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Book 6 Chapter 2

The Bombshell Declaration

What is a proverb?

A short phrase that contains a moral or sarcasm.

There's a witty twist to it, too.

It contains the wisdom of the sages.

There's a saying about the generosity of time that goes something like this: even a rat hole has its day in the sun (or does it?).

Time is gold. Sure, there's a saying that says you should look at gold like a stone, but that's an aside for now, it's just a way of saying that time is precious and valuable.

However, there are many people around us who ignore the preciousness of time. Like a lover who wears rubber shoes backwards, we are angry and surprised that there are so many people who do not recognize the value and irreversibility(?) of the golden side of time that does not return once it is gone. By the way…….

Regardless (and surprisingly, it's really not as relevant as an eyeball and a half), as if to prove the infinite continuity of time, the date covenanted to the Zhu Jia Clan was approaching by the hour.

But even the intense pressure of approaching the big day, the daily wear and tear on his bones and the roasting of his flesh, paled in comparison to the agony of special training.

The cast members all looked at each other with tense faces. They were now more mentally and emotionally connected than any of the others by an invisible cord that had been bruised and battered day in and day out. They had reached a point where they could communicate without words, just by gestures.

Inevitably, the only way to stay alive under the ferocious heat of the Red Flame, the mourning sword of Yan Dao, which was both unstoppable and unrecognized, was to exercise the virtues of cooperation and mutual aid.

The leaves are falling, the cold northern winds are blowing, and it's only been a few days since the first snowfall that blanketed the world in white.

As the leaves fell and the weather turned colder in the early winter, the day of the battle was near. In contrast, Wang Daguri's training under the guise of Yidao's specialty was becoming more and more intense. However, the members of the Zhu Jiajia Clan, who had already been forged like swords by thousands of hammers on an anvil, were able to hold their own. They were inwardly proud that they were not dying.

Whether it was the fire spirit divine power, sword qi, or the sweat of three buckets worth of hard training, the training grounds were always sweltering with heat after training. This was true even in the cold, northern winter.

While there is a large amount of unmelted snow on the ground, there is no sign of snowfall anywhere around their practice area, a testament to their dedication to their training. It's easy to see how hard the Yeomdo has been working on them.

After a grueling and rigorous special training session, with sweaty bodies and throbbing sakshins, Biryou's unannounced announcement was enough to shake them to their core.



"Is that…is that true?"

In a friendly exchange, Dorando inquired as to whether he had any hearing impairment.

"Did you eat your goat's ears, I told you clearly!"

There was a hint of irritation in her voice, as if she didn't want to say it twice.

"But that's the problem, because its authenticity is highly questionable!"

Namgungsang spoke their minds as the representative of the main workshop.

"Hehe! Your faith is lacking, I didn't teach you that……."

Bi Ryuyeon spoke like an old and worn out warrior who has fought mountain warfare, water warfare, mountain warfare, and underwater warfare.

You have to understand how he feels right now.


It's a nice sounding team game, but it's really just a brawl with a different perspective.

Her unilateral notice was as follows

The main point of the notice was that the Zhujiak and Qinglong troupes would fight as a group of 32 men and women, in accordance with the agreement of the labor union in charge of both sides. To put it plainly, it was a group fight; to put it simply, it was a fight.

"Are you…are you really saying that you and Mr. Yeomdo agreed to that?"

He didn't want to believe it. He wanted confirmation that he was dreaming. But his hopes were dashed so simply by Bi Ryuyeon.

"Why don't you love how simple and convenient it is, and how nice it is to get it done in one fell swoop instead of having to fight over a dozen annoying posts?"

Sixteen (16) versus sixteen (16)!

It's a statement of intent that suggests he's been herded into a group just because it's annoying, for his own convenience (although that's true if you lift the lid and look behind the scenes…….).

"But that would be ugly, wouldn't it? It's a group show……."

Bi Ryuyeon Yan's unrelenting tirade fell on the stuttering Namgung Sang.

"Fool! Are you still dazed and pretentious? It's not the pretense that counts, it's the substance, the substance! We don't fight sixteen times a day. We settle it in one simple round, because we despise fuss and fuss!"

In fact, the only person here who didn't like the hassle was Ryu-yeon Bi.

In fact, even when groups and organizations were fighting, it was customary, normal, and "common sense" for people to come out one by one and fight one by one, and play a number game according to their victory or defeat. However, suddenly, a group battle without any precedent…….

It was a sound like a breeze in a dry sky, and it's hard to believe that such a breeze could be uttered so casually and guiltlessly…….

As always, we can't help but admire her nonchalance. At this point, everyone has no choice but to smile at her words, which are set against the backdrop of salt water.

Of course, not believing, or not wanting to believe, doesn't change reality.

Up until this point, they hadn't realized how much of an advantage they had gained.

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