!

-Learning Qigong with the body of a scholar (奇功: uncanny study)

Lack of confidence makes a person timid,

It discourages courage and stifles behavior.

But conversely, if you're overconfident

The monster that is complacency can get in the way, clouding your vision and making it harder to see the

It has a terrifying power to impair judgment.

To be honest, he had let his guard down. Vigilance, invoked by pride, always invites one's best friend, misfortune, at any time and in any place! This formula was an immortal truth that had never failed him.

The other day, he was rather angry that he had flattened the nose of his cousin, the poisonous flying fish Dang Wenchen, who had always bothered him since he was a child, like a bedbug cake pressed against an iron plate.

Tang San's spirits were lifted that day when his cousin, Tang Wentian, kicked his ass, and by then, Tang San was so confident in his memorization techniques that he felt he could fight anyone and not lose.

It's nice that the confidence I felt that day has carried over to today, but it's also nice that I went too far with that confidence, and that's where I ended up losing my temper.

The problem was that I was so emotional and rushed to do whatever I felt like doing that I forgot to pay attention to my surroundings, and I should have been much more cautious than I was in other martial arts, especially memorization, because the stakes are so high when you fail.

When his confidently thrown Three Circles Flying Sword and one of his strongest techniques, the Seven Stars Linking Circles Flying Sword, were defeated by the Blue Dragon Danzhou Heavenly Beast Meng Yanhao's sword, his entire body was defenselessly exposed under his opponent's sword.

Seizing the opportunity, Meng Yanhao's sword, as expected from the Volcano Sect, was not flimsy enough to give Tang San a chance to dodge. The relentless and fierce sword energy hidden within the countless falling plum petals swept across Tang San's body, making his clothes look like rags.

It was clear that he had things in his hand, but it was also clear that he was not completely forgiving.


Under Meng Yanhao's fierce blade, Dang Shan couldn't suppress his boiling qi, and he screamed and fell backwards. It must have suffered a terrible blow.


Even in the main workshop, Dangsam's best friend, the old crane, came running toward him with a scream.

"Where are you going? You're not going anywhere!"



Concerned for his friend's safety, Luo Hak's steps were blocked by one of the Blue Dragon Order members, preventing him from proceeding further.

It didn't matter what the name of the Blue Dragon Corps member who stood in his way was; all that mattered was that he was standing in his way! Fire sparked in the eyes of the grumpy beggar.

"Aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! "


With a roar, the green batting cage in Noh's hand began to radiate a myriad of changes.

After removing the heavy ink circle that was like a shackle, the transformation of the striking rod in the hands of the old master was unrivaled. The change that emanated from the end of the bending rod was eternal.


The Blue Dragon Clan Vice Master Iron Sword Beast's eyes widened in horror. The gnome's attack had taken a bizarre turn that defied common sense, rushing toward his systemic uremia.

It's not that he hadn't faced open batting sticks before, but no one had ever made such a bizarre and unexpected change as Nohak.

"The three-legged beating stick method!

There was one secret martial art that he hadn't shared with his friends, the Zhu Zhak Dan, and that was the Three Jeweled Dog Strike, a secret martial art that he learned while being beaten to death by Bi Ryuyeon.

Since the beginning, there has been a secret art of opening that has been passed down as secretly as the innkeeper Anakne's: the holy art of hitting!

Legend has it that it was invented to be the most effective way to beat a dog, and it's been passed down as closely among the leaders of the Open as it is among adulterous lovers in a relationship.

Unlike the Eighty Eight Martial Arts, which can be passed down in small doses, this method is limited to the direct line of the Ark. Even Noh Hak, one of Ark's direct disciples, had only learned the first half of it, but not the whole thing. Only when he was admitted to the Heavenly Martial Academy was he able to learn a little more, or at least a little more of it.

By tradition, wushu is learned by begging. If you don't beg properly, you don't get the martial arts. As there are many different martial arts, the amount of martial arts a beggar accumulates in his or her lifetime depends on how well he or she can demonstrate the art of begging.

Some people refer to it as getting more and more cluttered. (They're not entirely wrong, actually).

The opening was floor-to-ceiling, and even the elders had different martial arts on the one god, and their lineage was more complicated than a tangled thread.

Of course, what Noh was practicing was not an open-ended, unorthodox method; even if it was the same dog beating with a stick, it was more elegant and sophisticated.

Noh Hak had committed an atrocity that would have made the Open Investigator weep tears of blood and tear out his hair if he had known about it: he had twisted and turned the handed-down half-formed batting sticks to his will.

He painstakingly refined and perfected his own version of a visionary hitting technique, and it's called the Samjae Beating Technique.

Like the Samjae Gutabong, the Sambok Gutabong is divided into three parts, but the meaning is slightly different.

Each of the three parts is labeled as a human seal, an earth seal, and a heavenly seal.

First of all, the third part, Inbong, is a martial art that beats a person like a dog and turns them into a dog, and the second part, Ji Bong, is a martial art that beats a person like a dog, but beats them enough to bury them in the ground. The first part, Tianfeng (天棒), which is the final part and the culmination of the three beatings, is a very fearsome and vicious martial art that beats a person so hard that the person ascends to heaven. The final tianfeng was intended to beat a person to a pulp and blow them away.

It was proof that gnosis had struck a chord deep in her bones, like the part that comes out when you boil bear soup.

The Samjae Kutai method has become a lost art, with no trace of the exquisiteness and brilliance that was originally contained in the Tagu method, which is the highest vision of openness, and only ignorance and bloody desperation remain. This is the three-beating method, a method that is so ignorant that it cannot be stopped.


Hasein, the Iron Sword Dragon, was momentarily taken aback by the sudden onslaught of the old man.

He could not easily cope with the many deviations from the normal rules of martial arts. Moreover, with Xuan Yun, the Flying Sword, at his side, he could no longer focus on the old man's spear alone, and that was his most fatal mistake. His momentary lapse in guard had given Luo Jia's Three-Faced Beating Rod Technique the opportunity to break through his defenses. His body was no match for the three strikes.



Recognition was never a consideration for either side.


A guttural roar like a pig's squeal erupted from Hasein's mouth. There was no trace of his status as a Heavenly Mighty Dragon anywhere in Hasein's body. Hearing such a shredding roar, how could anyone think that he was a master disciple of the Kunlun Sect?

Thus, Hasein, the Iron Sword Dragon, who was outside of Bi Ryuyeon's sight and the cause of this rainbow, was struck by the three-headed beating stick method of the old school and was cut to pieces.

Then a satisfied smile appeared on Bi Ryuyeon's face as she watched the scene from afar.

Never leave anything that's an eyesore.

"Even the smallest grudge is turned into a snowball and returned a hundredfold!

He had never forgotten the teachings of the Golden Rule of the Four Noble Sages.

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discord ko-fi