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Book 6 Chapter 26

Punctuality of the Wise Man, Mujin

"Look, Priest, there's the Wise One passing by!"

From a tall watchtower

Liu Kangyi, a second-generation Shamanist disciple who was standing by the fire.

Said the priest to Yumang.

The third generation of disciples here is not a matrix calculation from the time of the lineage survey, but rather a calculation based on the lower allocation of Zhang Wenyin as one, and refers to the Yue character matrix disciple who becomes the disciple of the Yun character ship's disciple of Zhang Wenyin.

Their job now was to watch for forest fires and intruders and ring the bell in time. Originally, it was a common practice to ring the bell at an approximate time based on the behavior of the moon god that day, but Wudangshan had a special secret that could not be found elsewhere.

"Oh, I see, the master has finished his afternoon walk, so it's already yu shi cho (5:00 p.m.). Let's quickly ring the bell to signal the time."

Yu Kang scolded Prometheus for his rash behavior.

"Tsk, tsk, how impatient! Look! The Master has not yet passed through the middle gate of the performance hall! When his foot touches that threshold, it will be the end of Shinshi (4:00 p.m.) and the beginning of Yushi (5:00 p.m.). And when he enters the temple again, it will be exactly at 6:00 p.m.!"

Again, a hand-to-hand combatant outclasses a priest in experience, even if it is only a first-year.

"I forgot, sorry, death penalty!"

Promise clutched his head and apologized.

"It's okay, just be more careful next time!"

It was a lesson in deathly generosity.

"Deen! Deeng! Deen……!"

When Mu Zhenzhi's foot landed precisely on the threshold of the middle gate, Prometheus struck the bell ten times, as instructed by Liu Kang. It was the sound that announced Yu Xi. It was the happy sound of dinner.

He was a man who kept time like a knife. His bedtime and wake-up times, his walks, and his training sessions were never off by a single minute.

Furthermore, he always walked with a certain width in his stride and a certain speed in his steps. He would never speed up or slow down unless something extraordinary happened. That's why they called him the Time Reminder on Mount Wudang.

He practiced a method called Unchanging One-Centeredness, which involves always having the same thought and always doing the same thing, a method that seems easy at first glance but is difficult to accomplish. In the current Wudang sect, there is only one person practicing this method, Mu Zhenzhi.

After more than a decade of this behavior, it got to the point where the shamans could identify the day and time by looking at his behavior.

Thus, to know the time, the shaman could neglect to watch the movements of the star gods of the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon. The next day, the wujin would act and tell them what time it was.

One day, when there was an emergency meeting in the shadow party, he was the one who didn't show up because there was no meeting on your agenda today.

Of course, it's good for an infinite to create his own schedule and stick to it, but it's not so good for him to impose it on others.

It was impossible for anyone else to keep such an exquisite sense of time, something only an immortal could do in this world, and the impossibility of imitating the actions of others had already been acknowledged within the shamanic community. But even with this background, the problem was that he was not only skilled in timekeeping, but also in swordsmanship.

As such, he became the instructor of the Heavenly Sword Sect of the current year's Heavenly Martial Academy's Mudang Mountain Training Camp.

It was a cloud on the horizon for Ryu-yeon and her team.

Upon arriving at Mt. Wudang, the group breathed a sigh of relief when they realized that the master in charge of their training camp would be the Wise Master Wisdom. For Zhu Zhaodan, the fact that the master in charge was not a common master was a blessing in disguise.

But it was too boring.

They weren't even masters, and the master in charge of their training, Mu Jinzhi, was too regimented, too principled, too rigid.

The teachings of the Master, which consisted of doing the same thing at the exact same time every day without fail, were too boring for them at their prime of life.

To say the least, Mu Qin's sense of time was rigid. To make matters worse, he imposes it on the Heavenly Swordsmen. Luckily, the Zhu Clan was under the jurisdiction of Yan Dao, so they were able to narrowly escape his timekeeping spell.

Bi Ryuyeon, who didn't originally want to participate in the training, was frustrated.

But such a rigid and principled class……. It made me wonder if he was really a master. Anyway, it was a frustratingly tight teaching method that never suited me.

He was making the serious error of measuring others by his own standards.

It was called twelve and ten.

What he didn't realize was that just because something fits you doesn't mean it will fit anyone else. The backlash was inevitable.

"Isn't something big going to happen?

It wasn't unreasonable for her to feel this way, as she was the one who had built the wall without regard to order or rules.

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discord ko-fi