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Book 6 Chapter 27

Ambush at Mudang Mountain

-Ambushes are difficult

It was a tedious wait.

I'm getting boils on my back.

It was a tedious time.

After continued tracking, the

It was a threadbare trail that I barely held onto.

Namgungsang waited for his target to appear, his heart burning with impatience. His throat was burning from nervousness and thirst. He suddenly realized that a cool glass of water would be a welcome relief. In addition, every muscle in my body was tense.

Cloaked, with his back to the wind, Namgungsang concealed his presence. His scent would not give him away. The contrast was perfect.

But it was my colleague and friend Nohak who failed to recognize this, and it was a fatal mistake.

"Nohak, goodbye!

After a moment's silence of mourning for Old Hak, who had just completed his reservation for the next life, Namgung Sang raised his head.


There was a flash of determination in his eyes.

"There can be no mistakes!


"Here we go!

At last, the target stirred. The sound of the target cutting through the grass was louder than thunder to the ears of Namgung Sang.

"Don't miss it!

He knew that if he missed it, he would join the ranks of the old school.


Emerging from his hiding place, Namgungsang sprinkled a piercing blue glow of yew leaf raindrops.


As if to prove what he'd been working on, in a flash of light, faster than the wind, Bido pierced his target's throat.

There was no resistance, which is a sign of the improvement and cleanliness of Namgung's workmanship.

A wry smile crossed the Namgungsang's face.


Namgungsang exulted inwardly, as if he could fly.

At last, he had accomplished his enormous task.

As he trudged down the mountain, he carried a rabbit in his hand, a sack of vidoes tucked into its collar as an ornament. As he had been assigned, he had successfully completed the grand and majestic task of securing dinner.

The old school paid too little attention to smell.

His deluded notion that his animal companions, whose sense of smell is dozens or hundreds of times more developed than ours, would not be able to smell the foul odors that had accumulated, piled up, and frozen all over him was an insult to the developed sense of smell that all animals possess.

No animal would ever think to come near a hunter who was scenting the air with a "I'm here" sign.

As if to prove that they weren't dumb, all the prey had already smelled it and fled dozens of sheets away before they even got near the gnomes.

Unless they were trying to suffocate the animal with their powerful odor, the gnomes had better give up hunting.

The gnome, who hadn't bathed properly for the legitimate reason that he was a beggar, and who showed no sign of having given much thought to the cleanliness of his body, exuded a pungent, nasal odor that made him a complete failure in his hunt for a side dish that evening.

He sacrificed one of his own bodies to become the Other Mountain Stone in the Southern Palace.

However, Namgungsang, who was basking in the glory of his own success compared to the failure of Lao Tzu, was forced to eat bare bones, just like Lao Tzu.

"What is this?"

With doubtful eyes, Bi Ryuyeon looked back and forth between the rabbit in Namgung Sang's hand and his face.

"Yes, it's a rabbit."

Like a man eager to boast of his exploits, Namgung Sang shouted out loudly.

"Why did you bring this in?"

"Yes? Of course, I caught it as a side dish for dinner."


As if there was nothing more to see, Bi Ryuyeon patted Namgung Sang on the back of the head.


Immediately, a rebuke came from Bi Ryuyeon.

"Hey, you little wimp, you grabbed this tiny thing and brought it here to stick it up somebody's nose?"

Namgungsang was forced to kneel beside Nohak, who returned empty-handed, and put his hands above his head.

The rabbits that the king caught were too small for dozens of people to eat.

In the end, the rabbit's fate was sealed by climbing onto Bi Ryuyeon's table. The rest of the cast members were forced to graze on the grass, resenting Namgungsang and Luohak.

"Why did you drag the main crew?

If someone were to try to find some kind of deeper, higher meaning here, I can guarantee they'd be 12% wrong.

Bi Ryuyeon's inclusion of the troupe on the sidelines of the training camp was simply for her own convenience. She didn't need to train them any further because they were already obedient in all household chores under her command. He had already trained them to perfection two years earlier so that they could do whatever he asked them to do.

It is because of their convenience and usefulness that Bi Ryuyeon has almost forced Zhu Zhaodan into this group, dragging him along with a rope around his neck. It was unreasonable to expect any other reason than the mere fact that she needed a maid.

Zhu Jiaodan's life was also a bit of an accident.

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discord ko-fi