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Book 6 Chapter 28

Finding Ki-yeon Sam-man-ri

"What's underneath this?

A foggy, sheer cliffside

Under the Rock of Despair

As she watched, she muttered to herself.

I wondered, "Is there such a thing as serendipity in a place like this?

When you're talking about a really big, long-established sect, like the Wudang Sect, which is considered to be one of the two great mountain ranges of the old schools, there are probably more than ten stories of hidden secrets or hidden martial arts secrets that have been passed down from generation to generation. I haven't counted them, but I'm guessing it's probably close to forty.

In Shaolin Temple alone, there were more than thirty different traditions stating that if you were to become a martial artist, you would become a master. And if you add up all the other minor traditions, it's a lot.

In fact, for these venerable schools, it wasn't a big deal to talk about a kung fu technique, a sword, or a martial arts class that was secretly stashed away somewhere by a master with a bad taste in his mouth.

This is unconfirmed, of course. However, there is a history that makes it impossible to say that there is no such thing. Oddly enough, there are people who claim to be related to at least one person for 50 years.

So you can't say it doesn't exist, and you can't say it's widespread. It may be that we literally only reach out to the right people. Yoon Joon-ho alone has stitched a kite out of thin air, although he is not utilizing it properly.

"If they found Junho, there's no reason they can't find me!"

After all, meat is only delicious when chewed, and treasure is only delicious when found. On the way to Mudang Mountain, I had heard enough about the treasures of Mudang Mountain from Hyun-woon. It could be said that he had memorized the treasure. It was a bizarre, even reckless, attempt.

"I could make a lot of money selling martial arts classes!

There was only one reason why Bi Ryuyeon wanted to find Qi Yan: he didn't need the profound knowledge of a peak cultivator to become one. What he wanted was a treasure that could be sold for money. Of course, a martial arts master was also worth finding, as it could be sold for an astronomical price.

He didn't care about the contents of other people's martial arts books. His heart was burning with a sense of duty to destroy the vagabonds and the martial arts techniques that encouraged them, even at the cost of his own life.

If I had to choose the most famous of the current shamanic schools, it would be the rumored legends of the Tai Goku Cave on Jiaxiao Peak and the Tai Goku Absolute Love on Yunda Peak. The reason was simple. The reason was simple: the place exuded an aura of something hidden.

It was the edge of that cliff, called Taegeukjeolae, where Bi Ryuyeon now stood.

A sheer cliff on Yundaebong, one of the five peaks surrounding Jaso Peak. Its majestic, rugged appearance and the fact that it seems to be hiding something piqued everyone's curiosity. It was also the best place to hide something.

But it wasn't a place where outsiders were readily accepted.

"Shall we go then?"

Firm in her resolve, she launched herself toward the sheer cliff. Soon, her new form disappeared into the mist.

He was always a lost cause.

Once she made up her mind, she would do whatever it took to accomplish it. She never looked back or regretted what she had decided to do.

He was always confident.

"Heck, was he having doubts about his life? A suicide out of the blue? This is too sudden!"

Watching Bi Ryuyeon from afar, the leader of the third group of assassins from the Dark Soul Flying Squad, Black Killing Sword, let out an exclamation of horror.

"He doesn't look like he's suicidal, does he?"

One of his subordinates replied.


He was acting a little too confident for a suicidal man.

"Let's go after him!"


The subordinate replied.



He beat the head off a subordinate who had asked him a question that displeased him. It was a grave disloyalty to ask a senior a question he could not answer. Such a bastard could be beaten, but…….

"Stop nagging and follow me!"

He began to think hard about how to get down the sheer cliff.

"What? What is this?"

Surprisingly, the area below Taegeukjeolae is not a canyon, but just a plain looking flatland, with trees growing everywhere, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a flatland.

"Is it a bust?

I scrambled down the cliff, but there was no sign of the blood in the middle. In fact, it was a bit of a cop-out to hope for a breakthrough after only one search.

The world is a big place, and one jump off a cliff is not enough to get you noticed.

At this point, a fragrant odor of unknown origin wafted into Bi Ryuyeon's nostrils for no apparent reason. It was definitely an artificial human cooking odor, as he was stirring up his market.

"Whoa, what's that smell?"

Bi Ryuyeon's sense of smell began to track the savory scent.

Even in the most unlikely of places, there were people.

He was an imposing, bearded old man with a sizzling whole roast over a roaring fire.

The venison sizzling in the flames was the source of the savory smell that had been assaulting Bi Ryuyeon's olfactory senses earlier.

"What, Taoist?

But there was something strange. The old man's clothes were clearly Taoist, from top to bottom, side to side.

Tosarani roasting a whole animal……. It was a truly unique sight.

But Bi Ryuyeon was not the least bit bothered by that, and approached the old man, with the caveat that a master would not engage in anything that did not benefit him, whether it was roasting meat or performing middle-ear maneuvers.

In front of the old man was a pile of smoked bones of an animal that might have once been classified as a deer species, but sizzling over a roaring fire was a mountain boar, limbs intact and no flesh missing.

How did this happen?

Soon enough, she realized that the old man (it's very questionable if he can be called a master) had finished one bath and was running a second.


Bi Ryuyeon, who had been walking next to Nodoin, suddenly clutched her chest and groaned.

"Where does it hurt?"

At this point, the old man, who had been so intent on cooking the fireside meal that he didn't seem to be interested in the world, raised his head and looked at Bi Ryuyeon.

"Yes……, suddenly my stomach is screaming for food."

"Not the heart, but the stomach? What a strange young man."

"He's a perfectly normal young man."

Before he could finish his sentence, Bi Ryuyeon sneaked over and took a seat by the campfire, a fragrant smell wafting into his nostrils and causing a sense of happiness to well up from deep within him.

"Wow, you're quite skilled! It can't be easy to get the heat just right, especially with venison, which has a very strong odor that you have to be careful with. Judging by the aroma, you've got the right amount of seasoning! Great job."

The old man looked at Bi Ryuyeon with a surprised expression on his face.

"You have eyes to see!"

It was a sincere compliment. Biryou looked at the pile of bones beside him and spoke.

"Wow, the old man has a big stomach. Not one, but two! I'm afraid he's going to have a heart attack."

It was a subtle tone of concern. The implication was that he should stop eating and pass the food to a stronger young man.

"Heh, heh, heh! Do you know that useless worrying is called chihu, and your mindlessness in contemplating this old path is astonishing!"

Nodosa, sensing Bi Ryuyeon's feelings, smiled.

"Why don't you give it a try, meat is best when it's roasted whole and eaten before it gets cold!"

She was hungry, so why not? Besides, it was free, so what's not to like? Ryu-yeon sat down coldly and moved closer to the fire.

"Wow, your grandfather knows what he's doing, I can tell at a glance that this isn't something he's done once or twice, he must be what they call a habitual offender, right?"

The old monk burst out laughing. His laughter was the kind of laugh that only those who are genuinely amused can produce.

"Heh, heh, heh, heh, yes, yes, yes, I'm an old master, a malko master who is recognized by the four directions, is that weird?"

She shook her head.

"No! It's a great hobby, but it's a shame there's no alcohol, maybe you weren't prepared?"

Nodosa smirked at Bi Ryuyeon's sharp point.

"Heh, heh, heh, it's a sin if you don't have a drink by your side when you're picking meat, and you want to accuse this old man of committing such a cardinal sin?"

He said, "Don't worry about it, there's plenty of liquor. He was a Taoist with a very strong sense of 有備無患.

"Oh, and what about the hides, antlers, and liver? What did you do with them? I'm sure you didn't do something stupid like throw them away or leave them behind."

Bi Ryuyeon's sharp question made Qin Tianzhao gasp in admiration.

"You've got it covered. Excellent, very excellent!"

After repeating that he wasn't sure what made it great, but it was great, he pointed his finger at a bottle of liquor sitting off to one side.

"Do you think that bottle fell out of the sky?"

"Hmmmm……, you mean you got that in exchange for selling hides and other supplies?"

Ryu-yeon Bi was smart enough to figure it out.

"That's right, that's right! At my age, I can't beg the kids downstairs for money to buy me a drink, I've got class, I've got a reputation……. If the kids downstairs found out, they'd drop out!"

"What a pity," said Turo no Tosa. It was out of the question for the head of the Great Martial Sect to spend public money on alcohol. It was obvious that the old man had already mastered this method of self-sufficiency decades ago.

"And he's a master! But it's a pretty good job, and I can tell it's not something he's done once or twice."

"Heh, heh, heh! Have you noticed? You get what you steal. I've got him skinned over there."

The old man was not embarrassed at all, but rather puffed out his chest and seemed to be proud of himself. When I saw him face to face, I couldn't believe my eyes.

At least I was able to desensitize myself to this because I'm a Bi Ryuyeon.

He never judged anything to be good or bad. Anything that stood in her way, whether good or bad, she would simply destroy.

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